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Comment who all want brightwin again .......

Gulfs pov -

I have been living with win from past one week and I would say he is one of the sweetest person I have ever met he takes care of me and I take his , I am the only child so I have never had a chance to have felling what it felt to have siblings , I feel complete when I am with him it feels so good and I know he feels the same from past one week I have done so many things I never thought I will do like cycling , garding we take walk to near by market after dinner and have there traditional ice cream it's so fun , I have never been this happy in my entire life ...........

Win - wanna have ice cream .

Gulf - yes let's go , listen win is there a ATM machine near by .

Win - yes it's near the night stall why are you asking .

Gulf - acctally I am almost out of cash I will take out some money .

Win - seriously big bro what do you for a living.

Ohh I forgot I have never told about my company and stuff , I just said I own a company , I have to go back bright asks me what am I doing where I am kids miss me I know one I have to leave I can't stay with win forever ...

I finally decided to tell him , win I have to go back next week .....I finally told him he started crying begging me not to leave I know he has no one and I also don't want to leave him but I have to ......

Win- please don't leave me , gulf you are my brother right , please I have never been depend on anyone but after you came I changed please I won't be able to live alone anymore .....

My heart Is paining I don't want to leave him , that's when I got a good idea .....win look at me why don't you shift with me I asked him , he cried again he is so cute .....

No one's pov -

Win - I promise I will do anything you tell cooking , washing I want to be with you gulf please ...

Gulf also cried - you are now my baby brother you will live with me as my brother .

Win - but you have a family , what about them .

Gulf - you know I have told you everything I can't live with my husband anymore knowing he just loved me for his revenge on my ex husband they both have destroyed my life completely I have decided to divorce him , I want to live my life without any drama ......

Win - if I was you I would have done the same this .

Gulf - I know what I am going to do tommorow is right but I am scared of my kids .

Win - will I be able to met your kids .

Gulf - smiled ofcourse , they are your nephew and niece too .

Win - cried again I have nephew and niece and a brother too I have never been this happy , I just love you so much you changed my life you arey Angel .

Gulf - and you are mine , I will go there tommorow in the morning and in evening I will pick you and take you to my house .

Win is still crying and I am also I am happy so happy tommorow I will met them and decide everything I had enough of people controlling me now I want to live my life according to myself , I decided to drop texts to the two people .

To mew -
Can you come to xxx tomorrow at 2 pm I have something important to talk about .

From mew -
Sure is everything alright .

I decided not to reply .

To bright -
Can you come to xxx tomorrow at 2 pm I have something important to talk about .

From bright -
Is it a date baby ☺️.

To bright -
I will tell you tommorow It self .

Tommorow I will have a proper talk with them .......

End of gulfs pov

Next day -

Gulf went to the cafa and called his lawyer a little late , he order a coffee for himself and waited for mew and brights arrival ... After a few minutes Mew came all dressed up followed by bright with a bouque .....

Bright - baby why is your secratary here I thought you asked me on a date .

Mew - wanted to say something but gulf cut him in between .

Gulf - come on you guys sit down I have for something for you .

Bright- what is it baby .

Gulf - just wait for it baby let my guest come then you will get to know everything .

Mew - if you both are on a date gulf why did you call me .

Gulf - ohh mew I have something for you too wait for a few minutes .

After a few minutes gulfs lawyer arrived -

So mr gulf I already told you I have a very important meeting so I will just give you the papers and leave you can contact me anytime you want .

Gulf - sure mr type , and thank you for personal coming to give me the papers .

No problem gulf I will take a leave .

Gulf - bright these are for you and mew these are for you read them carefully and sign them .

Both mew and bright took the papers and started read them carefully there eyes widened after what they saw ..

Bright- what is this .

gulf - can't you see .

Bright - but why gulf you want to divorce me why !

Mews eyes were left open after what he heard and what he read a few seconds ago ....

Mew - these are my shares paper .

Gulf - yes if you remember after our marriage you gave me your 20 percent shares in front of everyone thinking in future you will get the other 80 percent of your family but that shares bright bought and gave to me and now these are mine I want you to sign these papers and official give them to me .....

Mew bright - what you remember everything ....

Gulf - yes I do I remember everything , every single detail how you both have destroyed my life and broke my heart and it's time to pay for that now gulf said with a smirk ........

Comment down who want brightwin , and please give me some ideas for a new book ..........

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