Chapter 1, Part 2: Go with the Flow!

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((Previously on Love in Nature))

Chris: This season, we got all new players fighting for the million!

Dawn: Your aura is exceptionally purplish green.

Cameroon: Is this what pain tastes like?

Chris: Captain Dense, two steps left.

Mike: He won't blow us up again, right?

Chris: There are bombs strapped to the totems what will explode when the time expires.

((Continuing from where we left off))

B and Y/n are setting their plan into motion while Lightning tries to climb the tree their totem is hanging from.

Staci: It's too bad that my third cousin, Jack isn't here to give us tips on barehanded tree climbing.

<<Meanwhile at the Maggots>>

Cameroon: Okay, if Jo hits the center of the trampoline with 50 pounds of pressure per square inch- *gets pushed by Anne Maria*

Anne Maria: Back off, I want a crack at this!

Cameroon: But I calculated for Jo's weight!

Despite his warning, Anne Maria still jumped onto the trampoline, only to hit the bottom of their team's totem, then fall, up and down, repeatedly until Jo pushes the trampoline away, making Anne Maria finally land on solid ground.

((Anne Maria's Confessional))

Anne Maria: Sure, I want to win a million dollars, but not at the expense of my looks. I mean, check me out!

Anne Maria: Perfect hair, perfect tan, all this is worth a billion, easy.

((End of Confessional))

<<Back to the Rats>>

Lightning still struggles at climbing, Staci still running her mouth, B and Y/n almost done with their plans.

Staci: -And my great, great, great aunt Dora actually taught the Canadians to carve totems.

B then grabs her gently by the arm as if to guide her somewhere, making Dakota, Dawn, Sam and Scott sigh in relief and Y/n smirking.

There seems to be a rock and a long log on it.

B guides Staci to the bottom end of the log.

Staci: Oh, okay. You want me on this thing?

Y/n quickly runs to the base of the tree, giving a thumbs up to B.

B then jumps onto the other end of the log, launching Staci into the air and land onto Y/n's shoulders, still standing.

Sam: Woah, dude!

Right then and there, Lightning fell...again.

((Lightning's Confessional))

Lightning: First of all, tree climbing is NOT a recognized sport. Plus that tree was covered in butter or something. But if Chris is trying to make Lightning look bad, he can think again. Lightning never gives up and never surrenders. Sha-Lightning! *fLeXeS*

((End of Confessional))

<<At the Maggots>>

Brick: Let's win this!

He jumps and manages to grab an axe that is stuck to their totem, but squirms as to not fall.

Jo: Good grief!

Anne Maria: Sheesh, what a baby!

Mike: Aww, man! This isn't working!

Then... Mike goes full...

((Gonna use this whenever his personality changes, also skipping Chester's intro, same for Zoey's confessional...this once))

<<Back to the Rats>>

B launches Lightning onto Scott's shoulders, while at the Maggots, Brick just can't get the axe out of the totem. Then a mutated squirrel shot "Lightning" at the Maggots from its eyes.

B launches Dawn onto Scott's...shoulder?

Y/n: One more will do! Dakota, ready?

Of course, she was photographed by her paparazzies, which was interrupted by Chris cutting a tree between them.

<<Dawn and Y/n greatly disapprove>>

The squirrel targets Brick.

Misses once, the twice.

Brick: Not the crew cut!

Third strike, hits the axe's blade which directs the "Lightning" to blast the branch the Maggot totem is tied to.

B carries Dakota back to the team.

Dakota: Ah! Put me down!

He drops her onto the "launch spot".

Dakota: Take it easy!

Dawn: Only 3 minutes left!

Whoosh! Dakota gets launched and land on Dawn, who hands her the saw.

Dawn: Saw the ropes!


Dakota: How are you supposed to?

Dakota: It won't work!

Sam: Teeth down on the rope! Down!

Lightning: No, girl! You can NOT be that dumb!

Dawn: Pretend it's daddy's steak knife!

Y/n's Mind:

Dakota: Oh! *giggles and saws the ropes with the sharp side*

The ropes are cut, and the totems falls to the ground!

Sam: *laughs* B! Change your name to A+!

((B's "Confessional"))

B just breathes into his hand and seemingly moves it slightly up and down on stomach level, as to say: "So far, so good!"

((Change to Scott's Confessional))

Scott: B and Y/n think they're so smart. But once my plan goes into action, they won't know what hit them!

((End of Confessionals))

From there on, the teams were literally going with the flow, similar to a water slide.

Jo: They're gaining on us!

Brick: It's my duty to inform you ma'am, that we have bigger problems. *points straight forward*

They see a waterfall, one they're heading to!

Cameroon: My first waterfall!

Mike (Chester): And maybe our last!

They land on solid ground to slide on, Zoey almost falling off, until...

Chester changes into Mike again and saves Zoey!

But the Rats are not far behind!

B shows with his arm straight forward!

Y/n: Everyone lean forward! We'll slide faster that way!

And so they did, with which the gained speed.

Before Staci could speak again, Lightning stuffed a nut into her mouth, Y/n saying "Thank you!" in return.

Jo: Hey! How did they get in front of us!

<<At the cabins>>

Chris and Chef are chilling.

Chris: Ah! Feels good to be back!

But then, Owen, one of the classic contestants runs up to the duo.

Owen: Hey, Chris! Get this: The boat wouldn't stop!

Chris: Oh, look. It's former player Owen, who's NOT competing this year.

Owen: Yeah, so I swam back to tell you that-WHAT?! Not competing?!

Chris: I'm afraid you and the other classic players have outlived your usefulness.

Chris: Chef.

Chef just pins a McLean bomb onto Owen's chin.

Owen runs off, Chris detonates it which sends Owen to who know where.

The evil duo laughs.

Just then, the Toxic Rats arrive with their totem.

Lightning: First place! Team Lightning!

Chris: Tick-tock.

The timer didn't stop!

Scott: Quick! Grab the good cabin!

And so they carry it to a stump and place the totem on it, stopping the timer at...


But the Mutant Maggots' totem crashes into the Toxic Rats' cabin and exploding, blowing up the beautiful cabin.

Chris: Too bad, it had an eight-person hot tub and air conditioning.

That makes most of the rats groan.

But of course, someone wants to run their mouth, no matter what...

Guess who it is....

Come on, you should know...

You don't?


*sighs* It's Staci.

Chris: Regardless, as the only team with a cabin still standing, The Mutant Maggots win the first challenge!

Lightning: *walks up to Chris and Chef* Where am I gonna sleep?

Y/n: Where WE gonna sleep, you mean.

Chris: No worries. We've got a backup cabin for every bit as nice as the one you lost.

Bam! A normal cabin is dropped where that supa hot one was!

Lightning: Crap!

Chris: Team Rat, I'll see you at the bonfire for our first elimination ceremony of the season.

<< the ceremony>>

Chris: The votes are cast.

Chris: Those who receive a regular marshmallow can stay, but this season, one player will receive a very special marshmallow.

Chris: A marshmallow you do NOT want to eat!

Chef arrives in a suit that protects from radiation, open the case he holds, and it's that "special marshmallow"...

Chris: Whoever gets the Marshmallow of Toxic Loserdom is out of the contest, which means you can't come back, EVER.

Chris: The following players are safe:






and Sam.

Chris: And the Marshmallow of Toxic Loserdom goes to...

Chris: Staci.

Staci: Aww, but I was doing so good.

((No, you are trash.))

She touches the toxic marshmallow, which caused her hair to fall off, except a few threads, scaring the rest of the Rats.

Staci: I guess it's the Dock of Shame for me, then.

Chris: Actually, we came up with something new this season! You'll love it.

<<Scene change to a...catapult?>>

Chris: Say hello to the Hurl of Shame! Patent pending.

Staci was rambling again, only to be launched off to Kingdom Come.

Chris: One down, thirteen to go, who's next in line?

Chris: Find out next time, right here on: Total-Drama-Revenge of the Island!

((And this is it for Chapter 1! Chapter 2: Drowning Embarrassments! is coming up! But before that, I'll do the brief character info! Hope you enjoyed this page just as you'll enjoy the rest! Until then, PEACE OUT!))

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