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"How could you be so reckless with my heart?"

3rd persons' pov

Minsoo was shocked at the sight. She dropped the glass she was holding. The opposite room had something going on that she would never expect. She didn't believe her own eyes for once but the gasp from Giselle confirmed that what she was seeing is real.

It was Hyujin......

And Eunjoo.

Kissing. Or it just seemed like that.

Either way, there is no reason to be in the position for them to be that close. That intimate. Or was there any?

Hyunjin turned his head after he heard the glass break and the gasp from Giselle. His eyes widened as he looked at Minsoo standing there, not moving even a little bit.

On the other hand, Eunjoo didn't look so shocked. But she did a little. Hinting that her reaction was fake. She knew exactly what she was doing. Atleast, Minsoo knew.

"Minsoo, look. This isn't what-" Hyunjin spoke but Minsoo cut him off. "No. I don't want to listen. It's enough for today. It's enough" she said controlling her tears. Minsoo knew she wouldn't be able hold it back anymore. She knew it will only get messier if she says something out of sadness. No. Not sadness. Anger. That's what she felt at the moment. She felt disrespected.

She ran away. Hyunjin tried to stop her but it was too late. She ran away. Away from him. Away from everyone.

Minsoo was back . To her house. To her room. And to her senses. She cried on her way back to home. She cried, like crazy. To the point, any person would get freaked out because it's a girl, in a shiny black dress running around with a smudged mascara all over her face, crying like some soirit is chasing her mind and her soul. But she was back. To her house. To her room. And to her senses.

"I'm not the one that's supposed to cry" she said to herself as an attempt to calm herself from what she felt just a few moments ago. The feeling she had until now. She didn't like it. Not a bit. "None of this is my fault. Why am I crying so much?" She said to herself.

There was a knock on her door. "Is everything okay, honey? Why were you running to your room?" Her mother asked. "Nothing, mom. I just needed to wash up. Didn't like the party" She just didn't want to tell her mom the truth. Whenever Minsoo comes back from place she doesn't like, she washes herself up like crazy. And her mom knew it. So she didn't need to specify anything. "Okay, honey. Wash yourself and sleep tight. If need anything, come downstairs. I'll be there" her mom said and left.

Minsoo hugged herself. She needed it. She was glad her mom couldn't detect that beneath her voice she was crying. She was glad.

"I trusted him" she said to herself as she looked at their pictures stuck on her wall. She was angry. She didn't like any of this. She got up on her feet and pushed all the photos and threw them into the dustbin.

"What am I doing?" She said silently realising what she had done and bent down to take all the photos out of the bin. She cried as she looked at them. Did their beautiful moments meant nothing in the end? She doesn't know. She threw herself onto the bed and cried herself to sleep.

Another chapter after a long LONG break!!

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