4. a hidden connection & shocking revelation into the

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Hidden Connection:

Minho and Namjoon were once close friends and musical collaborators, but a falling out led to a rift in their relationship. Minho felt betrayed by Namjoon's decision to prioritize his K-pop career over their musical partnership. Now, as they compete for Haru's heart, their past rivalry and unresolved issues resurface.

Shocking Revelation:
Haru, struggling to regain her memories, discovers a shocking truth: she was once a talented musician herself, and her connection to Minho and Namjoon goes far beyond coincidence. She was the lead singer of an indie band, and her music inspired Namjoon's early work. The earthquake that erased her memories also hid a painful secret: her band's tragic accident, which led to her amnesia.

With this new information, Haru must reconcile her past and present, and confront the true reasons behind her attraction to both Namjoon and Minho. The love triangle becomes even more complex, as Haru's heart belongs to the music that all three share.

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