A strange day indeed

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I woke up to find a still asleep Ringo with his fringe is his face. It was adorable to see him like that, but I just had to move it out his face. I put my hand on his face gently, to not wake him up, and moved his hair out of his face. When I removed my hand, Ringo grab it gently and out it back on his face. He grabbed me by the waist and hugged me like a teddy bear. " Ringo wake up luv, you got the studio today." I said quietly and watched Ringo open his sparkly blue eyes. " Good morning luv." he said with a smile, and placing a kiss on my cheek. " Morning my blue eyes teddy bear." "Teddy bear? haha when did you start calling me that?" Ringo said getting up to get dressed. "Since I fell asleep like a rock when you were cuddling me." I said smiling. "Oh." He said smiling and picking me up , hugging me tight. "Hey want to come to the studio with us today?" " sure I always wanted to her y'all sing." I said with excitement. I can't belive I

Get to see the Beatles sing live in their studio. " Ok then partner." Ringo said mocking my country accent, which was kind of cute. I got dressed and went out to the living room to see all the lads dressed, and ready to go. "Mornin' Jessie how did you sleep?" John asked with a smirk, because he saw come out of Ringo's room. " I slept fine thank you very much Lennon." I said playfully and sitting next to Ringo and hiding his hand. "Did he snore?" asked Paul with a smirk just like the one John gave me. " No not at all." I said turning to Ringo, and we were smiling like crazy. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------We were parked in front of the studio, and the place was filled with crazy fans. "All right lads you know the drill, run like hell, and don't get caught by the fans." Brian said as we were all getting ready to run. " Hold my hand Jessie, so you don't get hurt." Ringo said as I grabbed his ring filled fingers, and he his hand tight. "One............two...............THREE!!" Brain yelled as we all ran to the studio. All the girls were trying to grab me, beacuse I was with Ringo. I can see why the boys had to run for their lives. The fan girls were trying to grab me for holding Ringo's hand. When we made it inside the lads were all out of breath. "I swear this is getting bloody bad." John said has we made our way to the studio room. "Sorry you had to go through that luv, it's horrorfying." Ringo said looking at me with an apologetic look. "It's fine Ringo, Just the advantage of dating a Beatle." I said with a smile, and seeing that Ringo was smiling back. We walked into the studio. I sat down on a couch, while the lads were getting to instruments ready to play. When they were ready to play they began to sing. Hey Jude don't make it bad Take a sad song and make it better Remember to let her into your heart and you can start to make it better I was hearing my favorite song being played live in front of me. As I was watching, I was looking at Ringo. He was smiling, and swaying his head to the beat of the song. I was almost on the verge of crying. Ringo was looking at me, and smiling. I can see him mouth the words "I love you" when he was drumming. When the lads got done with the studio, we were ready to go back to the hotel. When we were walking out, there were no fans so we came out Scott free. We got out of the building when all of a sudden this man, obviously drunk, tried to kiss me. "Ey get off 'er, you drink'n bastard!" I heard Ringo yell. The man pulled out a knife and pointed it at Ringo. "Shut up lad or I have to cut up ya pretty face." The man said with an evil slur. "Hey, get your dirty hands off my boyfriend, you son of a bitch!" I screamed when all of a sudden I felt my mind go somewhere else. When I came back the man was on the ground, knocked out and had a bloody head. " what happened?" I asked confused. Ringo looked scared and happy that I was okay. "You beat him up with out touching him." George said scared out of his mind. "I did?" "Yea you did." John said impressed. "How did you do that!" Paul said with a scared look. "I don't know, I just blacked out and then suddenly this idiot is on the ground!" I said with fear rising up in my voice. "It's okay luv, at least your okay." Ringo said hugging me tight. " Lets get back to the hotel before anybody else sees this" John said as we all agreed and hoped in the car.

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