Pillow Fight!

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(Jessie's POV) OMG! I'm marrying Ringo. The proposal was beautiful, all the lads there, playing a funny game, and me and Ringo dressed as a married couple. Ah I'm still thinking about it. "Jessie" Ringo said smiling and walking in the living room. "Yes my soon to be teddy bear husband" I said seeing Ringo laugh at this comment. "I was thinking maybe me and my beautiful soon to be teddy bear wife would like to go on a date" Ringo said laughing and me soon joining in. "That would be wonderful " I said as Ringo sat by me, and we start to cuddle. As soon as we started to cuddle Ringo started kissing me, and this cuddling session was starting to become a make out session. Ringo got on top and was still kissing me, holding my hands, and was playing with my hair. As we were making out, George walked out and saw us. "Ah bloody hell if you two are going to to shag go to your room!" George yelled covering his eyes, and me and Ringo laughing. I loved it when Ringo laughed, because his smile was beautiful and it made him look happy. As for me my smile wasent that great, but Ringo loved it as niches as I loved his. Ringo got up and held my hand, as George went to sit on the other couch. "What's up Georgie" I said still giggling. "Oh nothing just shocked seeing you and Ringo sucking faces" George said while giggling a little bit. "Ah come on George your not shocked for life are ya" Ringo said hitting George on the shoulder. " 'Ey You better be careful Starr or you are gonna get hit with a pillow" George said giving Ringo a stare. "Bring it Harrison, lets see what you got" Ringo said smirking. "Ok then" George said picking up a pillow, and smacking Ringo with it. When this happened Ringo got a pillow and hit George back. "Ahh foul play Starr!" George yelled laughing. George was about to hit Ringo, until Ringo picked me up, kissed me, and used me as a shield. George hit me, and I was laughing. "Oh your in for it now Harrison" I yelled, and grabbed a pillow. " Oh no" George yelled and started running. Me and Ringo started chasing George, and were ready to fight. As me and Ringo got closer to George, I told Ringo about our sneek attack plan and we went. "I went right, as Ringo went straight. As I went somebody grabbed me. As soon as I turned around I saw Paul. "Paul what are you doing I got a sneek attack plan" I said wondering were George was. "I know Jessie, I just needed to tell you something" He said giving me his doe eyes. "What is it Paulie?" I said had I was still looking for George. " Jessie it's been a year since you've been 'er, and since your my best friend, I wanted to give you something" Paul said giving me a bag. "Aww thanks Paulie" I said giving him a quick hug. "Ill open it as soon as I get George ok" "Ok" Paul said smiling and telling me George is coming. I nodded, and saw George. "Aaaaa" I yelled as I ran towards George, and bonked him with the pillow. Me and Ringo started hitting him with pillows, until George yelled uncle. We stopped, and took a break. "Hey mrs. Teddy bear what's that?" Ringo asked as he saw the gift Paul gave me in my hand. "Oh it's a best friend gift from Macca, want to open it with me?" I asked, and Ringo nodded. We went to the room, and started opening the gift. "Lets see what weird gift Paul has given to you" Ringo said laughing. I opened the bag to find a stuffed wolf bear, a little box, a rose, a funny hat that looked just like Ringo's so we could match, and a letter. "Aww it's cute I said putting on the hat, and opening the letter then the little box. The little box was a heart shaped locket that had a picture of me on one side, and a picture of all of the lads on the other. I showed Ringo. "Wow Macca did good" Ringo said smiling. I laughed then opened the letter. It said " Dear, Jessie Ever since you came here things have been fun. You have kept us smiling, and laughing and we all appriciate it. We love you Jess. Love, Paul" I started tearing up, and smiling. "Paul is kind when he meets someone he likes" Ringo said smiling. "Everything he said is true, and we can't ask for anything else but to have you here" Ringo said hugging me. He helped me put on my new locket, and kisses my cheek. "Awww you look cute in your hat luv" Ringo said taking my hat and putting it on. I giggled, and kissed him. God I can't wait to marry him. (Paul's POV) I bought Jessie a locket, and got pictures of us lads and her. I got the pictures shrunk so they could fit in the locket. I even got her a wolf bear, since I remember her telling Ringo that she liked wolves. I found that kind of interesting since, I like pandas. :3- I got her a hat just like Ringo's, because when we were playing that game I heard her say something to Ringo about his hat. I knew which hat she was talking about, and got her the same one. She's my friend, and I wanted her to be happy. She's made us lads laugh, and smile a lot. We never laughed so much in our lives. I hope she likes the present. (Jessie's POV) After I opened the gift Paul gave me, I got out of the room and hugged him. "The gift was beautiful Paul" I said hugging him tight. "Your welcome Jessie, your me friend and I just want to make you happy" Paul said hugging me tight back. We broke our hug, and started smiling. "I'm am going to name my new Wolf baby Macca since my best friend got it for me, how's that sound Paulie?" I said giggling. "That's sounds like a terrific idea Jess" He said laughing. " Okay Mrs. Teddy bear I think you, and me should get ready, you and me have a date remember" Ringo said hugging my waist and putting his chin on my shoulder. "I sure do remember Mr. Teddy bear" I said giggling. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hey peeps how's it going? I'm going to be posting to chapters, because 1. I'm at my friends house and 2. She's asleep, so I'm gonna write. and OMG I got the Beatles 50 years time magazine, with all their pictures in it. :D Well comment, vote, and subscribe. Peace and Love Wolfy :) <3

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