Chapter - 86

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When doctor came out Zhan was first one to rushed to him. Not a single word came out of his mouth. He was just staring at doctor with fear, hope and desperation.

" Mr Wang is out of danger. " Doctor said.

Everyone was relieved to hear it. Wang Huan , Wang Qing, Wen Han , Nie Huisang and Jiangs were there too . Only Wang Ying was left alone with Aunty Fu.

Zhan felt someone had loosened the grip on neck. Yang behind him sighed. They were waiting with their hearts on palm.

" No organ is damaged but he lost a lot of blood so it will take time to wake up. " Doctor said.

" You all can see Mr Wang after we transferred him to ICU. " Doctor said and left.

After when Yibo was transferred to ward. They all were watching him outside through the large window and their heart broke seeing their always firm Yibo lying like that.

He was connected with machines, IV's and oxygen mask was on his face.

" Yang ! " Someone called him.

Everyone turned around to see the new person.

" Zhang ! " Yang said.

" How is Yibo ? " Zhang asked , worried.

" He is out of danger." Yang said.

Zhang sighed. He would not have even known if he did not call Yibo but his phone was answered by Max.

" Atleast inform me." Zhang said.

" It was hasty." Yang said.

Yang looked at others. He knew it's better to introduce Zhang.

" Zhang was Yunxi Jie's doctor. " Yang said, looking at Huan.

Zhang turned to them and introduced himself," Hello ! I'm Doctor Zhang Haoyu. "

Wang Huan nodded. It was better if they have met some other time.

Zhang moved towards the window and seeing Yibo , he sighed. It was not the first time he was seeing him hurt.

" He'll be fine." He whispered.

" Um.. Huan ge , I think you should all go now. Ying is alone at home. It's better we don't tell her atleast not till Yibo wake up." Yang said.

Wang Huan looked at his little brother. He understood what his brother must have felt years ago seeing him in similar situation. He did not want to go.

" Ge, please. I'll be here with Zhan." Yang said.

Wang Huan nodded.

" Aunty Jiang, you guys too. Go home and rest." Yang said.

" Zi , don't worry too much." Yang said looking at Wen Zi who had silent tears in her eyes. Her eyes were already red from crying.

" Mom, Dad Yang is right. " Jiang Cheng said. Anyway they all could not stay there.

They nodded.

Jiang Cheng turned to his younger brother who was just staring inside.

" Zhan " Cheng said.

Zhan turned to him and Cheng hugged him. He did not say anything more just caressed his head like a child because no word was enough for Zhan to make him feel better.

Zhan tightly hug his brother.

After a while they all left reluctantly.

" Zhan , go and change." Yang said giving Zhan a bag. He asked Max to send some clothes for Zhan.

Zhan looked at himself and took the bag and went inside. He was going to stay there till his love would not again talk with him.

Yang sat outside, leaning his head backward. Xingchen was beside him. Zhang was standing opposite to him leaning on another wall.

" Don't you have night shift ? " Yang asked without looking.

" Nah ! " Zhang said. Any other time they would have laughed but not now.

They became silent again.

Yang leaned on Xingchen and closed his eyes. He was exhausted. Xingchen was holding his hand all the time.

Zhang looked at them and smile a little. He then turned his face other side.

Inside Zhan was sitting beside Yibo after changing his blood stained clothes. He held the IV attached hand gently and more tears rolled down. His eyes had already swollen.

" Please wake up soon. " Zhan said.


Around 10 in night Yang heard someone coming towards them with fast pace.

" Yaa ! " Mr Kang said. His expression was mixture of anger and worry.

" Oh ! Oldman." Yang said without any energy.

" How is he ? " Mr Kang asked.

" Out of danger. Blood loss. Did not wake up yet." Yang briefed. He really did not want to talk.

Mr Kang saw Yang who always remain active, hyper and ready to jab and have fun but now he was looking exhausted.

He sighed moved towards to see Yibo. He did not went inside. He saw Zhan with an unconscious Yibo and turned around.

He sat other side of Yang. He looked at Zhang who was silently standing. He knew Zhang too but as they rarely had connection, they rarely talk.

His phone rang and seeing his wife's name , he picked it up.

" Honey, he is fine." Mr Kang said.

" Yeah, don't worry."

" Ok "

With that phone got disconnected.

" Have you told noona already ? " Yang asked.

" I was with her when I left in haste." Mr Kang said.

" He really made this time many people worry." Mr Kang said.

" Hm" both Yang and Zhang hummed.

" What doctor said When will he wake up ? " Mr Kang asked.

" in few days " Yang said.

Mr Kang nodded and looked at Zhang.

" Doctor Zhang what you say ? " Mr Kang asked.

" Minimum one week. Atleast we don't have to be worried about his mental health after that." Zhang said.

" Hm " Mr Kang said. He understood. Normally people need counseling but not Yibo.


In Wang mansion, Ying was with Wang Huan.

" Uncle, where is dad and papa ? " Ying asked.

" Dad has work so he gone for few days. Papa is helping him so he came back early." Huan said.

" They not tell me ." Ying pouted with a sad face.

" It was urgent so they did not get time." Huan said , patting Ying's head.

" Now be good girl and sleep. Yiyi has school tomorrow." Wang Huan said.

He was in her room putting her in sleep.

Ying nodded and closed her eyes.

" Yiyi will scold them. Dad again leave me. This time papa too." Ying said without opening her eyes. She did not like but Huan was relieved that she was not crying like last time.

" I'll too. Let's scold them together. Especially your dad." Huan said.

Ying smiled and nodded and snuggled in quilt.

After a while she drifted to sleep and Huan left for his room.

He just sat and tears fell from his eyes. He was holding himself for his aunty and little brother and sister but now he could not. He felt the pain in his chest unbearable now.


Around two in night, Yang made Xingchen leaned on wall and looked around. Mr Kang and Zhang were sleeping leaning on their seats.

He stood up and was about to take a step when he felt a grip on his hand.

He turned and saw Xingchen holding his hand while rubbing his eyes.

" Where are you going ? " Xingchen asked in sleepy, low voice.

Yang turned around facing Xingchen in front of him and leaned to plant a kiss on his forehead.

" I'll be back soon. " Yang said in hushed tone.

" I'll go with you. " Xingchen said.

Yang shook his head and said," Stay here. "

" B..." Xingchen could not complete as Yang pecked him on lips.

" I've something to do. I'll be back in morning." Yang said.

Xingchen looked at Yang's face and sighed. He nodded.

Yang placed kiss on back of Xingchen hand and left. He was going to have some mind peace.

He went to see Qin Dong. When he reached Qin Dong was locked in room. As Yang ordered no one touch him but sure before his order he got two or three punches which was clearly visible on his bruised face.

" Is he dead ? "

This was the first thing he asked when he saw Yang who just went and sat on chair in front of him.

" Is he dead ? " Qin Dong repeated with a smile. He was overjoyed and it was clear from his eyes and wide grin.

Yang was still silent.

Qin Dong started laughing.

" It was fault of my vision that I saw him a harmless bug , could be trample easily, in past."

" Now Wang will be ruined. " Qin Dong again started laughing.

Yang was just staring at him without any expression.

" I was not aiming him but he chose this. I want to go him crazy , helpless. I want to break him , seeing his beloved little husband dying in front of his eyes." Qin Dong said.

Hearing that Yang's face changed. His eyes got the colour of an audience who was excited to see the next show.

" You aimed for Zhan." Yang said.

" Of course, I was never thinking of giving him death easy but now he can see his family's suffering from sky and suffer after death too."

" You are here." Yang said.

" You are still a kid. Even without me they will turn into ashes." Qin Dong said.

Yang gently put some papers in front of him. Seeing the papers Qin Dong got confuse. He looked at Yang who was just staring at him.

He turned the page and his eyes widened in horror.

" You are ruined already. If you think we are kid then your eyes has gone blurry because of old age. " Yang smirked.

" You think we never know who helped you. We destroy every single connection of your company. How do you think we know ? "Yang said.

" And every single order came from one person's mind. " Yang said.

" Even without him, you will live hell and now it will be more hellish than your have ever think." Yang said. He did not want Qin Dong to give any information about Yibo. If he thought he was dead than dead. He could keep running his brain in fear of unknown and curiosity.

Yang got up. He saw bodyguards standing on door.

" No one will speak a single word with him or in front of him. Mice size meal once in day. No light. Keep him alive. No scratch on his body." Yang said. Now he would break him and for that nothing was better than psychological torture.

And in mean time he would wait for his friend to wake up to start the real deal.

Aiming Zhan ? He had add another sin on his head.


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