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You and Chres were now cool . The relationship was growing stronger than ever , Chres was still with Julia . You and Ivory was cool he also helped out alot with the kids whenever Chresanto wasn't around which was helpful . Guess what ? Even you and Bree started to be cool . Ikr yall didn't even see that coming but yeah you and bree are cool . Julia has been distant from you , she doesn't seem as friendly as she was towards you anymore ... What's going on ? Also it seems like Ivory and Julia act weird whenever they see each other . Why might this be ? 

"Hey Yn ?"-Chres said barging into your room 

"Don't scare me like that ! When did you come here ?"-You asked 

"Sorry and I came here just now . But hey, I need to talk to you"-Chres said

"Okay what do you wanna talk about ?"-You asked sitting on the bed 

"Umm it's about Julia"-Chres sat on the bed next to you

"Yeah .."-You said 

"She's not at home like she normally is "-Chres said 

"Yeah soo what's the problem ?"-You asked

"Where do you think that she might be going"-Chres asked 

"Maybe she's just hanging out with her friends"-You suggested 

"Sooo many times ? This has been going on for a long time, Yn"-Chresanto said 

"Hmm then I don't know why she might be going out alot"-You shrugged 

"Oh well the baby is almost here"-Chres said 

"That's cool"-You said

"Yeah . Tell the kids that I came by but I gotta be going I need to go shopping with Julia to go and get some clothes and stuff for the baby"-Chres said 

"Alright bye"-You kissed him on the cheek

"Haha bye"-And he left 

 With Chresanto and Julia 

"I like this top"-Julia said pointing to the top 

"Yeah umm I need to ask you something"-Chres stopped Julia 

"What's up ?"-Julia asked picking up some tops 

"Why are you always out and I never really see you ?"-Chres asked 

"No reason"-Julia said without making eye contact 

Chres took a deep breath. "Are you cheating on me ?"-He asked 

"What ?!"-Julia said 

"Are you cheating on me , Julia ?"-Chres repeated 

"No baby I ain't I swear"-Julia lied 

"I knew you wasn't"-Chres said . But inside he really knew that Julia was lying 

"Yeah I'd never cheat on you"-Julia smiled 

"I know that you wouldn't "-Chres smiled too 

"Hey I like these shoes"-Julia changed the subject 

2 months later 

"JULIA !"-Chres shouted in fustration 

"What's wrong ?"-Julia walked in with the baby boy 

"What's all this about ?"-Chres showed Julia the chat on her phone 

"Oh shit"-Julia whispered under her breath 

"SO YOU WAS CHEATING ON ME HUH ! YOU WAS !"-Chres shouted making baby boy cry 

"You're making him cry"-Julia protested 

"Shit he might not even be mines . Is he even mines ?"-Chres asked in a stern tone 

"Of course he is"-Julia said 

"I want a DNA  test "-Chres demmanded 

"You don't believe that this is your own son ?"-Julia asked in disbelief 

"Well you've been cheating on me "-Chres said 

"Fuck it ! He isn't your son ! He's Ivory's okay !"-Julia screammed at Chres 

"WHAT ?!"-Chres shouted 

"You heard me !"-Julia said 

"GET OUT ! GET OUT  NOW !"-Chres shoved her and the baby out the door 

"But Chres where am I supposed to go ?"-Julia asked on the verge of tears 


"But Chres !"-Julia grabbed onto Chres 

"We are done . Goodbye Julia "-Chres slammed the door in their faces 

A/N: The baby was a boy and named Taylor August (well not anymore) . The baby is 1 month old . That will be the last of Julia .

Chres was soo mad that he started punching the walls and kicking everything . He knew that one person that would make him better . You . 

He made his way over to your house .

"Oh Chresa-"

Chres cut you off by kissing you .

"I'm sorry Yn "-Chres broke down and hugged you 

"What's wrong ?"-You asked 

"I-It's Julia"-Chres cried 

"It's okay Chresanto"-You hugged him back 

A few minutes later you and Chres were discussing what had happened earlier that day .

"You know, to be honest I knew that she wasn't right"-You laid Chres' head on your lap 

"It's whatever but just the worst part"-Chres looked up at you 

"What ?"-You asked 

"The baby isn't mines . It's Ivory's"-Chrres said 

"Tf ? That's fucked up but then I knew that it wouldn't be yours when the baby was born because to be honest he looked nothing like you"-You said 

"I knew that she was cheating that day when we went clothes shopping the baby"-Chres sighed 

"It's whatever now"-You said 

"Yeah you're right "-Chres agreed

"I always am"-You flipped your hair and laughed 

"Haha whatever"-Chres laughed 

(You see how happy they are together)

2 weeks passed and everything between you and Chres was growing stronger than ever . Until one night ..

"Chres ? You home ?"-You took off you shoes and flicked on the lights 

"Sierra , Jayden , Kayla ? Where are they ?"-You asked the emptiness 

You hung up your jacket and stopped when you saw a path of rose petals leading to the balcony . You blushed when you knew that Chres was up to something . You followed the petals to the balcony when you slid the door open , you saw a table just for two . A candle lit on the table complimenting the beautiful flowers that was layed out on the table . There he stood .

"Hey Miss Yn"-Chres cheesed , walked over kissed your cheek and led you to your seat

"Haha what's all this about ?"-You asked smiling 

"I just wanted to show you how I really feel about you"-Chres nodded

"Honestly , you didn't need to do all of this "-You pointed to the table & the rose petals 

"Pshh , it was nothing . I'd do anything for you"-Chres grabbed your hand and kissed it making you blush 

"Awwww "-You blushed 

"Well let's dig in"-Chres said pointing to the food 

"Mmmmm this tastes great"-You took a mouth full of the perpared salad

"Good because I cooked everything"-Chres cjeesed once again 

"Awww . You didn't have to"-You said 

"No . I did have to , like I said I wanted to show you how I feel"-Chres said 

Once yall finished eating his food , he took a deep breath a reached for something in his tux pocket . He pulled out a small box .

"Chres what's that ?"-You asked eyeing the box 

Chres took a deep breath ."I love you , Yn . We've been through everything together I just want you back . I want to call you baby like how I used to . I miss your touch your kisses . I miss everything about you but I just miss you . What I'm trying to say is that will you be mine again ?"-Chres asked putting the ring on your ring finger 


(The ring is a promise ring guys. Don't get too excited now !)

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