Chapter - 75

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Qin Groups owner Qin Dong had gave an interview about everything happening. He clearly said that he had not Idea what Liu Zheng was doing behind his back.

He had announced that from now he would be the one to handle everything. After few hours of that announcement there was another news.

There was evidence found about Jin Lu involved in prostitute and drug . With her connection with Liu Zheng , Qin Group was in much more tight spot.

" What are you all doing ? How this happened ? Stop all the news ! " Qin Dong shouted at the people in the meeting room.

" Sir , it's because of Liu Zheng."

" You think blaming him will solve anything. Strategize ! I don't care what you do ! Clear all this as soon as possible ! " Qin Dong roared and left the meeting room.

Inside his office Mr Qin broke everything. His assistant tried to stop him but he had became a crazy person.

" How Jin Lu get trapped ? How the hell Jin Group ruined ? " Qin Dong shouted.

Wang Mansion

Everyone had dinner and resigned to their room. Zhan was sleeping surrounded by soft toys.

At night around 2 AM , Yibo entered in his room and saw the most adorable sight. His cute husband was snuggling in pillow, breathing softly.

Yibo was coming tomorrow but the work he was intended to do finsihed so he came back. He went towards his husband and kissed his forehead. He really missed him.

He moved back and  went to change. After changing, he came back and removed the soft toys. He pulled Zhan in his arms gently who sensing the warmth, snuggled in his chest.

Now he could sleep. Without Zhan he really could not close his eyes. He then noticed the bandaids on Zhan's fingers and frowned. He took a mental note to ask in morning.

He was exhausted too. He closed his eyes and sighed in contentment.


Yibo wake up around seven and saw Zhan still sleeping. He pressed his lips on his forehead, then on his eyes , nose , cheeks and lips.

Zhan feeling the wet ticklish touch rubbed his cheeks and frowned. Yibo was watching his husband antics. He again started his cute torture. Zhan turned to other side but still in his husband's arms.

Yibo saw it and kissed his nape , sucking it lightly. Zhan again turned and this time he opened his eyes slightly.

Meeting with the broad chest, his eyes widened. He immediately looked up and saw his husband smiling at him.

" Good morning, love." Yibo said.

Zhan pinched Yibo's cheeks slightly before shouting, " Yibo ! "

Yibo chuckled. Zhan hugged him tightly, smiling.

" You are back." Zhan said.

" Hm " Yibo said.

" I miss you." Zhan said.

" Me too." Yibo said , kissing Zhan's hairs.

" When did you come ? Weren't you coming tomorrow ? " Zhan asked.

" Don't you like my surprise ? Should I go back ? " Yibo asked.

" No , you aren't going anywhere and I like your surprise." Zhan said, looking in those dark brown eyes.

" I'm not going." Yibo said and kissed those pouty lips.

Zhan smiled in the kiss. He missed Yibo too much.

" Now tell me what's this ? " Yibo asked breaking the kiss.

" What ? " Zhan asked.

Yibo held Zhan's hand and showed it to him. Seeing the bandaids, Zhan smiled awakwardly.

" Just scratches." Zhan said , trying to take his hand back but Yibo was holding it tightly.

" Scratches ? And how do you get these scratches ? " Yibo asked emphasizing the word scratches.

" Aiyaa , why are you..."

" Zhan ! " Yibo said seriously. Zhan hearing that gulped.

" Oh ! I was just trying something in kitchen. Don't worry Aunty Fu was there." Zhan said.

" Why ? "

" Just wanted to."

" You aren't allowed to enter in kitchen." Yibo said.

" Why ? " Zhan whined.

" Why ? Are you still asking me why ? " Yibo asked staring at Zhan's hand.

" these are just small cuts. Not hurt." Zhan said trying to calm Yibo but instead of that he provoked him.

" Small cuts ? Really ? Zhan , why are you so careless ? If you want anything ask aunty Fu . If you are bored then do anything but keep yourself. Look at your hands. Full of cuts. " Yibo said sternly.

" Why are you scolding me when you just come ? " Zhan said pouty with misty eyes. He was learning how to make fried rice and  wanted to prepare for his husband but now his husband was scolding him.

Yibo sighed to calm himself. He did not want to make Zhan cry. He hugged him.

" I can't even scold you." Yibo said helplessly sand Zhan chuckled lightly.

" Don't laugh. You aren't allowed to enter in kitchen." Yibo said.

" Yibooooo..." Zhan whined.

" No whining and pouting can help you. " Yibo said and Zhan huffed.

" Let's get up now. " Yibo said sitting.

" Go have shower."

Zhan stubbornly sat there without moving. Yibo seeing that smiled mischievously.

" You don't want . It's ok. I don't mind carrying my husband and have a bath with him." Yibo said.

Zhan instantly turned to him.

" I can go." Zhan said and ran to bathroom with blushed cheeks.

Yibo smiled to see his running husband.

When Zhan came out he saw his husband sitting on bed with first aid kit.

" Come here." Yibo said and Zhan approached him and sat on the bed.

Yibo held Zhan's hand and started removing bandaids. Seeing the cuts he wanted to scold Zhan but controlled himself.

He put the new bandaids.

" Don't you know how important are your hands ? Careless."

Zhan was just staring at his husband with smile. When Yibo did not hear anything he looked at Zhan and saw him smiling goofily.

" What are you so happy about ? " Yibo asked.

" For having such a handsome and caring husband." Zhan said with a cheeky smile.

" No sweet words can make you step in kitchen." Yibo said and Zhan pouted.

Yibo kissed those pouty lips and rubbed their nose together.

" Don't pout. Go downstairs. I'll be there soon."

Zhan nodded with a smile. He went downstairs but did not tell anyone about Yibo. After thirty minutes, Yibo came and Ying threw herself on her dad, giggling. She was so happy.

Yibo picked her up , kissing her forehead. Wang Qing asked about his early return so Yibo told that his work finished early. After breakfast Yibo left for office.

In Afternoon

Yang and Yibo was standing near the french window.

" He agreed ? " Yang asked.

" Hm " Yibo hummed.

" Qin Dong is out." Yang said .

" Mn " Yibo said.

" Now everything is according to plan and we have evidences now. When are you going to tell everyone ? " Yang asked..

" I'm... scared." Yibo whispered.

" For what ? "

" I don't care about myself but they'll break. It's not one or two years. It's eight years , Yang." Yibo said.

" But they deserve." Yang said.

" I know and I'm not backing off." Yibo said.

" I'm worried about Zhan." Yibo said.

" But he has right to know."

" Will he think I hide it deliberately ? "

" Be positive. He loves you."

" And he need to know otherwise he will forever think that his husband's father is the one who snatched his parents from him and you'll be always a murder's son."

" If at that time Zhan did not show the papers I never knew. He was the hidden piece of puzzle."

" But Yibo he doesn't know those were fake. He was being manipulated."

" And that's the worst part. "

" So just tell him that someone else killed his parents not your father. Your father was framed."

" I can't keep this forever anyway." Yibo whispered.

Yang nodded and moved sideways a little when he caught a vague figure. He turned and seeing Zhan he was stunned.

He patted Yibo's shoulder who turned and seeing Zhan felt his heart stopped. He did not want to tell him like this. It was worst, worst than anything.

Yang left from there. He knew they need to talk.

Zhan was staring at Yibo with pain, anger , disappointment . There were lots of emotions in his eyes.

Zhan came to have lunch with his husband. He did not knock as he wanted to give him surprise but he was stunned to hear that the everything was fake. His parents were murdered by someone else.

His mind turned in mess in few seconds.

" Why ? " Zhan asked.

Yibo did not answer.

" I'm asking you , why you didn't tell me ? For God sake answer me ! " Zhan shouted.

" They were my parents. I've every right to know everything about them ! " Zhan yelled but Yibo was silent, looking down.

" Did you think I would not understand all these ? "

" Or do you think I would interfere in your plans ? "

Yibo hearing that looked up.

" I know I'm not smart enough. I don't know many things but I know my limits. "

" But you have no right to hide about my parents whatsoever be the reason." Zhan was glaring. He was saying whatever come on his mind without knowing his words were cutting Yibo heart little by little.

" I'm sorry but I didn't know how to tell you." Yibo finally spoke.  He tried to wipe Zhan's tear which was flowing down unknown to him but Zhan dodged his touch. Yibo felt hurt. He clenched his trembling hand.

" You don't understand. I was burning for revenge since the day I got to know and I took it. But it felt meaningless as it was not your fault but now what ? You are saying everything was fake ! But my parents were still murdered . Atleast should have tell me ! "

"  My parents were killed not yours. You can't understand how it feels ! " Zhan shouted without knowing he stabbed the unhealed wounds again.

" Zhan , I...." Yibo tried to say something but Zhan stormed out.

Yibo just stared at the door and he closed his eyes. He was afraid of this. He knew it was his fault and he deserved that but couldn't help feeling hurt.


Zhan, after leaving Wang Empire, went to cemetery.  He was walking on the pavements. There was trees all around and breeze was blowing. It was a peaceful and beautiful day but Zhan had a typhoon in his heart.

After reaching at his parents grave, he kneeled down and more tears rolled down from his eyes.

The silent cries turned into wailings and then sobs.

" Mom, dad what have I been doing ? I don't know anymore. " Zhan said sobbing.

He did not know why he was in so much painful. It was because he did not about his parents death or because he became someone's puppet or because the person he love hide something this big from him . He did not know. He just was in pain.

As he was sobbing someone approached him.

" Son , are you ok ? " The old lady said.

Zhan looked up and seeing an old lady , he tried to compose himself.

" Yes , madam." Zhan said.

" But you don't seem to me ? "

She kneeled beside him and gave him a water bottle. Zhan took it with hesitant hands.

" Are they your parents ? " The lady asked.

Zhan nodded.

" Oh ! Poor soul ! You must be very lonely."

Zhan when heard that immediately the faces of his both family and husband came in front. Was he lonely ? The answer was clear , no .

" I'm not lonely." Zhan said in hoarse voice.

" Then why are you crying like this ? "

" My most beloved person hide something important from me."

Zhan did know why he was telling this to some stranger. Perhaps he was too desperate to let his heart out.

" Do you know the reason ? " The lady asked.

Zhan shook his head and said," But he hide knowing it's very important for me."

" You asked him ? "

" I did not listen." Zhan said.

" Do you think he hurted you intentionally ? "

" No , he never." Zhan said without even thinking for a second.

" Son , are you hurt because he hide or because he is the one who hide ? "

Zhan became silent.

" Son , if he is important to you, listen him patiently. Try to understand his situation." The lady said and get up.

She patted Zhan's head and left.

Zhan sat there staring at his parents grave.


Yibo was leaning on sofa when his phone rang. He picked it up without looking, covering his eyes with his arm.

" I'm coming." Yibo said in monotonous voice.

He checked his face and breath in and out few time before going out of his office.


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