Chapter - 40

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When Xiao Zhan went home, in evening, he was surprised to see a new figure. The person came and greeted him.

" Welcome back, Zhan ! " The man said.

" What are you doing here ? " Xiao Zhan asked, surprised . He did not care how rude he sounded.

" I've just back from games and came to meet you all."

" Lu Ming , let Zhan first freshen up then you can talk." Mrs Jiang said .

" Oh ! Sorry ! You must be tired. " Lu Ming said and held Zhan's hand but Zhan immediately took back his hand . He did not like other touching him casually except his closed family and friends.

Seeing Zhan taking his hand back, Lu Ming face fell. Zhan without noticing anything went upstairs.

Lu Ming was Jiang Cheng's distant cousin. He was a national taekwondo player . He used to come at Jiang Mansion since childhood and got attached to Zhan which later developed into attraction and then liking. But Zhan was oblivious . He treated him his cousin only like Yanli and Cheng.

After sometime Xiao Zhan came downstairs. He sat on the dinning table and Lu Ming took the seat beside him.

" So how was your day , Zhan ? " Mr Jiang asked.

" Good , dad." Xiao Zhan answered with a smile.

Then Xiao Zhan saw that his plate was filled a little too much as Lu Ming was putting dishes in his plate.

" Stop, I'm not pig." Xiao Zhan said.

As soon as he said a memory flashed in his mind of someone calling him piggy and a smile formed on his lips , unconsciously.

Others were amused by the sudden change. First he was annoy and now was smiling.

" Sorry" Lu Ming said , embarrassed
Hearing that Zhan came out of his mind.

" Don't worry but it's way too much." Xiao Zhan said with a small smile. Seeing Zhan smiling at him ,Lu Ming heart skipped a beat.

" Zhan, would you like to come with me for a walk after dinner ? " Lu Ming asked.

" No, I'll pass. I'm tired." Zhan said.

Lu Ming nodded in understanding . They had dinner without any further conversation.


" Dada ? " Ying said , lying on her bed. They had just came after having dinner and as usual Yibo was there to put her sleep.

" Hm " Yibo hummed, patting her daughter's head.

" I'm happy." Ying said.

" And why so ? " Yibo asked smiling.

" Everyone love Yi'er like Dada said. " Ying said , smiling.

" Hm , because my little penguin is so good. " Yibo said.

" Dada , we go back ? " Ying asked.

" No , we will stay here. Did not I tell you ? " Yibo said , pinching her nose.

She scrunched her nose , joining her brows.

" We'll stay here with our family. Ok ? " Yibo said and Ying nodded.

" Are you not sleepy today ? " Yibo asked as he could see how active she still was.

Ying shook her head.

" Little penguin, tell me one thing . " Yibo said.

" Hm" Ying hummed.

" Want to go school ? " Yibo asked.  His brother and aunt asked him about that and he was hesitant. He had his reason to be worried about leaving Ying alone outside .

" I want to ! Yi'er want to ! " Ying shouted excitedly and got up on her legs, making Yibo chuckle.

" I'll make lots of friends. " Ying said , jumping.

" Ok, little penguin will go to school." Yibo said.

Ying wrapped her little hands around her dad's neck and gave a loud peck on his cheeks.

" Dada is best." Ying said.

Yibo's eyes turned gloomy but his lips were holding a smile.

" Sorry, little penguin. Dada did not send you school earlier." Yibo said with a weight on his chest.

" No saddy saddy." Ying said.

" Only smile"

" Hm " Yibo nodded and pecked her forehead. She was really like a gentle breeze, soothing his exhausted soul.

Suddenly the little girl stretched Yibo's cheeks with both of his hands.

" Dada look good with smile." Ying said giggling.

Yibo smiled and took her cheeks in between his thumb and index finger.

" Little devil too look good." Yibo said.

" Dada leave " Ying said.

" You leave first." Yibo said.

Wang Ying shook her head so her dada. She tried to pout but could not.

" Dadaaaaa" She whined.

Yibo chuckle and leave her cheeks.

" Now leave too." Yibo said.

The girl again shook her head.

" Ok then ." Yibo said and started tickling her .

Wang Ying erupted in laughter and left Yibo.

"  hahahaha.... dada stop hahahaa..." Ying's laugh was echoing in whole room.

" You little devil ! Don't forget I'm your dad " Yibo said without stopping his attacks.

He stopped when he saw her daughter breathless.

" Bad dada " Ying said still laughing.

" Oh ! But dada was thinking to make cupcakes but dada is bad so he is thinking if he should or...." Yibo said showing faking the regret.

" No ! " Ying suddenly shouted.

" Dada is good , best ." Ying said and started giving innocent kisses to his father.

Yibo could not hold anymore and laughed lightly.

" Dada will make , right ? " Ying asked.

" Of course, anything for my little penguin." Yibo said with an affectionate smile.

" Yay !" Ying cheered throwing her hands in air.

Yibo took her in his arms and laid down with the little girl on his chest who had a wide smile on her face . Yibo covered them and started patting her back.

" My little penguin should always be happy ." Yibo mumbled.

" Dada " Ying whispered.

" Sleep now. It's late." Yibo said softly.

Ying's eyes felt heavy. It was always like this as soon as she was in his father's arm , she could fell sleep instantly.

Yibo patted her until she was in deep slumber. Then he carefully laid her on bed and covered her. He pecked her forehead and left the room.

He went to his room and picked his laptop. He sat on bed. After sometime he picked up his phone too and dialed a number and put on speaker.

" Yang , can you send me those files ? " Yibo said.

" Yibo , rest bro , please ." An irritated sleepy voice came from phone.

" Not those just send me all. " Yibo said , ignoring his friend mood.

" Really ! Are you thinking of working whole night ? " Yang asked.

" Just send me and sleep. " Yibo said.

" I won't. You better sleep." Yang said.

" Yang , send me. " Yibo said this time sternly.

" Ok but not all. " Yang said.

" Really you will never find a good secretary than me. If it was someone else he would have resigned." Yang said .

" Be quick." Yibo said, deadpan.

" Yeah yeah boss." Yang sarcastically said.

" Yibo, do you want me to check those projects ? " Yang asked after sometime. He was same like his friend. When he started working he become serious.

" No , it's not much . Do later and then send me a detailed report. " Yibo said without taking his eyes from desktop.

" Alright" Yang said.

" Thanks. Goodnight." Yibo said and disconnect the call before he could hear any sarcastic comment.

On the other side Yang was cursing his friend and boss. After ruining his sleep he was wishing him a good night. He was hell irritated.


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