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Divya entered the silent library with a joyous heart and smiling face. She loved quiet places, quite a contrast to her extroversive personality.

She walked to the librarian and smiled at him expressing their friendship of a long time.

Walking to the bookshelf which contained books of the genre- Romance, she frowned upon not seeing the single copy of the book she was waiting to read since forever.

"Hi, Mr. Denise! I can't find the book." Divya pouted.

"Hey, Divs! Which book are you looking for, dear?" The old librarian smiled at her while gazing at her through his round glasses

"You already forgot?"

"Was I supposed to remember anything?"

"I previously booked and requested to be the first one to read the newly arrived book- Love Chosen By Fate."

"Oh that! Let me check dear!"

"Okay! I have been waiting to read it since so long." Divya impatiently tapped on the counter.

"I am sorry dear but a young man borrowed that book about 20 minutes ago." The old librarian spoke after about 5 minutes of peering into his big register.

"But, Mr. Denise! You promised me that I would be the first who would borrow that book."

"Oh my! Did I?" The librarian asked in surprise.

"You did! The day you told me that the book would come the next month, I had booked it and you noted it down in your register."

"Sorry dear! I forgot." The man spoke after revisiting pages which proved Divya's arguments.

"How long will he take to return the book?"

"He borrowed it for a week."

"Ok, then! I will be here after a week." Divya bid farewell to the man and walked away with disappointment.

She cycled back home and was welcomed by the sight of her twin- Drishti, and brother- Romi playing COD.

She walked away into her room with a long face. It didn't take much time for her siblings to identify her dampened mood and they rushed into her room to investigate.

"Divi?" Her twin called out.

"Oi, Divya?" Romi screamed playfully earning a pillow to his face.

"What do you want?" She asked emitting a sour aura.

"Disrespecting your twin? I am shocked!" Drishti tried to lighten the mood.

"I was talking to Romi!"

"So what's wrong?" Drishti asked.

"An idiot took the book I wanted!"

"Seriously? Is that why you are so sad?" Romi chuckled.

"Hey! You know she really wanted to read it." Drishti supported her.

"Atleast I have my Di by my side unlike you who is such a traitor!" Divya pointed at Romi.

"What do you want me to do? Punch the guy?" Romi asked.

"I would love that if it means that I could get the book!" She smiled sheepishly.

"Little punks! Don't be so violent!" Drishti pulled both their ears earning heartfelt pleas from them.

They played together and chatted alot for the rest of the day.

While retiring for the day, Divya had just the book in her mind. She was eagerly waiting for next week.


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