What You Need

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A/N : The kids (including Angel) Are still in LA staying with Aunt Kianna . They wont really be in the story as much tho . JUST THOUGHT THAT I WOULD SAY !! Now on to the story ..


"Ugh!"-Jade exclaimed before storming out 

"Wassup with you and Jade ?"-Ray asked 

"That bitch gets on my nerves!"-Prince rolled his eyes 

" Yall need to sort this shit out because this is getting pretty annoying"-Chres said 

"Truu"-Everyone agreed

"Aye Imma be heading home"-Carlos said standing up 

"You sure ?"-prince asked 

"Yep got my girl at home . She prolly gonna flip when I get back home and shit"-Carlos said rubbing his neck 

"So you got a girl and you aint even tell me ? Shit mane but Ig your right .See ya tomorrow"-Prince said 

"Yeah .. Bye guys see yall tomorrow"-Carlos waved to the boys before leaving 

"Hey who was that ?"-You asked walking in 

"Oh Carlos left"-Ray said 

"Ohh okay well bye!"-You said before going back 

"Aye imma go and check up on Char"-prince said leavin the room too 

"It's getting kinda late tho"- Prod said 

"Yeah imma head to bed"-Chres said 

Your P.O.V 

"Whats wrong Char ? You look kinda sad"-You said patting a spo next to you so Char could sit there 

"Yeah .. Uh it's about Prince"-Char said looking around 

"Yeah ?"-You said 

" I think that he's starting to loose interest in me"-Char said looking down now 

"What ? Why would you think that "-You asked 

"Well he doesn't treat me like how he did when we first met . I mean whenever I'd say something its like he wouldn't even pay attention to me , like I'm invisible ... He spends more time over at Ray's house .. God knows what he's doing over there but the thing is that he like Jade "-Char said with a tear coming down her cheek

"It's okay but I'm sure that he still loves you"- You said 

"You sure ?"-Char sniffed 

"Yeah I'm sure & I'll talk to him in the morrning if you want"-You suuggested 

"Please ?"-Char pleeded

"Yeah sure"-You smiled 

"Thank you Yn ! You're the best "-Char said hugging you then getting up 

"No problem , night bae"-You said waving 

"Night"-Char said before leaving 

"Hey babe"-Chres cheesed as he walked in 

"Hey"-You smiled 

"Why was Char in here ?"-Chres asked 

"Girl stuff"-You said 

"Hmm okay"-Chres said getting un dressed 

 "I'm tired asf"-You said 

"Same , today's been kinda busy"-Chres said hopping in bed next to you 

"Yep"-You agreed

The Next Day 


"Chres .. I need to talk to you"-You said seeming worried 

"Wassup you seem worried"-Chres said taking you tot he side 

"Yes .. I still don't feell safe"-You said 

"I'm 100% sure that you are safe Yn . I promise you"-Chres assured you 

"I know but still it's just something that makes me fell like I'm being followed or something"-You said 

"Don't worry Imma be there with you"-Chres said 

"Yeah"-You smiled a little

"You good ?"-Chres asked 

"Yeah I'm good"-You said 

 Bree's P.O.V 

Aha ! I have finally found them , Now I need to tell boss so SHE won't get mad at me *rolls eyes* . Anyways I just need to follow Yn wherever she goes, I just need her to stay away from Chresanto . Hmm 

End of P.O.V 

"Hey Prince can I talk to you for a sec ?"-You asked 

"Yeah sure"-Prince said following you into the next room 

"Wassup ?"-Prince asked 

"It's about Char"-You said 

"Yeah ... Whata bout her?"-Prince asked 

"Last night she said to me that she thinks thhat your loosing interest in her ... "-You said 

"That's not true . Why would she think that?"-Prince asked 

"Because she said that you always at Ray's house & she thinks that you like Jade better than her"-You said 

"JADE ?! So it's all about her now ? No I don't even like Jade !"-Jacob protested 

"Woah boy calm down . I don't know whats going on between yall but you need to fix up things with Char 'cause she's an emotional wreck right now & it aint a pretty sight "-You said before walking out 

Prince's P.O.V 

Me .. Like Jade ?! WTF man . Oh hell nawl that bitch thinking she the shit with the jacked up attitude ? Nahh I'm cool . I love my baby Char but I have to admit at times she just gets too clingy to me and starts getting worried about me soo much , she likes to know were I am every 2 minutes and thats the stuff that I don't like . I still love her tho and NOT anyone else

End of P.O.V 

"Sooooo "-Char said 

"Soooo ?"-You asked confused 

" So did you talk to him about this whole thing ?"-Char asked 

"Yeah ... He kinda got mad when I said that Jade part tho ..."-You trailed off 

"Oh shit ...."-Char said as she covered her mouth

"Yeah I think that-

"CHARDONAY !"-Prince shouted 

"Y-yes ?"-Char stuttered 

"Come with me .. NOW !"-Prince said yanking Char up 

"Okay"-Char said following Prince upstairs into their bedroom 

"What was Yn talking about earlier ?!"-Prince asked still grabbing on Char's wrist

"I-I I don't know"-Char said looking down 

"Yes you do . Listen I sorry for being harsh and everythingb ut it really got me angry when you said that I seem to like Jade more than you ..."-Prince said 

"Yeah I'm sorry too ..."-Char said 

" Wait , what do you mean"-Prince asked 

" I'm sorry but I just don't wanna be with you anymore .."-Char said looking at the ground 

"C'mon Char .. What do you mean . I'm sorry please dont' do this"-Prince begged 

"I'm sorry .."-Char looked into Prince's eyes then walked out leaving Prince in the room 

"Hey you okay Char ? You look a little sad"-Prod said 

"I'm good"-Char fake smiled 

"No you not . I know your fake smile"-Chres said 

" Ughh"-Char rolled her eyes 

"Sorry but whats up ?"-Chres asked 

"It's nothing"-Char said 

"Forreal ? You sure?"-Ray asked 

"Yeah I'm sure"-Char said 

"Okay"-All three boys said 

"Is that Carlos kid coming over again ?"-Char asked 

"I dont't hink so but I can ask Prince"-Chres said 

" Fuck"-Char whispered under her breath 

"Char are you sure that everything is okay?"-Prod asked 

"Yes"-Char smiled before walking out 

"What happened with yall ?"- You asked 

" I broke up with him"-Char said 

"Why ? Yall were like the best"-You said pulling Char into a hug 

"I don't know . I just felt like he was luing about that whole Jade thing"-Char said 

"Ohh okay but you realize that we live in the same appartment along with him soo .. What are you gonna do ?"-You asked 

" I migjt go down to the lobby and ask for a seperate room on this floor so I can still be with you guys"-Char said 

"Oh okay"-You saod 

"Yeah where is Jade and Kim ? I haven't seen them all day"-Char said 

"They prolly gone to the mall or sum . You know they be shopping 24/7 like it's nothing"-You laughed 

"Ummm Yn I need to show you something"-Chres said 

"What's up ?"-You asked 

"Look at this text that I just got" -Chres said 

Text : Stay away from Yn . She doesn't belong to you . I will kill her & I know where you are don't try to escape ! 

You are reading the story above: TeenFic.Net
