Chapter - 21

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Zhan was standing outside Yibo's study room. He knocked and a cold voice came from inside.

" Come in."

Zhan couldn't believe that he was delivering the sweet milk coffee to the owner of this Icy voice.

Shrugging his thoughts he entered and saw his husband and his secretary discussing work.

" Hey Zhan ! Good morning ! " Xue Yang said when he saw Zhan.

" Good morning, Yang ge ! " Zhan greeted. He called Yang , ge as he was older than him.

He gave coffee to them . Sweet milk coffee to Yibo and black , bitter to Xue Yang.

He glanced at Yibo who took a sip ,still eyes fixed on the file in his hand.

" So he really drink this." Zhan whispered.

Yibo didn't hear as he was too focused but Xue Yang did. He didn't understand first but then saw Zhan was staring at Yibo who was  drinking his coffee.

Xue Yang chuckled as he understood Zhan's word.

" Pfft...... You get surprised." Yang said laughing.

" Who won't ?"  Zhan said seriously.

" You'll find more surprising things." Yang said.

Yibo who heard Yang's laugh and then his conversation with Zhan , he got confused.

" What happened, Mr Xue ? " Yibo asked sternly.

Yang who was laughing when heard stern voice, sat up straight as he knew Yibo didn't like slacking during work.

" Nothing sir."

" Zhan , do you need something ? " Yibo asked turning to his husband.

" No , I was just going." Zhan said and turned to left.

" Tsk , Ice block." Zhan mumbled after coming out .

When Mrs Fu saw Zhan coming downstairs she said," Zhan dear , come and have breakfast."

Zhan nodded and sat at the table. As he was having breakfast a thought came in his mind and  he chocked.

" Slowly dear ,  slowly." Mrs Fu said caressing Zhan's back and gave him  a glass of water.

" Aunty Fu, don't tell me the candies are for Yibo ? "

Mrs Fu smiled and nodded. Zhan was staring at Mrs Fu with utmost shock.

Mrs Fu caress Zhan's head like a mother and said," You will get to know him eventually."

Zhan didn't say anything and started eating again. After having breakfast he was about to go his room again but suddenly his brother in law stop him.

" Zhan , do you want to come with me ? I'm going in garden ." Wang Huan said.

Zhan didn't have anything to do so he agreed. They both sat in garden and started talking. In between Zhan mentioned that he was missing his family.

" Why don't you go to meet them ? " Wang Huan said with a warm smile.

" Today ? " Zhan asked.

" Hm , Yibo will take you."

Zhan shook his head and said," I can go alone . He is busy."

" He is not busy. Wait,  I will tell him." Huan said and dialed Yibo's number and tell him to come in garden.

Zhan was just looking at his brother in law. He didn't except that Wang Huan will seriously ask Yibo .

After few minutes Yibo came with Yang.

" Ge , do you need me for something ? " Yibo asked.

" I don't but your husband." Wang Huan said.

Yibo turned his gaze towards Zhan who averted his eyes . Huan saw this and sighed.

" Yibo, take Zhan to meet his family. He is missing them ."

" Now ?"

" Yes , haven't you guys finished your work ? "  Huan said turning to Xue Yang.

" Yes ge , we have ." Xue Yang said smiling.

Zhan glanced at the three people in front of him. Yibo turned to Zhan and met with his sparkling dark black eyes. Yibo's heart skip a beat.

" We can go." Yibo said. Zhan nodded and stood up. Wang Yibo glanced at his brother and his friend and sighed in his heart.

When Yibo left with Zhan , Yang and Huan strated laughing.

After sometime both Yibo and Zhan came downstairs. Yibo was wearing a shirt and pant, a little casual than his office attires. Zhan was wearing a white T - shirt with a blue unbuttoned shirt with black narrow jean.

Yibo was  going to drive today so he sat on driving seat but when he saw Zhan was standing outside , he said," Hop in."

Zhan was staring at passenger seat. He couldn't sit there without getting panic attack, he knew that. He was struggling in his mind what to do . He was reluctant to tell anyone let alone Yibo whom he met just one month ago.

When he heard Yibo's voice he came back to his senses and quickly went to sit on back seat . Yibo saw this and frowned .

" What's wrong ?" Zhan aske seeing Yibo's frown.

" Why are you sitting there ? " Yibo asked.

" What's wrong with that ? I don't like that sit." Zhan said pointing at passenger seat.

" I'm comfortable here ."

Yibo felt that something was wrong but didn't ask as he understand he and Zhan were not that close .

" If you feel humiliated by being my driver than ask someone to drive." Zhan said suddenly , looking outside.

Yibo was stunned by words.

" I have no problem. " Yibo said and started driving.

The whole ride was silent. Zhan got busy in his phone and Yibo in driving.

After sometime they arrived at Jiang Mansion. As Yibo parked the car, Zhan hopped out of car like a child, beaming with joy and excitement.

Yibo smiled seeing his childish husband. He schooled his expression before entering inside.

Zhan had already informed his family so everyone was waiting. When they saw Zhan , they surrounded him. Mr and Mrs Jiang hugged their son.

Wen Zi was very happy to see his brother and brother in law. After greeting Zhan , he went towards his brother who was standing and watching them.

Wen Zu hugged his brother and Wang Yibo patted her head like a father.

" How are you ge ? " Zi asked.

" Fine, what about you ? " Yibo asked.

" I'm fine too, ge."

Mrs Jiang when saw Zi and Yibo talking he felt  they neglected Yibo.

" Good afternoon ! " Yibo said and bowed politely.

Everyone turned around to see the person they neglected.

" Good afternoon dear ! " Mrs Jiang said smiling .

" Good afternoon ! " Yibo said again and bowed when he saw Mrs Jiang coming towards him.

Mrs Jiang nodded and patted his shoulders.

After that Jiang Cheng and Wang Yibo greeted each other. This while time Yibo had poker face.

After the greetings Mrs Fu take her son and son in law in living room.

Yibo and Zhan came at lunch time. So after sometime they all have lunch together.

After lunch Mrs Jiang and Wen Zi were in kitchen. Wen Zi noticed Mrs Jiang was in deep thoughts.

" Mom, is everything all right ? " Zi asked.

" Yes , everything is fine.". Mrs Jiang said and gave a smile.

" Mom , you can talk to me ."

Mrs Jiang smiled and said ," Zi , why Yibo seem reluctant to call us mom and dad  ? Is something wrong with our behaviour ?"

" Mom , there is no problem with you and dad . It's just ..... It's been many years that Yibo ge has said these two words." Wen Zi said smiling sadly.

Mrs Jiang realised to that she had forgotten that Yibo lost his parents at very young age . Seeing Yibo all mature and strong, she forgot that he was same age of his elder son whom she had pampered and loved from childhood.

" Sorry , I'm being insensible." Mrs Jiang said.

" No , mom, you just want ge to feel like a family." Zi said and hugged her mother in law.

Mrs Jiang smiled and patted her daughter in law's head.

After sometime they came outside the kitchen Mrs Jiang went to her youngest son . She really missed her sunshine.


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