part four

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It was time for you to go home. Your mom pulled in Kiran's driveway and honked the horn. You quickly gave Kiran a hug and you both quickly said your goodbyes because you both knew that your mom didn't like to wait. As you were leaving Christian says, " Why are you leaving bbg?" And that caused you to run out that house so quickly. You hopped in your mom's car and told her to floor it. When you were on your way home your mom broke the bad news. "I didn't want to be the one to tell you Y/N but when Emery was feeding Crystal earlier she ran out of her cage and out the door. I went to go catch her but it was to late. She got ran over by my new boyfriend as he was leaving." Your heart instantly broke. Krystal had been your only pet you've ever had and you have had her since you were 7 years old. You were going to miss your pet ferret so much. As you tried to not cry in front of your mom it got really hard, your eyes filled up with tears and your throat closed up. You knew you shouldn't be mad at Emery she was only 9 and trying to help but some part of you felt that you had only her to blame. Your life only went downhill from when your mom adopted her. Your dad cheated on her and left her after 7 months of having Emery around. She seemed like she had it out for you. Everything could be played off as a coincidence but she has slowly ruined your life. Now she took the last thing you had from your dad. Then your mom pulled up to your house. You instantly ran into your room and locked the door as you broke down crying.

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