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As the day of Sarah's departure drew near, she, her mom, and Jack went on a shopping trip together to get everything she needed for her new adventure. Sarah loved having Jack by her side, and she couldn't help but notice how he interacted with her mom.

Whenever her mom asked Jack a question or tried to engage him in conversation, he would become visibly uncomfortable. He would fumble over his words, look away, or simply grunt a response. Sarah found it adorable and amusing, like he was a shy little boy again.

She teased him playfully, nudging him with her elbow. "Hey, Jack, why so quiet? You're not used to being around other people, are you?"

Jack blushed, looking sheepish, and Sarah's mom chuckled. "I think he's just a little shy, dear. Don't worry, Jack, we won't bite."

Sarah smiled, feeling happy to see Jack so carefree and relaxed around her and her mom. She knew he wasn't comfortable in social situations, but with her, he seemed to be himself.

As they continued shopping, Sarah couldn't help but feel a pang of sadness. She was going to miss Jack so much when she left. But she knew she had to follow her dreams, and Jack would be there, waiting for her, when she returned.

As they finished shopping and headed back to the car, Sarah's mom turned to Jack and said, "You know, Jack, I've seen the way you look at Sarah. You love her, don't you?"

Jack nodded, looking down, his face flushing.

Sarah's mom smiled and put a hand on his shoulder. "I know you're going to miss her, but you have to be strong for her. She's chasing her dreams, and you need to support her, even if it means being apart for a while."

Jack nodded again, taking a deep breath.

Sarah's mom continued, "And don't worry, Jack. Sarah will come back to you. She loves you too, and true love can conquer distance and time."

Jack smiled slightly, feeling a sense of hope and determination. He knew he had to be strong for Sarah, and he was willing to wait for her, no matter how long it took.

As they drove home, Sarah leaned over and whispered in Jack's ear, "I'll come back to you, Jack. I promise."

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