Chapter 1

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     I wish I could bring him back, our future would then be complete.

     It's Saturday, the first Saturday of the month. Little did I know that this was the Saturday, I would meet the love of my life. I looked at my alarm clock just as it went off for the 4th time. I had promised my cousin I'd go hangout with her today. I get up and grab my clothes. Black shirt, black leggings, a leather jacket, and my brand new converse. Just as I'm putting my shoes on I hear my cousin, Emma, honk her horn. She was not a patient one. As I run downstairs I am greeted by mom, I was hoping to avoid her. But I knew as soon as she caught me there was no escape.

"Lu, we need to talk" Mama says, as she's head towards the couch and pays it, motioning me to sit.

"Mom, I told you no and I don't understand why your pushing it" I told her

I keep looking for my purse and wallet, I come to the conclusion I'll never find it. However I keep looking as the phone rings. Mom stares at me till I finally sit down and listen to her.

"Luna, you need to go visit your brother. I know you hate water but New Orleans isn't all Water. I promise that." Mama said

"I'll think about it. However, I make not promises Mama" I said

"I understand. Can you get the phone before you leave I know Emma is probably going to come in upset. She will be fine." She said

Mom always did win others over. So I knew she wasn't lying when she said she would be fine. I answered the phone to my surprise it was a telemarketer. I head to Emma's car, knowing she's going to be snippy with me as soon as I get in for taking to long.

"Why are you late Lu?!" Em said

"Ask my mom" I said

"Oh I can't do anything about that then. What does she want?"

"She wants me to move to New Orleans and make sure my brother stays on his studies. You know I hate water though, so I don't know if ima go. "

"Girl do you know how they talk compared to up here I'd snatch me a New Orleans man in a second."

     While shopping I got more leggings and blouses. I know that my brother needs me, however I don't know if I wanna just pick up my life and move it to Louisiana.  I think on it for a couple of weeks till finally the guilt starts to set in. I was Moving to Louisiana and I couldn't stop myself no matter how hard I tried.

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