Chapter 12: Shaming Ramsay More!

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((This is it! Two more chapters and we're done with this story, but it will continue, no worries! Now without further ado, LET'S GET THIS STARTED!))

Chris: Previously on Total Drama: Revenge of the Island!

Chris: An epic air battle which had an epic ending, with Y/n scaring Heather off my zeppelin!

Chris: Having to sacrifice the idol of immunity, B was spared, but both Zoey and Mike got chucked by catapult.

Chris: We're down to the final three.

Chris and Chef are seen gliding their kites.

Chris: Who's going to the finals? And who's gonna be cut loose?

He uses his scissors to cut the string to Chef's kite, angering him.

Chris: Haha. Yeah, like that.

Chris: Find out right now on: Total-Drama-Revenge of the Island!

Our final three, namely Y/n, Dawn and B, gathered right outside of the communal bathrooms with Chris and Chef.

Chris: Challenge time!

Chris: And since you've been abused so flagrantly, today's challenge is a super safe, fun challenge. 


Chris started walking to look more important...

Chris: Get ready for bubbles, flowers, cotton can-

What seems to be a rope tightened around his ankle, which is tied to the top of a tree.

That little trap threw him into the viscose, through the roof.

Chef opened the door, and gave out some disgusted noise which is similar to a pig's squeal.

Chef: I need 5 interns at the viscose! ASAP!

Chef turns to where Chris is.

Chef: We'll get you out of there, soon!

Chris coughs a few times.

Chris: Chef, red light to green light!

Chef is smirking and turns to the campers.

Chef: I'll bring the pain!

He mutters the next word to the campers.

Chef (mutters): Not...

<<Scene Change>>

We see our final 3, each having a separate desk with a pan, a cooker, and a sink.

Chef: Alright, kids! Here's your first challenge: a cook-off!

Chef: You have twenty minutes to make a tasty meal for him!

He turns to an intern who is off-screen.

Chef: Bring him here!

The intern bring in...DJ on what seems to be the standing version of a stretcher.

((I'm sorry I don't know the name of it.))

Chef take off the eye bind, making him look around in fear.

DJ: No. Not here! I vowed to never be back here as long as there was breath in my lungs!

Chef: Your contract disagrees, doughboy.

Y/n just takes off his bean places it where his heart is.

Y/n: That's rough, buddy.

Chef: Now, you three know the challenge. And doughboy will be the judge.

Chef: You'll have to find the ingredients of your choosing on the island.

Chef: Now go!

Everyone runs off to find some ingredients.

After 20 minutes of gathering and cooking, we see:

Dawn made a salad.

B made a pie.

And Y/n made some honeyed pancakes.

Chef, who stands next to a tied up DJ.

Chef: Alright, kids. Spatulas down.

Chef: Now, stand in line. We'll see how good your meals are.

Dawn: I present you: Amazon's Wonder.

Her salad is mostly green, but with some edible, NON-TOXIC berries.

That draws a smile to DJ's face.

DJ: Can I try, please?

She gives him a forkful of her salad, and boi, did he like it.

She got 10/10.

Chef: Next.

B's pie was made of berries, but it sadly blew up in his face.

So, DJ couldn't taste nor rate it. B was out.

Now, it was Y/n's turn.

Y/n: Let me present thee: The Pancakes of Golden Wonder.

As said before, a few pancakes, covered in honey.

DJ: Woah, pancakes? Let me try, let me try, please!

Y/n just laughed a bit gave him a forkful of it.

DJ almost looked like as if he just stuffed himself and is about to fall asleep.

DJ: This really is a Golden Wonder.

Both Dawn and B are laughing a bit.

((Dawn's Confessional))

Dawn: Y/n's cooking is better than mine? Well, sure, he is my boyfriend, but I believe I should be the better cook. Good thing I'm taking notes of his pancake recipe. *giggles*

((Switch to Y/n's Confessional))

Y/n was just laughing like this:

((End of Confessionals))

So, Y/n wins this one.

The second part of the challenge is what Chef calls a Dork hunt.

He placed a tracing collar on the final three.

Here's what they have to do:

1. Run into the forest and run through to reach and touch a flagpole.

2. Avoid Chef and if he finds, avoid his spicy spaghetti shots.

The one who touches the flagpole wins immunity.

Sure, running wasn't easy for the, despite their advantage, which was 20 minutes.

We see the trio running, almost to the flagpole.

Of course, Chef was on their heels...

B went down first.

Y/n shielded Dawn from multiple shots, thus Dawn winning immunity.

B was bummed that he lost, but at least his "brother" also went down in a blaze of glory.

And during all of that, remember Chris.

Yeah, he had some problems getting out of the viscose.

And his interns enjoyed every second of it.

<<Skip to Elimination>>

We see the trio, Chef and Chris.

Chris: Well, well, well. Not having immunity this time, Y/n?

Y/n: Whatever, McLean. It was worth it.

Chris: Oh, really? 

Chris: Well, since Dawn has immunity, she can also choose to vote off one of you, boys.

Now this...this really shocks everyone. 

The trio, Chef and interns watching from afar.

Dawn: What?!

Chris: That's right, Dawn. 

Chris: You must choose: Beverly or your boyfriend.

Dawn: I...I...

She was thinking so hard...she thought she was hearing voices...

Dawn: ...I-I choose to vote...

Everyone was waiting in anticipation...

Dawn: B.

Not big surprise, but still very sad.

And so, our lovable mute genius was hurled off.

Chris: And so, the final challenge approaches. Will the couple stay together as they face one final challenge that might shatter their loyalty to each other? Find out in the finale on: Total-Drama-Revenge of the Island!

And the camera darkens while seeing Dawn's and Y/n's faces filled with one thing: Fear.

((And here we are, folks. One more chapter for this story, and Dreadout will be continued. Hope you enjoyed this one! Next is Final Chapter: Love or Greed? Until then, peace out!))

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