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The wedding preparations were ready. People started to come while Alec and Anna were getting ready.

Alec was in his room fixing himself while looking in the mirror while Jace was with him.

"How are you feeling Alec?" Jace asked smiling.

"Nervous." Alec said and Jace chuckled.

"Hey, I get it. Not everyday you get to marry a Herondale, especially one that is also a powerful goddess." Jace said smiling.

"What if I am not good enough for her? What if she change her mind?" Alec asked worried.

"Hey hey. Do you even listen to yourself?" Jace asked and Alec looked at him confused. "We are talking about Anna. My sister. The girl that chose you as her anchor when she was fighting her dark demons. She even ask you to marry her when you were too afraid ro ask her. Trust me, she won't back down from this." Jace said and Alec smiled and nodded.

"You are right. We went through too much to back down now." Alec said smiling.

"Creat you got that. Now excuse me." Jace said and walked to the door.

"Where are you going?" Alec asked confused.

"I have to see my sister. After all I am still her brother and have yo give my opinion over how she look." Jace said smirking and walked out. He then walked to her room and knocked.

"Come in." He heard and entered to see Clary and Izzy preparing Anna.

"Hey." Jace said and Anna and the girls turned to look at him. "Wow, Anna. You look amazing. Alec is totally going to fain when he will see you." Jace said and Anna and the girls giggled.

"Thank you Jace. But I hope he won't." Anna said smiling.

"We will give you some privacy. I still have to see how our groom is doing." Izzy said and the girls walked out letting the siblings alone.

"How are you feeling?" Jace asked smiling.

"Amazing actually. I can't believe I am getting married to the man I fell in love with." Anna said smiling.

"I wish mom and dad could see you right now." Jace said smiling.

"I think they can." Anna said smiling and picked up her necklace with her family ring. "Can you help me put it on?" Anna asked.

"Sure." Jace said and put the necklace around Anna's neck. Anna then picked Jace's necklace from this morning and put it around his neck.

"We held them close to our hearts." Anna said softly and suddenly the door opened.

"I came here to walk down the aisle the most beautiful bride in the world!" Magnus said happy as he entered the room. The siblings laughed.

"Well, this is my clue I have to go to Alec. I will see you at the aisle then." Jace said and kissed Anna's forehead as he walked out.

"Are you ready?" Magnus asked.

"Ready as I'll ever be. Let's do this." Anna said smiling as she and Magnus linked arms. They walked to the doors and when they opened the music started and everybody stood up.

Anna and Magnus started to walk down the aisle as everybody looked at them. When Alec saw Anna his eyes started to tear up.

"Don't cry." Anna mouthed and Alec smiled and nodded. When they got in front of the aisle Magnus gave Anna to Alec and they stood in front of everyone holding hands.

Jace was beside Alec, Izzu was beside Anna and Brother Zacharia was officialiting the wedding.

"Ladies, gentlemen, warlocks, werewolves, vampires. We gathered here today to unite these two souls forever. Bring the bracelet and the necklace." Brother Zacharia said.

Izzy then brought the bracelet that Anna took and put on Alec's wrist. Jace then brought the necklace that Alec took and put around Anna's neck.

"Now. The two will draw the wedding runes. A rune on the hand and one of the heart. Resembling the union." Brother Zacharia instructed and the two took their steles.

Anna draw the rune on Alec's left hand and the next on his chest where his heart was. After that Alec did the same with Anna. After that the two joined hands again and smiled.

"Now the last words before you two will be oficial married." Brother Zacharia said.

"Annabella Crystal Herondale, I promise to always be your loving husband." Alec said smiling.

"Alexander Gideon Lightwood, I promise to always be your loyal wife." Anna said smiling.

"Alexander Herondale-Lightwood and Annabella Herondale-Lightwood, I declare you husband and wife. You can kiss the bride." Brother Zacharia said and Alec grabbed Anna and pulled her closer for a long kiss. Everybody in the room cheered, suddenly while kissing a bright light engulfed the married couple and everybody covered their eyes.

When the light died Anna was still in her wedding dress with the flower toată on her head, but now her black hair was blonde again and get once black wings were pure white.

Everybody cheered and applaused and the couple giggled as Alec hold Anna close to him. Then flowers started to call from above and the two walked out of the room. They lead everybody to the dancing room where Anna and Alec damced.

"You know, I remember learning this dance here from someone." Alec said smiling.

"Oh right. I remember teaching someone this dance too. He was so stubborn and had two left feet." Anna said giggling and Alec rolled his eyes.

"I am sure he wasn't that bad. Besides, he learned didn't he?" Alec asked smirking and Anna giggled.

"Oh yes. And he surprised me at the end. Can you guess with what?" Anna asked raising an eyebrow.

"I think it was something of this." Alec said and kissed Anna softly. When they pulled away they smiled and Alec twirled Anna and pulled her closer to him. After the dance was over everybody got closer to the couple.

"Guys this is awesome." Simon said smiling wide.

"Now that we are here, I kind of have something to tell you." Maryse said.

"What, that you and Luke started to date?" Anna asked smirking.

"What you knew?" Maryse asked surprised.

"Yeah, it was kind of obvious." Jace said smiling.

"And you are ok with this?" Maryse asked.

"If he makes you happy, then we are happy for you." Alec said smiling and Izzy smiled and nodded.

"Also, now that all the family is here I have something to ask you all." Anna said smiling and Magnus smiled instantly.

"What is it?" Alec asked curious.

"How would you all feel about a little Alec running around the Institute in a few months?" Anna asked and everybody looked at her shocked.

"Wait....Bella...are you? Am I really?" Alec asked shocked.

"You are gonna be a father Alec." Anna said smiling and Alec picked her ul and spin her around.

"This is the best day of my life!" Alec said and everybody cheered.

"I am gonna be an uncle." Jace said smiling.

"Me too." Max said smiling wide.

"You next child better be a girl, because I really want a niece." Izzy said smirking and Anna giggled.

"Let's get the first kid out and we will see about a second child." Anna said smiling.

"I am so happy for you two. I can't be prouder." Maryse said smiling as she hugged the two.

"Thank you mom." Alec said smiling.

"And I know your grandson will be so proud to call you his grandma." Anna said smiling.

"And I am so proud to call you my daughter." Maryse said and Anna's eyes teared up.

"Maryse, please. The make up. You know I am emotional since I am pregnant." Anna said and the others laughed.

"Well, since you are pregnant you need more rest. Do you mind tell the guests we felt good to have them here?" Alec asked as he took Anna's hand.

"Not ar all. You go and take your rest." Magnus said and opened a portal.

Alec then picked Anna up and walked through it. They ended up in front of a beautiful big house.

"Welcome to our new home." Alec said and took her inside. He put her down and Anna looked around. "Do you like it?" Alec asked.

"This house. I dreamed about it." Anna said smiling.

"Really? What else did you dreamed of?" Alec said as he hugged her from behind, his fingers rubbing her belly.

"Me, you and our kids. A blonde boy with hazel eyes like yours and a raven haired girl with crystal blue eyes like mine. We will have so many memories with them." Anna said and Alec smiled and kissed her cheek.

"I think I like this dream and future." Alec said smiling.

"Yeah. Me too. I am going to change." Anna said.

"I will come soon." Alec said while he walked to the kitchen. He prepared a little snack and put a rose on the tray and walked upstairs to their bedroom. "Ok, I don't really know what you have to eat if you are pregnant, but I kind of remember what my mom ate when she was pregnant with Max and this might do." Alec said as he put the tray in their bed.

He then looked around and saw the door to the balcony open. He walked out and saw Anna in her pajamas, her hands on her belly while she looked in the horizont.

"Hey. What are you thinking?" Alec asked as he hugged her from behind.

"About the baby." Anna said and sighed. "And if what I did was right." Anna said and Alec looked at her confused.

"What do you mean?" Alec asked.

"You are the new Inquisitor and I am going to be the Highest Witch. We will barely have time for each other or the kid. I just....I don't want to be like my grandother." Anna said and Alec looked at her to continue. "I don't want my kid to not get enough attention from us. I don't want him to be raised by a stranger and us being to busy with our jobs to even have time to talk to him. Duty shouldn't come between us and our child. What if.....What if I am gonna be a horrible mother?" Anna asked.

"Bella, love look at me." Alec said and turned her to him and made her look him in the eyes. "You know better than anyone how is it to live without parents and to be raised by a stranger. And I know you and I know what you can do." Alec said and dragged her inside.

"You vad so much to do, and yet you helped Jace feel like he belonged to his family and you showed him how much you love him. Bella, I know what kind of person you are, and I can tell you, our son will love you so much, and maybe you will even try to ditch work so many times for times that Magnus will have to send you to work so you can stay separate from the kid. Hell I think you will even take the kid with you at work." Alec said and Anna laughed.

"Yeah. Maybe....Maybe you are right." Anna said smiling and Alec hugged her. "How do you know how to make all the pain and second guesses go away?" Anna asked.

"I leaned from you. And I think I started to do my duty as an husband and future father. I won't lie, I am scared as hell about this kid, because let's be serious he is gonna be stubborn like us, and Jace and Izzy will probably teach him how to cause trouble or something, but we are doing this together. And I know that we are a pretty good team when we work together." Alec said smiling and Anna smiled and nodded.

"You are right." Anna said and pecked his lips. " Do you thought of names for him?" Anna asked.

"Not really? Do you?" Alec asked.

"How about....Christian Stephen Herondale-Lightwood?" Anna asked smiling.

"You father's name?" Alec asked smiling.

"I like to honor my parents. And for some reason I love the short name Chris." Anna said smiling.

"I like it too." Alec said smiling and then he looked at Anna's belly. " We can't wait to meet you Chris." Alec said smiling while rubbing Anna's belly.

"Alec!" Anna said.

"What?" Alec asked panicked.

"I want chocolate. No! Wait! Starwberries in chocolate!" Anna said smiling.

"Bella, love is 3 in the morning. I can't find strawberries just because you want me too." Alec explained.

"But I don't want them. Chris wants. Now let's see if we have in the kitchen or I swear I am gonna send you to but some Alec." Anna said and walked out of the bedroom.

"Son, I swear after you will be born you are gonna pay for all this." Alec said to himself while standing up.

"Alec!" Anna yelled from the kitchen.

"Coming!" Alec yelled back as he walked out of the bedroom.

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