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Back at the hotel, Louis was going mad with all of the emotions running through his head as he lay in Liam and Zayn's room listening to the crowd outside.

Fear - that Harry had gone and was never coming back.

Anger - at the jeers from outside, telling them all being gay was wrong.

Hurt - that Harry had left him, had given up at the first hurdle.

Love - for Harry and the other boys for having to suffer through all of this.

Happiness - for the fans who were supporting them

Need - for Harry to come back and show him he was ok, tell him he wasn't giving up, to pull him into his arms and never let go.

The boys watched him like hawks, making sure he didn't do anything drastic or stupid, like ring Harry and leave a voicemail he didn't mean, or run out to the fans and get into some kind of fight. Usually, Louis was the most calm and sensible of them all, being the oldest, and was the one who calmed them down when they were being irrational and emotional. So to see Louis being the unstable, breakable mess that he was in was a shock to the system, and they didn't know how to handle it. They just hoped and prayed that Harry would come back and save the day. 

This had been going on for 3 hours, even since Louis had woken up to his empty bed and found the note. After Zayn had read the note out loud, they had all taken it in turns to try and calm Louis' erratic sobbing and hyperventilating down, and they had just about managed to do it. Then Zayn suggested they watch a bit of TV to take their mind off things and drown out the noise from the fans. Which turned out to be an even worse idea, as the news was on, and the feature item was them. Pictures of Harry and Louis were scattered across the screen, highlighting different moments in their career from beginning to now.

Louis forced himself to watch, secretly wishing he could jump into the screen and back to the days, back to Harry, back into his arms again. Tears filled his eyes to the brim again, and when the bulletin finally finished, he turned around and sobbed into a pillow, thinking that Harry would never come back. 

Louis was so busy concentrating on sobbing and clutching the pillow on the bed that he didn't hear the knock on the door. Liam ran over to open it, knowing that noone who wasn't involved in the band, even hotel staff, couldn't get to them, and he secretly hoped it was Paul, coming to tell them they were leaving earlier.

To say he was speechless when he opened the door to a sobbing Harry was an understatement.

"Oh my gosh, thank god you are ok!" Liam said as he let him in and closed the door behind him, before enveloping him in a massive hug, which Harry gratefully returned.

"Yeah yeah I'm fine, just let some things get at me."

"Where the hell have you been though for the past, 4 hours?"

"At a park. Nobody even recognized me, I just sat there and let the fresh air calm me down. Safe to say I think it worked pretty well"

"So, you aren't ending it with Louis then?" Liam asked cautiously as he finally let Harry go.

"No, of course I'm not! I love him too much to do that! Why would you ever... Oh you mean he thought..."

Just then, Zayn and Niall came round the corner to see what all the fuss was, and they too both engulfed Harry in a massive hug when they saw him.

"God, Harry, never scare us like that again!" Niall said as he let him go.

"Yes, bloody answer your phone next time as well!" Zayn added, before releasing his grip on him.

"I'm sorry guys, I shouldn't have run off. "

"No, we understand. I think I would have done something similar if I would have woken to that" Liam replied, and Zayn put an arm round him, squeezing him in reassurance.

"I suppose I better go and check on Louis then" Harry said, and turned to walk out the room.

Niall grabbed him by the arm and twisted him round, pulling him into the room. Harry looked around and saw Louis on the bed, and the sight nearly broke his heart. Louis was asleep, not soundly as he kept shaking, as if he was having a nightmare. He was clutching the pillow so tightly, as if it was his life saver, and he had multiple dried tear tracks down his cheek. Tears were still falling as he slept, and Harry was frozen to his stop, half knowing that it was all his fault.

Niall gently pushed him towards him, and Harry fell onto the bed, before crawling up next to Louis silently. He gently slid the pillow from his arms, and then pulled him flush against his chest, as the shaking immediately subsided.

Niall and Josh went back to their room, and Liam and Zayn went into Harry and Louis', leaving them alone. Harry was tired, and was falling asleep, but he couldn't stop himself.

He lent down and kissed Louis properly, on the mouth, before entangling their legs and tucking Louis' head into his neck.

"I love you Louis, always and forever" Harry whispered into Louis' ear, before falling asleep with him in his arms, hoping to be fully rested for the day ahead.

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