Chapter 3: Let it go-KILL ME!

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Chris: Previously on Total Drama Revenge of the Island!

Chris: We learned that although our campers are here to win, they are losers one way or another.

Chris: Really, really big losers.

Chris: It was a psychological butt-kicking that quickly turned literal, then comical, then hysterical.

Chris: In the end, Lightning got the biggest boot of all. Sha-bye. *laughs*

Chris: I love my job.

Chris: Stay tuned as more things blow up, more contestants throw up and some even try to hook up.

Chris: Right here on: Total-Drama-Revenge of the Island!

It is morning. The campers should be awake already.

We see a big-brain mouse leaving the bush.

All of a sudden, an eagle swoops in to get the mouse.

However, the mouse apparently has telekinetic powers, thus sending the eagle flying.

We enter the Main Lodge and see the campers eat.

Sam accidently spitting his food on Scott (even though he deserves it), Jo and Brick compete on eating speed, Anne Maria spraying her hair while eating, suffocating Cameron.

Then we see Y/n and Dawn sitting next to each while eating.

Y/n: Hey, Dawn. Can I ask you something?

Dawn looks at Y/n, curious.

Dawn: Of course. What's on your mind?

Y/n: Well, I'm just curious about, umm, what will you with the money if you win?

Dawn: Donate to save Mother Earth.

Y/n: That determined? I like it.

Dawn: What about you?

Y/n: Take care of the global pollution. 

Dawn: Really? Wait, you love nature? 

She looks at Y/n, very happy.

Y/n: Sure do. Been helping animal shelters, caring for stray animals and getting rid of garbage whenever I can.

Dawn then hugs Y/n, she is just so happy.

She realizes what she is doing and lets go, the duo blushing a bit.

Dawn: I-I'm sorry.

Y/n: Eh, it's okay. If anything, I don't mind.

Dawn then smiles at Y/n, beauty and joy radiating-


What is this power?!

All of a sudden, a small beetle crawls out of Y/n's plate.

It crawls onto Dawn's hand, who just shelters it, making Y/n smile.

Then the speakers outside turn on.

Chris (speakers): Attention, players!

Chris (speakers): Please head to the looming tragedy that is Mount Looming Tragedy. Your race begins now.

Both teams begin running towards the "mountain".

And so they arrive.

Some of the contestants were tired.

Sam: *breath* Did we win?

Cameron throws up into a bush.

Jo looks at him.

Jo: If we were hamsters, I would have eaten you by now.

Whistling is heard, alerting the campers.

Chris: Okay, mutant food, on with the challenge. Part one is an uphill battle.

Chris: You have to climb all the way up to that cliff.

Chris: First team to reach the top gets advantage in part two.

Chris: You can climb with your hands or whatever you find in the pile. Don't worry, this junkyard doesn't have a dog.

Chris: It has a giant mutant beetle!

That said beetle burst out of the pile, hissing with hostility.

Most of the campers are shocked.

Chris: *chuckles* Big guy is a bit of a hoarder. His estate is full useful crud and disgusting crud.

The beetle throws a toilet at some of the campers, who manage to dodge it.

Chris: That is, if you can get near it.

Chef blows a giant, long horn. 

((Sorry, I don't know what it's called.))

Chris: It is on!

The campers run!

Jo: Let's hustle, maggots! Double time!

The Maggots have somewhat advanced, while the Rats struggle, a lot.

Except B and Y/n.

Before they could anything done, however, the beetle started breathing fire.

Yes, fire. Like a dragon!

Meanwhile, Mike, Zoey and Cameron, who fell first, took some tools from the pile to help climbing.

Sam tried to calm it with music, only to backfire.

Y/n: Nothing seems to work. 

Y/n: Wait... Dawn, do you still have the beetle?

Dawn: You mean this little one?

She shows the beetle.

Y/n: Yeah. I'm pretty the big one's looking for its young.

Y/n whistles to get the adult beetle's attention.

Y/n: Looking for your kid? 

He points at the small beetle, which is let go from Dawn's hands and crawls to the adult one, which appears to be the mother. As gratitude, she will let them scrounge from the pile as she tends to her child

Dawn: That was beautiful.

Y/n: What YOU did was beautiful, Dawn. 

Y/n: Alright, B. Let's get to work.

The contraption consists of: A sac of baking soda, a broken chair leg, a used armchair on top of a barrel filled with chemical waste, with a pair of cables to set it all off.

Sam: Baking soda? A broken chair leg? I was clobbered by a giant, fire-breathing beetle so you could collect this?

Y/n: B's plans never failed.

B sits into the armchair, and beckons for the others to hop on to it.

And so they did.

He connects the cables to create a spark.

They are flying on the armchair.

As Jo reached the top, so did the Rats.

Roughly landing on Chef.

Dawn: You did it, B. We won the challenge!

Y/n: Told you he know what he's doing.

Just then, Scott lands right next to them.

Scott: Ow!

((Scott's Confessional))

Scott: Okay, seriously. Beverly the explosives expert mime has to go.

What he doesn't know is Y/n was behind the confessional, eavesdropping.

And boi, is he angry at Scott for calling B as Beverly and a mime.

((End of Confessional))

Chris arrived on a jetpack.

Chris: Slow your roll, nature's nurse. I say who wins.

Jo laughs in overconfidence.

Chris: The Rats, thank to B and Y/n.

The Rats, except Scott, cheer.

Dawn hugs Y/n in joy, again.

She was about to let go, until he hugs her back.

>Dawn greatly appreciates it>

Chris: See how I do that better?

Jo: Wait a minute! I got up here first, we won!

Chris: First TEAM to the top wins. That means the whole team. You're still missing some members.

Jo scoffs.

Jo: Whatever.

<<Scene Change>>

We see an area frozen in ice and snow, as if it's winter.

Both teams are shaking, except B and Y/n, for obvious reasons.

Chris: Greetings, ice teens!

Chris arrives, prepared for winter, on a snow crawler, with Chef.

Chris: Cold enough for ya?

He sees most of them shaking.

Chris: I'll take that as a yes.

Chris: Time for part two of today's challenge.

Chris: Capture the snow fort.

Chris: To win, you either have to demo the enemies' fort.

Chris: Or capture the flag and bring it back to your own fort. 

Chris: Rats won the first part, so they get first dibs on the forts.

Y/n: Let's go with the castle.

Scott: Nuh-uh! Gotta be a trick. We'll take the shack.

Y/n: I think not. The shack is nasty enough from the outside, so we take the high ground. 

Scott: We're going to with the shack!

Y/n: We are going with the castle...Scott!

And so they glare at each other, intensely.

While the other Rats look at each other, unsure.

B then points at Y/n with a confident smile and nods.

Sam: Uh, guys?

Scott/ Y/n: What?/ Yes, Sam?

Dawn: Me, Sam and B agreed on taking Y/n's side on this.

Sam: Strategically speaking, Y/n is right this case.

B nods, smugly smirking at Scott, who just frowns.

And so, the Toxic Rats have the castle while the Mutant Maggots own the shack.

 Each team's banner is in the middle of their respective "fort".

Chris (megaphone): Listen up, players. Here's how it works: Use the shovel in each fort to fire your collection of mystery snowballs.

Chris: Which you can fire at each other's forts.

Zoey: *shouts* Why are they called mystery balls?

Chris (megaphone): Because they all inflict major damage.

Chris (megaphone): Thanks to the secret weapon hidden inside each ball. But some will damage you, so choose wisely.

Chris (megaphone): Each team has to elect a captain to command and conquer.


Jo and Brick settle it with a thumb wrestle.

Jo: Brick, lazy, Zoey. You're on offense. Your mission: Capture the enemy's flag.

Jo: The rest of us will defend the fort and fire the snowballs.

<<Meanwhile at the Rats>>

Y/n: I'm captain, called it.

Scott: Oh heck no!

Y/n: Shut. Up. Scott.

They glare at each other again. It seems the Rats (except Rat Scott) trust B, who judges Y/n.

Sam: So, what's the plan?

Y/n: We'll go full defense.

Y/n: B, do your magic so we can melt their little shack.

B salutes and gets to work.

Y/n: Sam, you and Dakota fire the snowballs. Darl-I mean Dawn, can you sense auras on those snowballs?

Dakota: Wait, fire snowballs?!

Y/n: Please, Dakota. At least do it for Sam or your spin-off series!

She blushes a bit and relents because she doesn't want to be voted off.

Dawn: Some of them, I can. 

Y/n: Discard those as best you can and give the good ones to Sam.

Scott: And what about you, "Captain"?

He said the word "captain" with such sarcasm. *cough, Rat, cough*

Y/n: I'm going to keep an eye on you and throw some snowballs at the other team, myself.

((Scott's Confessional))

Scott: Keep an eye on me, yeah right. He can't possibly know my strategy.

((Switch to Y/n's Confessional))

Y/n: All Scott needs to do is one wrong move and he is out, thus all the major threats gone from this game! Jo an.

((End of Confessionals))

Chris: Aaand go!

And so the battle begins.

The sun scorches such heat from the sky.

Chris and Chef drink some coconut milk.

Chris: Hurry up! My ice is melting, and your forts will, too if the sun gets much higher.

<<Meanwhile with the Rats>>

B looks around at the back of the fort and sees a large ice mirror.

An idea comes to his mind, and starts to sculpt it out.

Dawn throws one bad snowball away, and gives a good one to Sam and Dakota, who fires it at the Maggot fort.

A part of its wall is damaged.

The siege has begun!

Brick and Zoey have some trouble crossing the battlefield, while Anne Maria fears for her hair, still spraying it...


Jo threw her current hairspray onto the field, making Anne Maria walk outside the shack.

Apparently, her hair is immune to snowball damage.

So Brick and Zoey don't have a choice but to use her as a shield as they advance.

A giant snowball lands in the Rats castle, which turns out to be the mama beetle.

Without trouble, she and her kid remember Dawn and Y/n and decide to help them, instead.

Just then, B places the ice mirror he sculpted out and places it at the top of the gatehouse.

He directs the sunlight onto the Maggot shack with it, causing it to melt.

Cameron, who holds onto his team's flag.

Cameron: Uh-oh. We're melting!

Jo tried to convince Mike to do his Svetlana impression, but he say he can't.

Though he almost let it slip that he has MPD.

Cameron, who heard it, gets an idea.

Cameron: And first up on the vault, five-time Russian champ!

Mike's personality changes!

Mike (Svetlana): -is Svetlana!

He/she...whatever. THEY are sent flying to the Rat castle.

Jo: Get the flag, Svetlana!

Just when Svetlana lands, the shirt rips.

Triggering an another personality.

Mike (???): Oh! *takes shirt off* One side, losers!

He pushes Scott aside with one hell of a strength, and takes off the rat flag with one hand!

Mike (???): Hey, yo. You lookin' for this?

Anne Maria: Oh my.

She is somehow....whatever, not calling it.

Scott: That's ours! Hand it over!

Scott tries to wrestle the flag back, but Mike??? pushes him back.

Zoey: Mike! *grabs his hand* Let's get it back to our fort!

Mike (???): *takes his hand from Zoey* Ey, yo. You want to touch the Vito, you gotta make an appointment.

Anne Maria: Now that's what I'm talking about.

Brick: *walks over to them* Come on, Mike. The play's over, you win best actor. Now give me the flag. 

Mike (Vito): Oh yeah? Over my tanned body!

He winks at Anne Maria.

Y/n grabs the flag pole, grabbing Vito's attention!

Y/n: How about we get Mike back to his senses, gentlemen?

For once, Brick and Scott can agree. That man is not Mike!

Mike (Vito): Let's rumble! 

Just then, Y/n quickly pulls the flagpole from Vito, and Brick and Scott jump onto Vito!

Y/n: B! Jump on 'em!

Scott: *looks at Y/n, shocked* What about me?!

B does the bomb dive!

Scott is thrown out of the castle.

He sees the Maggot fort melting, with Jo shoveling the snow to save it.

Scott: What the?

The beetle in jumping on Cameron's back.

Cameron: I want my bubble! (x2)

Scott: Crud.

He sees the mirror.

Scott: Try to talk your way out of this one, Bev.

He makes a snowball and goes to throw it!

Y/n sees it all.

Y/n points at Scott.

Y/n: Stop right there, criminal scum!

His very voice gets Sam, Dakota and Dawn to run to him.

Dakota: What's going on?

Y/n: Scott's trying to sabotage us!

Sam: WHAT?!

Scott: He's lying!

Y/n: Oh really? Then why do you have a snowball in your hand in OUR fort's direction?

Scott: I was going to throw at the maggots!

Y/n: I highly doubt it. Dawn deare-I mean Dawn, can you read his aura?

Dawn: Huh? Why? *looks at Y/n, surprised*

Y/n: See if he's lying.

Y/n just smirks at Scott with narrowed eyes, who just sweats.

Dawn sees into his soul, and her eyes widen with fear, her hands shaking.

She backs off to bump into Y/n.

Y/n: Dawn! Are you alright?!

He holds her by the shoulders.

Dawn: H-his aura is-is completely b-black!

Y/n's eyes widen a bit and looks at Scott, angrily.

Dakota and Sam just look at each other, confused.

Sam: Sorry, guys. But what does that mean?

Y/n just turns his head slightly towards Sam direction.

Y/n: In auras, black means evil.

That's then everyone in the Rat fort, including Mike (who came to his senses) look shocked.

Mike: Wait, what?

Mike walks up to Y/n and Dawn.

Mike: Dude, I understand you're suspicious of him. Even I think he's psycho, but what makes you think he's trying to sabotage you?

Y/n: Mike, he was trying to sabotage OUR team from the start, just do he can pick your team off.

And by then, the Maggot fort melted to the ground.

Chris: Toxic Rats won!

Chris: And here's your reward: McLean brand hot chocolate, scald your senses with chocolaty goodness.

Most of the Rats cheer, except Scott, which is obvious, and Dawn, since she is still in shock.

Y/n noticed it, and he gently shook Dawn to get her out of her shock, which worked.

They look at each other, smiling.

Of course, Mike and Zoey noticed it. B did, too. The said trio smirked.

((Y/n's Confessional))

Y/n: Exactly as I suspected. He tried to outsmart my buddy, B, but he failed miserably. Now all we gotta do is do our best to win from here on out.

((Switch to Dawn's Confessional))

Dawn: I never would've thought Y/n would be this smart and cunning. I'm starting to feel strange when I'm with him. I saw him sleep under a tree, and he just looked so dreamy- *realizes and blushes* Wait, no! I-

((Switch to Mike's Confessional))

Mike: Okay, did Vito show up earlier? Ohh..

Mike: Chester and Svetlana are hard enough to keep in line, but Vito, huh? 

Mike: Things just went from tough to suck-tacular.

((End of Confessionals))

Most of the Rats are at their cabin.

Y/n: Good job team. Once Scott is gone, all we have to do is continue to win as a team.

B points a finger gun at Y/n, meaning: "You got that right!"

Dawn: I never would've thought Scott was going to sabotage us.

Y/n: AND frame us, one after another. First B and me, one after another, then you, Dawn.

Dawn's eyes widen.

Dawn: Even me? But why?

Y/n kneels and takes one of Dawn's hands into his own.

Y/n: Think. B is smart, I'm cunning, and you can read auras. That would make us major threats to him. 

Dawn thinks about, then looks at Y/n.

Dawn: I suppose you're right.


They both notice Y/n is still holding Dawn's hand.

They both blush, making Y/n let go of Dawn's hand and stand up straight.

Y/n: S-sorry, Dawn! *looking sideways*

Dawn is looking at her hands, still blushing.

Dawn: I-It's okay. I-I don't mind!

Dawn's Mind: His hand was so warm....

<<Small timeskip to the elimination ceremony>>

Chris: After another jam-packed day of losing, it all comes down to this.

Chris: The following maggots are safe:





Chris: The toxic marshmallow goes to...

<<Dramatic music, we know>>

Chris: Cameron.

Cameron: Ohh...

Chris: Well, bubble boi. It's time.

<<Switch to the Hurl of Shame>>

Chris: Any final words, Cameron?

Cameron: It was fun. Bye, Zoey. Bye, Mike.

Zoey: See you, Cameron!

Mike: Stay safe, little guy!

They both wave at him, and he waves back, with a smile.

And then...

He is hurled away.

Chris: Come back for more mutants, mayhem and maybe some manipulation next time on: 

Chris: Total-Drama-Revenge of the Island!

((And this is it for this chapter! Hope you enjoyed it! Updating two stories on the same day is NOT easy at all! Anyway, next will be: Exploring Mirkwood! Until then, peace out!!))

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