Chapter 4 - Draco Malfoy is an Arse

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Getting off the train Harry helped me down. There was this weird tingling sensation when his hand touched mine, not in a romantic way. It was a weird burning feeling and my arm started to ache. He looked as shocked as I did, touching a hand to his forehead. Hermione turned to us and noticed our moment so she grabbed Ron's arm and they started walking. Just as Harry and I started walking the path to what I had been told where carriages, a certain towheaded boy I head meet earlier slammed in between us pushing me into the train and Harry almost off the sidewalk.

"Surprised the ministry's still letting you walk around free potter!" He said looking smug. "you better enjoy it while you can! I expect there's a cell in Azkaban with your name on it!"

Harry lunged for him while Ron grabbed his shoulders effectively holding him back. Hermione gripped onto my arm next to me. keeping me behind Harry and out of Malfoys vision.

"What I tell you! Complete nutter!" Malfoy said to his two goons on either side of him.

"Just stay away from me!" Harry screamed at him.

I held in a shutter. This side of Harry was honestly scary. Malfoy's eyes drifted to me.

"aw does potter have a girlfriend? Ha..." He paused then really looked at me. "Your the girl from flourish and blots! See potter even your girlfriend has better taste then you! She told me I was handsome! Couldn't keep her eyes away from me!" He laughed with his friends.

I gave my sickly sweet smile again and came out from behind Harry.

"I said your handsome but I also said your a waste of space because of your nasty attitude. So why don't you leave before I mess up your face! Its the only thing you really have going for ya!" I yelled at him. This time Hermione laughed restraining me as Malfoys face flushed with anger as him and his goons turned to leave.

The four of us continued our walk to the carriages. When we got there we waited for another carriage to arrive. Harry looked over just as I did.

"What is it?" He asked allowed. staring at the giant skeleton creature in front of us.

"What is what Harry?" Hermione asked.

"You don't see it? The thing pulling the carriage!" I asked looking confused. Harry looked at me surprised I could see it as well.

"See what? I don't see anything" Ron said.

"They're pulling themselves as always you two, come on." Hermione pulled us both up and into the Carriage.

"Don't worry, your not going crazy, I see them too." A girl with white hair and a calm high voice stated. She sounded a little like she was on a drug of some sort but didnt look it.

"Everyone this is loony loveg...." Hermione realized her flaw in words and backtracked her words. "This is Luna lovegood" She said looking away this time. I sat next to Ron on the end.

"What an interesting necklace." Says Hermione, probably trying to make up for her word vomit feaux paw earlier.

"Its a charm actually" She said kindly, then leaned toward Nevil. "Keeps away the nargles." She then continued. "Hungry, hope there's pudding."

Harry leans over to Hermione, "What's a nargle?" he whispers as I repress my smile.

"I don't know." Hermione answers with a concerningly weirded out smile.


We arrive in the Great Hall and it was beautiful. The ceiling was magically charmed to look like the night sky and candles hovered overhead. The tables were filled with food. Luna went to sit at the ravenclaw table as the rest of our group went to Gryffindor.

I walked up to the front near the professors where all the first years stood. An older lady looked at me, realized who I was, then ushered me forward.

"Hello Adrena! Glad you could make it! I am Professor McGonagall, because your older we'll sort you first. Sit down on the stool so I can place the hat on your head." I did as I was told and sat on the stool as a hat was sat upon my head.

"mmmm interesting" It said "Very interesting" It mutterd again.

"Your hardworking so maybe a Hufflepuff, mmmhhhm creatively intelligent so maybe Ravenclaw? No no, Slytherin perhaps? No you don't seem the type. I know just were to put you!"

"GRYFFINDOR!" The hat screamed and all of my new friends stood up clapping as I made my way over to them.

"I knew it!" Ron said smugly.

"You'll Love it here!" Said Hermione.

I looked to Harry only to see him already looking at me with a kind face. I smiled back and sat down next to him. We started eating while the rest of the first years where sorted. Then a man with a long white beard stepped forward commanding the attention of the room.

"That's Dumbledore." Harry whispered.

"Good evening children, now we have two changes in staff this year. We are pleased to welcome back professor Grublyplank who will be taking over Magical Creatures while professor Hagrid is on temporary leave." He turned and motioned to the professor.

"We also wish to welcome our new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher Professor Delores Umbridge, I'm sure you'll all join me in wishing the professor good luck."

"As usual our care taker Mr. FIltch has asked me to remind you that...." Dumbledore looked to professor Umbridge after she made it clear that she was interrupting his speech. Effectively undermining his authority as well.

As she walked up in front of the podium, Harry turned to Ron and Hermione.

"She was at my hearing" He whispered as Hermione turned to him,"She works for Fudge."

"Thank you Headmaster for those kind words of welcome, and how lovely to see all of your bright, happy faces smiling up at me. I'm sure we'll be VERY good friends." Umbridge states.

"That's likely" The Weasleys twins mutter sarcastically together.

She smiles at them pointedly with an already annoyed face.

"The Ministry of Magic has always considered the education of young witches and wizards to be of vital importance. Although each headmaster has brought something new to this historic school, Progress for the sake of progress must be discouraged. Let us preserve what must be preserved, perfect what can be perfected, and prune practices that ought to be prohibited."

She gave a creepy smile and a high pitched giggle as she turned to go back to her seat. It was then I noticed her outfit. All I had to say was Pepto-Bismol wants it's brand back. Dumbledore gave her pity claps as she sat down.

"Thank you professor, that really was most illuminating." Dumbledore said before he returned to his dialogue.

"Illuminating, what a load of waffle" Ron said.

"What's it mean?" Harry asked.

"It means, the Ministry is interfering at Hogwarts." Hermione answered with a grim expression.

We all looked at each other, then turned back to Dumbledore.


Hermione showed me back to the common room and told me the passcode was "Mibulus Mimbletonia", but to be careful because it changes a lot.

We walked in to see Harry talking to some other boys. The entire room was quiet and he looked to be angry. A boy said something I couldn't hear. Harry then stormed upstairs with Ron on his heels.

"What was that about?" I asked Hermione.

"People don't believe Harry about the Dark Lords return. He returned from the third task of the Triwizard tournament with a boy a couple years above us. He was dead. Killed by one of Voldemort's henchmen" She said solemnly. "so they're taking it out on him, he's not in the proper state of mind to handle it either." She looked sad thinking about it so I left it at that.

She showed me to the girls dorm. Our beds were right next to each other. We got arranged our stuff then went back down to the common room so I could meet every one. By the time we climbed back up the stairs it was late and time for bed. I didnt see Harry again until the next day.


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