Chapter 11

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India's POV

"With me being from the west coast growing up I used to listen to Nas, Jay-Z, Biggie and Tupac , through there music and the way they expressed themselves on a simple track.." I paused thinking about my stardom to producing. "I was able to find my passion for music."

"That's dope as hell."

It's been hours since we've been in the studio. It was just me and Flau'jae in the studio at this point everybody else was long gone by now. We were sitting on the couch laughing and talking. I swear it feels like I've known this girl my whole life and not just a few hours. It's just something about her that I can't explain.

I was so nervous coming into the studio. It's hard for me to meet new people especially in my line of work. I know that when it comes to producing beats I'm going to kill it every time. I still have anxiety presenting my beats to others.

The way that Flau'jae embraced me and my music made me feel warm and welcomed. I watched as she took her time to really listen to my beats and even gave her own form of criticism when needed. It felt good to meet someone that would keep it real with me instead of faking it just to kick it.

Not to mention she was fine as hell. I tried to keep it professional but every time she spoke with her raspy voice and those white straight teeth on display. I couldn't help biting my lips in anticipation. She could have me anytime.. and anywhere.

"Now what I really want to know is how do you juggle between basketball and rapping." I said smiling.

"Honestly I was made for this I've always been a firm believer in "hard work pays off" and I make sure I put 1000% into everything I do." Flau'jae said dusting the invisible dirt off of her shoulders making us both laugh.

"I agree hard work definitely pays off."

After a slight pause. "You know just off of first impression you look like a mean girl but your really a sweet heart." Flau'jae said reaching out to pinch my cheek making me swat at her hands.

what she said had me confused. "Do I look mean to you?" I asked genuinely wanting to know.

"Yes." Flau'jae said but she quickly followed up with. "and no like I don't know.. you have a resting mean face.. I mean it's a very pretty face just mean and pretty okay I'm going to stop talking now." She said slapping her forehead with her hand feeling embarrassed.

"So you think I'm pretty." I grinned leaning forward.

"And mean let's not forget that , your demeanor is just like my girlfriends. She's pretty as hell and crazy as fuck but that's how I like em'." She said laughing. Her mentioning that she had a girlfriend through me completely off. It's cool with me I won't pressure her now that I know she's taken but if she was single I would be all up on her.

"You have a girlfriend?" I asked.

"Yup." She said popping the "p" in yup.

"She's my world truthfully I'll give that girl the moon and the stars if she asked for it." She said sighing , I can tell by her tone and expression that she was deeply in love.

"aww she's a lucky girl , respectfully." I said acknowledging their relationship. One thing about me I'm not a home wrecker but I will occasionally knock on a few doors but that's neither here nor there.

We stared at each other intensely.

"Yeah we're both lucky." She said coughing to ease the growing tension in the air. Her phone starts ringing and she grabs it.

"I better get going it's already late as hell." She said gathering her belongings. I grabbed my bag which was next to hers and I accidentally tripped falling into her arms. She held me in her strong arms while staring into my eyes before straightening up and helping me stand correctly. She grabbed her stuff and paused before leaving out.

"I'll walk you to your car it's to dark outside I want to make sure you get there safely." She said making me swoon , shaking my head to rid the lustful thoughts I was having. I really do want to respect her and her relationship but it's kind of hard when the one your crushing on looks so damn fine.

We walked out to our cars and before I got in I turned to Flau'jae who was standing three paces away from me clearly trying to keep her distance.

"Why are you so far away I don't bite." I said nervously.

"It's safer over here." she said seriously.

"Look Flau'jae I want to apologize if I've made you uncomfortable or if I overstepped in any way I'm sorry and it won't happen again." I said biting my lip nervously feeling my eyes fill with tears. Yes I know I am a crybaby I really like her and I don't want to lose our friendship when it just started.

"It's okay India everything is fine we didn't do anything wrong so it's all good between us." She said coming up to me giving me a hug. While she was hugging me I couldn't help but take a deep breath of her cologne. Fuck she smelt so good.

We separated and went to our individual cars and drove off. I couldn't help but think about her and how lucky her girlfriend was. All I'm saying is her girlfriend better not slip up because I'm definitely snatching her fine ass up as soon as she's available.

Angels POV

So I've called 22 times left 9 voicemails and 46 text messages. I know her phones not dead because her phone was actually ringing instead of going to the automated system. I'm trying to decide which one should I hit her with.. the right.. the left.. or the upper cut.

What was that? Hit her with my car.


Then she has the audacity to post some washed up Malibu Barbie on her instagram page. I swear I'm going to water board that bitch when I catch her cause we ain't friendly to these hoes.

"Hey siri play "Kill Bill" by SZA." I told my siri soundboard. As the song played I thought about how I was going to check her when she comes home. Granted she did answer all my text messages back but that still doesn't excuse the fact that she hasn't answered my calls. whenever she's at the studio she'll at least answer one of my calls.

Honestly I don't care I just want to know why she out here posting bitches on her page. If she gone post a bitch at least make sure she's ugly.

Now I have to look like the crazy girlfriend cause she wanna post pretty bitches and not answer phone calls.

"Incoming call from "Fine Ass Leprechaun❤️" Siri said pausing my music for the incoming call. I grabbed my phone and took a deep breath preparing myself to talk to my girlfriend who is literally on my last nerve as of right now.

"Hey baby I'm at wingstop what you want?" She said with her raspy voice turning me on and pissing me off at the same time.

"I'm good."

"What.. I can't hear you."

"I said I'm good , I'm not hungry."

"You good..? Nah I'm gone get your usual order make it a large with extra ranch , right?" She said.

"Yeah." I mumbled.

"Okay I'm gone be there in 15 minutes." She said hanging up.

I still can't stand her ass but I'm not denying no free food. I turned on my television opening Netflix to put on stranger things. Halfway through the episode Flau'jae came walking through my room door with food in one hand and a cup holder with the drinks in the other.

"Hey baby." She said placing the drinks on the dresser near my bed. I ignored her and continued to watch the tv as if she wasn't standing there.

"Wassup babygirl." She said getting close she dipped her to kiss my lips but got mushed in the forehead.

"Don't "babygirl" me go baby girl the bitch you was just with." I said snatching the food from out her hand. She snatched the food right back making me fold my arms across my chest.

"Man what you on ?" She said mugging me.

"So you wasn't just with a bitch ? Cause you treating bitches like they yours so who is that bitch huh ?" I said now standing up in her face.

"Okay first of all that "bitch" is my new producer nothing more nothing less. Everything we got going on is straight professional that's it." Flau'jae said putting the food down stepping into my personal space. I was breathing harshly due to the fact my anger was elevated at a ten.

"So why wasn't you answering your phone , y'all don't get phone calls in the studio no more?" I said looking into her eyes waiting for her to slip up and lie.

"Baby this was a new producer I was working with I didn't want to seem rude for our first time working together. You know how I am about my music , and let's be real you know I would never disrespect you or our relationship." She said grabbing my face pulling me into a wet kiss. The way she was sucking on my lips made me cave in instantly.

*Sniff* *Sniff*

I broke the kiss and went to smell around and I grabbed Flau'jae by her shirt and sniffed her neck.

Peaches and cream.

Why the fuck does that smell like.. another bitch. So she out here letting bitches put their funky ass scents on her.

"Why the fuck do you smell like another bitch!" I yelled slapping the taste out her mouth. Before I could follow up with another hit she grabbed me and slammed me onto the bed. I was swinging wildly to the point we was fighting for real.

She grabbed me by my throat and was choking me to get me to stop hitting her. After I noticed she had a cut on her eyebrow I stopped aiming for her face and started slowly hitting her chest with my fist and burst out into tears feeling betrayed.

"How could you cheat on me." I sobbed into her chest now that I'm done fighting.

"Baby what are you talking about , I would never cheat on you. Your my lifeline why the fuck would I do something stupid like that." She said holding me tightly while kissing on my face. I was still trying to push her away from me but she wasn't having it.

"Then why do you smell like peaches and cream ?"

"Bae she hugged me goodbye and that's it." She said wiping my tears away. I took a good look at my girlfriend and felt bad she was all beat up. She had a cut going through her left eyebrow, a cut on her cheek underneath her right eye and her lips looked a little swollen. I burst out in tears again because I couldn't control my temper.

"Baby what's wrong whatever I did I'm sorry." Flau'jae said her voice sounded like she was trying to hold back from crying which made me cry harder.

"I'm sorry baby for being so crazy you deserve so much better than me.." I was cut off by my girlfriend shoving her tongue down my throat. feeling her tongue explore the inside of my mouth left my pussy feeling wet and me craving for more. She wrapped her lips around my tongue and began to suck slowly before releasing it only to grab my bottom lip between her teeth and suck me into a slow and sloppy kiss that had me moaning wildly. She pulled away from my lips with a wet pop.

"Don't ever tell me what I deserve when I got what I always wanted right here." She said still laying on top of me caressing my face.

"I knew you was crazy before I got with you , trust me I know exactly what I signed up for." She said reaching down to feel on whats "hers" , I stopped her before she could reach my treasure box.

"Unt un no pussy for you until you wash that bitch off of you , the smell is giving me a headache." I told her pushing her towards the bathroom.

"So dramatic but anything for my princess." She said kissing me before taking off to the bathroom.

I got up and grabbed the first aid kit because I know she's going to need it when she gets out of the shower.

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