Bonus Chapter: Prison Whooping Mann Style

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2 weeks after Chris McLean, the now former host of the reality show Total Drama has been arrested for all his illegal conducts and whatnot, things have been peaceful.

Except, someone thinks McLean hasn't exactly suffered enough.

That someone is Y/n himself, one of the co-winners of Revenge of the Island.

Since the arrest, their relationship has only become stronger.

Yet, Y/n worries for his Moon Princess, so he cashes in a favor.

<<Location: Mann Co.,  Time: 11.23>>

We see Mann Co., the head quarters of a well known group of mercenaries...

Team Fortress as a whole.

The guys do their usual things:

Soldier practicing his rocket jump.

Spy and Sniper conversing while having a laugh once every 10 minutes.

Heavy cleaning his gun, Sasha.

Demoman drinking while checking his bombs.

Medic improving his medical equipment while talking with his pigeon.

And good ol' Engineer playing his guitar.

But what about Scout, you'd ask?

Well, Scout is outside in the backyard, practicing his aim with his baseball bat.

The ball shooter launches another ball, only for Scout to hit it.

Just as he sees it flying, his phone rings.

He sees who the caller is, and he answers it.

Scout: Hello?

"Hey, Scout. Hope I'm not interrupting anything."

Hearing the voice made Scout give away a smirk.

It was Y/n.

Scout: Nah, man, you're cool. Why did you call me?

Y/n (Phone): Cashing in a friendly favor, but I need you to call Heavy, Sniper and Spy before I can say anything else.

This surprised the speedy boi.

Scout: Umm...sure.

With that, he goes inside to call the said Russian man, the Frenchman and the Aussie professional to his room.

Scout: Okay, they're here. What is this favor about?

Y/n (Phone): Put me on speaker, please. They'll want to hear it.

And Scout does just that.

Y/n (Phone): Can you guys hear me?

Heavy: Da. We hear you, strong little man.

Sniper: Aye, we can hear you, mate.

Spy, however, looks more serious.

Spy: What favor is Scout talking about?

Y/n (Phone): A friendly favor you owe me. Don't worry, it's nothing you can't handle.

Scout: And that is?

Y/n (Phone): McLean...

At the mention of the name, their face go sour.

Sniper: That greedy stinker...

Spy: What about him?

Y/n (Phone): I fear that he'll try to bribe the guards in his prison to release him, and if it does happen, he might try to ruin the lives of every contestant, starting with me and Dawn.

This made Scout seethe with anger, as he loves his little sister very much.

Scout: Want us to beat him up for you?

Y/n (Phone): Make him want to stay in his cell for life.

Heavy: Hahaha! Beating down little man-baby is easy.

Sniper smiled in anticipation.

Sniper: Guess I'll get my P-jars then.

Spy, however, raised his eyebrow.

Spy: What about me?

Y/n (Phone): Your job will be different, Spy. Siphon every last bit of his money from all his accounts.

Y/n (Phone): And please send half of it to me and Dawn, respectively.

Spy just rubbed his hands together with a mischievous looks on his face, with a sadistic glint in his eyes.

Spy: Oui, consider it done.

Y/n (Phone): Glad to hear it. Call me when you're done with all of that.

Scout: And the rest of the money?

Y/n (Phone): Keep it. Consider it your payment with some bonuses to the whole group. After all, you guys need money as much as everyone else does.

The 4 mercs looked at each other, smiled and nodded in agreement. It's rare for them to be hired by anyone as smart, friendly and cunning as Y/n himself. 

Scout: Will do, pally.

And with that, Scout hangs up, and the mercs gear up to pay a visit to Backroom Jail...

<<Meanwhile, at Y/n's house>>

Y/n hangs up and puts his phone in his pocket.

???: Who was that, darling?

He turns around to see his girlfriend, Dawn.

Y/n: Just had a friendly talk with your brother. Are you ready?

Dawn is seen in a blue floral pint dress, and honey colored linen shoes.

Her hair is brushed neatly, which makes her more beautiful, thus reminding Y/n of another reason he fell for her.

Dawn: I am, and I can see you're ready, too.

Y/n is in a red t-shirt, wearing white short jeans, and black linen shoes.

Y/n: Yup. 

He walks up to her and offer her his arm.

Y/n: Shall we go, milady?

Dawn giggles and wraps her arm around his.

Dawn: Yes, we shall, good sir.

And with that, they head off to start their date of Dawn's choice: The Zoo.

<<Current Location: Backroom Jail, Time: 13.31.

Backroom Jail, one of the most tightly secured prisons in the world.

Its size and security easily rivals that of Long Bay.

We now see cell 244, and inside it... Chris McLean himself.

He was mad at Don, at his former staff, especially Chef, and mostly at Y/n...

He lost his show, his "well deserved" fame, and now he sits in jail for all the things he did and pulled, FOR LIFE!

While he was brooding, a guard knocked on his cell.

Guard: Hey, inmate. You got visitors.

Chris raised his head in shock.

Has someone come to save him?

Chris: Really?

Guard: Yep.

He turns his head left.

Guard: You can go in. If anyone asks, I saw nothing.

Just at the sound of it, what little happiness McLean had was replaced with worry.

Does he have to pay debts again? Hasn't he paid enough?

Then, he sees a short lean man enter who wears a cap, a shirt and tight trousers along with sneakers, followed by a much bigger, muscular man who wears a vest covered with bullets and a shirt underneath, and a third man wearing glasses, a hat, a vest and a shirt.

All their shirts are red.

Chris: Who-who are you?

The short man steps forward while pointing at himself.

Scout: Remember me?

McLean's eyes widen in fear.

Scout: Yeah, you do.

Scout shows his trusty baseball bat while Heavy and Sniper lean on each side of the cell, waiting their turn.

Scout then begins his bonking session.


Chris clutches his stomach in pain-


-only for him to fall on his stomach as he's hit in the back.

Even now, he's struggling to stand back up.

Scout: I don't usually beat morons this fast.

Just as Chris is leaning on one knee...


He's hit in the face by Scout's bat.

Chris is too busy on the pain in his face to see the big Russian man approaching him while he cracks his knuckles.

As soon as Chris opens his eyes, they widen at the size of the man.

Heavy: Tried to hurt friend, man-baby?

And with that, he landed...




And another punch to his body before throwing him to the far end of his cell.

As he was coughing, he felt glass shattering on him on impact, and his nose met a foul stench.

It was...urine.

Chris covered his nose in disgust as he was covered in the very substance.

Sniper: That'll slow you down, you twitchy hooligan!

Why didn't Sniper beat him down like Heavy did?

Because professionals have standards!

Chris: Why-

He coughs some more as he stands up.

His face is decorated with a bleeding nose, and a black eye.

Chris: Why are you doing this? What did I do?

Scout's face showed disgust and anger.

Scout: You tried to hurt my best pal and my sister, moron

He poked McLean with his bat as he finished his sentence.

Scout: And no one, and I mean NO ONE, hurts my sister in any way and gets away with it!

And he knocked him out with one last strike on the top on his head.

Chris McLean lies on the solid, cold floor of his cell, beaten and battered.

And with that, the 3 mercs leave the cell, as well as the prison.

Just then, Scout makes a call.

Scout: Hey, is it done?

We can hear a familiar voice.

Spy (Phone): All in a day's work.

And he hung up before Scout makes another call...

<<3rd person PoV, with Y/n and Dawn>>

After their lovely date at the zoo, the couple arrived home.

Dawn turned to Y/n, smiling.

Dawn: I'm going to take a shower, okay?

Y/n: By all means, sweetie. Go ahead. I'll go make some berry salad for you.

He was met with a kiss on the lips from Dawn.

Dawn: I love you so much.

Y/n smiled back.

Y/n: I love you more.

Giggling, Dawn went to the bathroom to take a shower.

Just then, Y/n's phone rings.

He quickly goes to the kitchen so Dawn wouldn't hear anything.

He then answers it, knowing it could be Scout.

Y/n: Hello?

Scout (Phone): Hey, pally. It's done. Half of the money's on your account, as Dawn doesn't have one. 

Y/n smiled, knowing the psychopath ex-host won't leave his cell, ever.

Y/n: Good job, Scout. And thanks.

Scout (Phone): Hey, you did a good choice by calling me. We both a personal stake in this.

Y/n: True. 

Scout (Phone): Mind if I ask where is Dawn right now.

Y/n: In the shower.

Scout (Phone): Are-are you in the same house?

Y/n: Well, yeah. I'm in the kitchen right now.

Scout (Phone): Y/n, run! Now!

Y/n: Why-

Scout (Phone): It's her time of the month!!!

Just then, a pair of slender, pale arms wrap around Y/n's waist, catching him off guard.

Dawn: Y/n~~~~

He dares not turn around, but from his left shoulder, we can see Dawn's eyes glowing, smiling wide while a blue aura backs her up.


Scout (Phone): Rest in power, buddy!

With that, Scout quickly hangs up.

Y/n: Hey, Scout, don't leave me!

But it was too late...

The last thing we heard Y/n before he was dragged into the bedroom was:

((And with that, we can officially close this book. Thank you for reading this book. I have no idea exactly when the All-Stars book will come out, but in the meantime, feel free to read my other stories. Until then, peace out!))

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