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The lights started to glow red showing signs of emergencies. Everybody made their ways in the main room where they saw an hologram of Jace with the words "Wanted, dead or alive".

"Oh crap." Anna said.

"Jace." Clary said. "Aldertree said he wanted to rescue him." 

"Actually Clary, I said I wanted to find him. And you gave me the clue needed to do just that." Aldertree said smirking.

"What did you tell him" Alec yelled at Clary but Anna put her hand on his chest to calm him doawn.

"Is this everybody? Fantastic. First up, all downworlders are forbidden from entering the Institute without my prior approval. For those still present, good day, Mr. Graymark." Aldertree said smiling.

"I am nit leaving Jocelyn. Besides, my badge give access to resources that you don't have. I can help find Jace." Luke stood his ground.

"That's generous of you, but I'm going to have to insist." Aldertree said as he nodded to the exit.

"Call me when you can." Luke said and started to walk away.

"You too Simon. Simon right?" Aldertree asked, and Anna just rolled her eyes.

"It's almost dawn, I don't have anywhere to go." Simon said looking to the ground.

"Well you are a smart boy so you will find a way." Aldertree said still smiling.

"He will die if he goes in the sun!" Clary said trying to defend her friend.

"I am not gonna repeat myself." Aldertreee said sternly.

"Simon. Come on." Luke said and the vampire walked with him.

"Now let's get to it. I have reviewed your statements, along with the reports of your unsanctioned missions. And I can't come to no other conclusion that Jace Wayland is a traitor to the Clave." Aldertree said with his head kept high.

"Wow. Took you so long to get to this stupid idea, huh.  I bet the office is smelling of burn brain." Anna said sarcastic while rolling her eyes.

"Jace is not a traitor." Izzy started.

"Point of fact. Clary said Jace called to warn you about Valentine's trap, which got me thinking." Aldertree paused.

"Oh God, he was thinking. I bet it was really hard for him." Anna whispered so just the ones near her to hear.

""Jace had multiple chances to kill Valentine, but he chose to let him leave. Now Valentine, Jace and the Cup are missing. Do the math." Aldertree said eyeing the Lightwood siblings.

"There is no way we are going to help you hunt Jace." Alec stated.

"And I'd never ask you to. You and your friends are prohibited from any further involvement for the hunt for Jace Wayland." Aldertree said smirking.

"What?" Anna asked surprised.

"The rest of you back to work. I am lifting the lockdown on the Institute, except for Clary and Jocelyn. Given your relationship to Valentine and Jace, I want to keep a close eye on you." Aledertree said as the other walked away.

"This is ridiculous." Clary said.

"Clary..." Her mother started.

"No! We can't just sit around and wait. Okay? They are going to kill Jace. He's your son." Clary yelled trying to convince her mother.

"I know you think you understand this world, but you don't." Jocelyn said.

"I think your daughter knows and understand enough, giving the fact that you lied to her all her life." Anna said with a cold voice.

Jocelyn just looked at Anabella and frowned.

"You can't do that." Alec yelled at Aldertree.

"See, that's the thing about being the boss. I can and I did." Aldertree said.

"Who died and made you one?" Anna asked glaring at the man in front of her.

"Anna..." Aldertree warned.

"It's Miss Herondale for you Vicky." Anna said smirking.

"Then revoke the dead-or-alive order. Jace is one of us." Izzy tried to convince Aldertree.

"Challenging the authority of the head of the Institute is grounds for severe punishment, including de-runing." Aldertree said to Izzy but Anna stepped in front of her.

"That's funny Vicky, I don't remember Izzy challenging my authority." Anna glared at the old man.

"Anabella! I know you still think you are ruling this Institute but as you know you should already be in London searching for that shadowhunter. So I suggest you to respect me while I am here or else I am going to ask you to leave." Aldertree said.

Anna was ready to say something but Izzy put an hand on her arms and gave her a smile. Izzy then made her way to Clary and asked her to train. They left and soon it was just Aldertree, Anna and Alec.

"Last night you weren't in the Institute. Where were you?" Aldertree asked Anna.

"With my boyfriend?" Anna answered folding her arms.

"Where did you go?" he asked.

"An hotel." Anna answered not wanting to say that she was visiting her warlock friend.

"What did you do?" he asked and then Anna just laughed.

Aldertree just looked confused at Alec as he was blushing.

"Oh god. Do you really want to know what I was doing in a hotel room, in the night with my boyfriend? Really?" Anna asked laughing. "Oh Vicky, I thought you knew when two people likes each other things happen." Anna smirked.

"Did your grandma knows about this little affair you are having?" Aldertree asked serious.

"Are you serious? Alec here is not an affair. Besides, do you really expect to talk with my grandma about my sex life? Also, why are you asking me that?" Anna asked smirking.

"I was sent here to rule the Institute and look after you until you leave to London." Aldertree informed.

"Trust me. I would feel more safe if you wouldn't do that." 

"Why is that?" Aldertree asked raising an eyebrow.

"Because for a fact I feel that you want me dead or at least out of your hair as soon as possible." Anna glared at him.

She took Alec's hand and made their ways to his room. She just got on his bed and started to scream in his pillow. Anna then stood on her back and looked at the ceiling.

"I hate how arrogant he is." Anna said to no one. 

"Thanks." She heard Alec said. She looked and saw him still near the door. She stood up and looked at him confused.

"For what?" She asked.

"For defending our relationship." Alec answered looking down.

"Hey..." Anna said softly as she got closer to him. She made him look at her and she smiled. "I just told him the truth. Alec you are not an affair, and if I have to tell every shadowhunter that then trust me I will. But if they don't understand it then I will make them. You are my boyfriend and I won't let others talk bad about you." Anna said and Alec smiled.

He pulled Anna closer to him and kissed her. Her finger tangled in his dark hair while pulling him so she can deepen the kiss. Their chests were so close that they felt each other's heart beats. Anna made  step back but Alec make a step ahead pushing her to the bed. He lied Anna carefully on the bed and got on top of her. He started to kiss and suck the skin on her neck making Anna pant. Anna started slowly to undo his shirt when they heard a knock on the door.

The pulled away and they stare in each other's eyes. Anna smiled at him and Alec was gazing from Anna's eyes to her lips and back. He was ready to kiss her again when they heard another knock. Alec groaned and Anna giggled as he got up and opened the door to be greeted by his mother. Alec exit the room and closed the room leaving Anna alone.

Not long after Alec entered in the room very frustrated and angry. Anna looked at him confused as he started to pace in his room.

"How can she say that? How can she even think of that?" Alec asked running his hands through his hair.

"Alec what's wrong?" Anna asked gently.

"My mother! That's what is wrong." Alec snapped. 

Anna looked taken aback but she looked at him and smiled. "What did she do now?" Anna asked.

"She wants to leave Jace to Valentine. She wants to let it be and to not search for him." Alec said pacing again.

"Hey Alec. Look at me." Anna said getting up and holding his shirt's colar. "We are going to get Jace back. We won't stop." Anna said smiling.

Alec sighed and looked into her eyes. A ghost of a smile playing on his lips. "Thank you." Alec said resting his forehead on Anna's.

"Just tell me what can I do so you won't look so sad and defeated." Anna said closing her eyes.

"Help me track Jace with our parabati bond." Alec suggested.

"Alec..." Anna sighed.

"Please! I just need Magnus to numb the pain so I can't get hurt." Alec explained.

Anna sighed and then looked at him. Alec gave her the puppy eyes and then Anna groaned.

"Damn it Lightwood. Fine. I will try to convince Magnus but if you die I swear I am going to bring you back to life and kick your ass back to death." Anna said warning him seriously.

Alec smiled and kissed her. "Thank you." Alec said and hugged her.

"You're welcome. Now excuse me I have to go and talk to my best friend." Anna said and walked away.

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