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"We heard what happened." Izzy said as she, Jace and Clary run in the hallway.

"How is Magnus?" Clary asked.

"The Silent Brothers are keeping him under observation. He is stable, for the moment." Alec said.

"And Anna? How is she holding up?" Jace asked.

Alec just sighed and stepped away from the window of the salon. "See for yourself." Alec said and Jace and the girls looked throught the window in the salon. On the bed was Magnus connected to some machines. Next to the bed was Anna, holding his hand, while sitting in a chair. Her hair was a mess from how many times she run her hands through it, her eyes were red and puffy. Her face show fear, vulnerability and sorrow.

"She's been there since they brought him there. She refuse to leave his side until he will wake up." Alec explained.

"I never thought Anna could look like this next to Magnus's dead bed." Izzy said worried.

"And it's getting worse." Alec said sitting down. The others looked at him. "If Magnus dies, Anna will be completely broken." Alec said.

"But if that happens then-" Clary said looking around and Jace nodded.

"Her darkside might come out, and because Magnus raised her will have a big impact towards her and her feelings." Alec explained.

"Which means that is an opportunity for Anna to loose control." Izzy said.

"And Hexa will totally take advantage of that." Jace said.

"We need to do something." Clary said.

"We can't. The magic Magnus got is the one that is hurting and killing him." Alec explained.

In the salon Anna was holding Magnus's hand while he was sleeping.

"Dad, I don't know if you can hear me, but I want to tell you that I don't know what to do. I don't know how to help you. I hate seeing you like this. And I hate the fact of me not being able to do something to help you. I just-I just want you to wake up and hug me and tell me that everything is going to be ok." Anna said as she started to sob and leaned her head on the bed. "Please Magnus. I can't loose the only father and parent I ever had." Anna said crying when she suddenly felt a hand touching her shoulder. Anna looked up and saw Caterina smiling softly at her.

Anna sniffed and wiped her tears. 

"He is gonna be fine Anna." Caterina said in a soft voice. Anna nodded and got up and hugged Caterina.

"Please do something and save him Caterina. I won't be able to live with myself knowing I could do something and let Magnus die." Anna sobbed in the hug.

"I won't let him die Anna." Caterina said. They pulled from the hug and the blonde wiped her tears and folded her arms.

"What do you know about his state?" Anna asked.

"I got the results. Magnus's body is rejecting Lorenzo's magic." Caterina said and Anna looked at Magnus. "Each time Magnus use magic it drains him. He got lucky this time. He will regain conscience, but if he use magic one more time, he might not be able to survive." Caterina said.

"What is it to be done, so he can be safe?" Anna asked worried with tears in her eyes.

"Lorenzo's magic needs to be taken out of him, and only the person who made the transfer is able to take it, no exceptions." Caterina said and Anna clenched her fists.

"I understand. Thank you Caterina." Anna said and Caterina nodded and walked away. Anna got closer to Magnus and kissed his forehead. "I will help you dad. Even if it's the last thing I will do." Anna said and walked out of the salon.

"Bella." Alec said as he walked to her but Anna stopped him. 

"How are you?" Jace asked worried.

"I am fine. Magnus will be fine but I have to talk with Lorenzo." Anna said.

"Why do you have to talk with him?" Alec asked worried.

"Because the only one that can take the magic that is killing Magnus is him." Anna  explained.

"I am coming with you." Alec said but Anna stopped him.

"No, I need to do this alone. I am letting my father in your hands. Call me if his state is changing. I love you." Anna said and run away.

"I love you too." Alec sighed and Izzy came from behind and hugged him.

"Let's sit down big brother." Izzy said.

Anna teleported herself at Magnus's former apartment and knocked at the door. The door then swing open with a serious Lorenzo but when he saw Anna's face he smiled.

"Ah, Miss Herondale. Long time no see." Lorenzo said smiling.

"Hello Lorenzo. I need to talk you. Now." Anna said with begging eyes.

"Very well. Come in." Lorenzo said and Anna entered in the apartment. "Can I bring you some tea or maybe a coffee?" Lorenzo asked.

"I am sorry for my manners Lorenzo but I came here to ask for a favor." Anna said.

"Very well. What can I do for the great Hecate?" Lorenzo asked as he sit down.

"Can you take the magic you gave Magnus back?" Anna asked.

"Of course I can. The question is why should I?" Lorenzo asked smirking.

"Please Lorenzo. Magnus doesn't have much time." Anna begged and Lorenzo just shrugged.

"I did warned Magnus about the risks the transfer would involve. He assured me he can handle it." Lorenzo said as he got up and poured himself a drink.

"Well he can't." Anna said sternly and angry, her eyes shinning silver as her mark showed. Lorenzo's eyes widened and Anna stopped and rubbed her temples. "I am sorry. I didn't want to be harsh but this whole situation is killing me slowly. And I would appreciate if you would take your magic back." Anna said frustrated and impatient.

"Yes I know you would appreciate that but he brought that upon himself. Not my fault an bumptious warlock did that because he can accept the fact he loose." Lorenzo said smirking.

"Why are you doing this? You got Magnus's spot as High Warlock in Brooklyn. He lost his magic, so now he is no threat to you, but you are still jealous of him." Anna said.

"I am not jealous of someone like him." Lorenzo said with a smile on his face.

"Yes you are! The question is why?" Anna said but Lorenzo stood silent. "You are not jealous of Magnus's power or wealth. You are jealous of him because he has a lot of people around him." Anna said.

"That's absurd." Lorenzo said.

"Is it? Well I think it's the truth. You thought that people are around Magnus because of his powers and his spot, but once you got everything you still didn't get the respect and love Magnus has." Anna said.

"Did you just came here to insult me or something? Because if this is the case you are wasting your time." Lorenzo said as he turned around back facing her.

"Did you ever met your parents? Do you have memories with them?" Anna asked.

"Of course I do." Lorenzo said smirking while he turned to see Anna with tears in her eyes.

"Well, I never did. I never had the chance to hold my father's hand, or talk with my mother about my problems. I don't even remember how their voices are anymore. But Magnus was there. He filled the place of my mother and my father so I can feel whole. I never needed to think about my true parents and why they were never there, because Magnus proved himself to be the only parent I needed in my life. But if he dies, I don't know what I would do. And if that happens, my darkside, Hexa, will take over me, and she will do worse to anyone who dares to meet her." Anna said.

"Is this some kind of threat?" Lorenzo asked raising a brow.

"No. It's a warning. Put aside your jealousy, your reputation, your ego! Are you really going to separate a father and a daughter just because of your jealousy? Do you think the other warlocks will respect you more if you would do that?" Anna asked tears rolling down her face.

Lorenzo just walked closer to her and looked her straight in her eyes. "I guess we will find out." Lorenzo said smirking and turned to the window. "It was nice talking with you Hecate, but I think you should leave." Lorenzo said and Anna looked at him shocked. Soon black veins showed on her arms and her mark started to shine. "Are you still here?" Lorenzo said bored as he turned around but his eyes widened as he saw Anna.

Her eyes shinned silver, her mark was shinning red too. Fire engulfed her fists and an angry expression was resting on her face. Anna then hold Lorenzo by his throat with him trying to beak free. He tried to shot her with his magic but Anna absorbed his attack and was ready to shot him.

"You like to call me Hecate, but as I told you, I have a drakside that has no mercy over the ones that hurts the ones I love!" Anna said her voice sounding demonic.

"Please. Please, let me free." Lorenzo said as Anna started to tight the hold on his neck and fire was in her other fist.

Anna smirked at his expression. "Now why would I do that?" Anna asked smirking.

"Please! I would do anything! I would take Magnus's magic back! I swear." Lorenzo said and Anna threw him across the apartment.

"Why so eager to save your life Lorenzo? A few seconds ago you wouldn't have given a fuck about Magnus's life. What make your life more precious than his?" Anna asked smirking as she stepped closer to the warlock. Lorenzo pulled away from Anna until he hit the wall. "Well, before you die you better know the difference between you and my father. He will be missed by a lot of people that oved him, but you? Your life, your presence, your voice, your smile, nothing of you will be missed." Anna yelled as she prepared a big fireball to hit him.

"STOP!" They heard somebody yell. Anna turned around and saw Alec running to her. He got her arms and kept her from shooting Lorenzo.

"Let me go! Let me kill him!" Anna said angry.

"I won't let you do that Bella." Alec said keeping her secure.

"Why not? He wanted to let Magnus die. Why should a worthless and useless warlock like him live and not my father?!" Anna asked angry as dark veins started to show under her eyes.

"Bella! Magnus wouldn't want you to be a criminal." Alec said and Anna stopped moving. Suddenly the veins under her eyes started to disappear as tears started to fall.

"Magnus....h-he....Oh my God." Anna said bursting in tears. Alec kneeled next to her and hugged her. "Alec save him. Save dad please. I am begging you!" Anna said as she cried and Alec hugged her tight to him. He looked at Lorenzo and saw the horror in his eyes. Alec continued to calm Anna down and soon the blonde stood silent looking at the ground. 

Alec then walked to Lorenzo and started to talk to him. "What you saw now is nothing what her darkside can do. If you care for your life you will help Magnus stay alive and take your magic back. And yes I am threatening you." Alec said serous and Lorenzo looked at the blonde and then back at the raven boy.

"Alright. I am doing it." Lorenzo said and they stood up. Alec walked to Anna and picked her bridal style.

"Open a portal to the Institute." Alec ordered Lorenzo who did as he was told. They got at the Institute and walked in the salon. Alec let Anna go and she stepped closer to Magnus's bed.

"Magnus...please...open your eyes." Anna asked of him and while waiting Magnus opened slowly his eyes. "Magnus!" Anna said smiling wide.

"Hey...." Magnus said smiling softly and Anna hugged him. "Well I can get used to this kind of treatment." Magnus said but then he saw what he was wearing. "But definitely not this wardrobe." Magnus said.

"Right. I will get you something to change into." Alec said stepping aside.

"Oh there is no need." Magnus said when he tried to wave his hand but Anna stopped him. "Anna, your hand." Magnus said looking at her hand and then he saw Lorenzo. "What is he doing here?" Magnus asked and Anna sighed.

"Using Lorenzo's magic is what got you sick. Caterina said if you use magic again you will die. The only way you can get better and prevent that is to remove the magic out of your body." Anna explained as Magnus looked away.

"Oh. Caterina is just being overcautious. Trust me." Magnus said.

"Last time you told me that, I found you lying on your bedroom floor lifeless. We are not going through that experience again." Anna said sternly.

"I am feeling fine." Magnus said as he tried to get up.

"No you are not. Can you give us a minute?" Anna asked.

"No! I am not gonna get rid of my magic." Magnus said looking at Anna.

"Leave us alone." Anna said and Alec and Lorenzo walked a little further. "Look, I know it' hard to give up something you lived with all your life, but is it worth the risk? Is it really worthy to sacrifice yourself just to have one more moment of magic?" Anna asked and Magnus looked at her in the eyes.

"You don't understand. Without my magic I am nothing!" Magnus said.

"How can you say that?! How can you think so low of yourself over some stupid magic?!" Anna asked angry.

"Hey hey. Why don't you calm down and I will talk with Magnus?" Alec asked as he made Anna look at him. Anna sighed and walked away and sit in a chair.

"I am not giving my magic away Alexander." Magnus said.

"Can you stop for a moment to think about how you feel and maybe think how Bella is feeling?" Alec asked and Magnus looked at him confused. "Look at her arms. Do you see the black veins?" Alec asked and Magnus nodded. "After we got you here she refused to leave your side until you woke up. She cried and begged you to wake up all night." Alec said and Magnus looked at the blonde while she run her hands through her hair. "She almost lost control today and almost killed Lorenzo because he refused to save you." Alec said and Magnus's eyes widened as he looked at the raven boy.

"Bella almost lost control just at the thought of you dying. What do you think will happen when you will actually die?" Alec asked and Magnus looked worried back at the blonde who was looking at her arms. "If you want to keep your promise towards Celine about protecting Bella, I suggest you to stop thinking about only yourself and start thinking of what is going to happen to Bella if you will be gone." Alec said as he started to walk over to Anna.

"What did he say?" Anna asked as Alec sit beside her.

"I told him something to think about. Now, stop stressing and try to rest. You haven't got any sleep last night." Alec said pulling Anna closer to him.

"What about you?" Anna asked worried.

"I am more rested than you are. Come on now, sleep." Alec said and Anna leaned on his shoulder. In the meantime Magnus changed and was sitting on the bed while looking at Anna, the veins on her arms starting to fade slowly.

"Are you ready?" Lorenzo asked as Magnus stood up. "You need to know that once I take my magic back that's it. I won't be able to make another transfusion." Lorenzo warned.

"Just get this over with." Magnus said.

Lorenzo moved his hands and soon he took all his magic back. "Lorenzo....thank you." Alec said while holding an asleep Anna while Magnus was panting.

"Don't you think this change anything. I am still keeping the apartment." Lorenzo said.

"Fine. I have all I ever need right here." Magnus said looking at Anna.

"Right. Your daughter." Lorenzo said while rolling his eyes. "You know she is not truly your daughter, right?" Lorenzo asked smugly.

"Blood or not, I was the one that raised her and she was the one that stayed by my side while I was fighting the death. She is my daughter and I don't care what anyone has to say about my connection with her." Magnus said sternly and Lorenzo walked out. Magnus then got closer to Anna and hold her hand, the blonde opening her eyes.

"Dad?" Anna asked sleepy.

"Hey Goldie." Magnus said smiling softly.

"Is it done?" Anna asked looking around after Lorenzo.

"Yes. I don't have magic anymore." Magnus said and Anna jumped in his arms. 

"Thank you for staying." Anna said while sobbing and Magnus hugged her back. Magnus then looked at Alec and the raven boy smiled and nodded. While hugging Anna yawned.

"Alright big baby. Time for bed." Alec said as he picked her up.

"I am not sleepy." Anna said but Alec smiled when he saw her yawning.

"Right. Let's get you to bed and tomorrow we can talk more." Alec said smiling.

"Bye Dad." Anna said waving.

"Bye my little Goldie. Sleep well." Magnus said kissing her forehead and Alec walked out of the salon and took her to her bedroom.

"Alec?" Anna asked and he hummed. "Thank you." Anna said smiling.

"For what?" Alec asked confused.

"For fulfilling my wish. I begged you to save Magnus and you convinced him to give up his magic. You are truly my guardian." Anna said smiling.

"Thank you Bella, but Magnus did everything so you could not suffer anymore." Alec said but when he looked at Anna she was asleep. "I am your guardian, but you are my angel." Alec said kissing her forehead.

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