Chapter 6

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When Bugs's co-worker finally arrive at the cafe for her shift, he then gets up from the table.

"Okay. Well, it was great talking to you, but I go ahead and clock out for my shift." Bugs said.

"Sure, I understand. I'm probably going to go home soon, too." Daffy said as he got up from the table too and walked right outside of the cafe.

After several minutes of informing the co-worker what needs to be done for the place, he then exited out the cafe where Daffy waited for him so that he could say his thanks and leave.

"Hey, thanks again for the stuff. You really didn't have to do all of that for me." Daffy said in gratitude.

"It's fine, I just wanted to do something nice for you, that's all. by the way, I never got to hear what your name was."  Bugs pointed out.

"Oh! sorry, its Daffy. Nice to meet you." Daffy said while shaking Bugs's hand.

"I'm Bugs. And it's good meeting you too." Bugs replied.

"Alright Bugs, well I guess I'll be seeing you around more often. And hopefully, I'll be a better tolerable customer for you, next time." Daffy said, winking as he starts to walk within the sidewalks until Bugs's gut instinct told him to stop.

"W... wait! Where's your car?" Bugs asked, curiously.

"Oh, I don't have a driver's license, so I just walk home." Daffy explained.

"Everyday? You walk by yourself all the way over there? How far do you even live?" Bugs asked, who was now in concern.

"It's in the Downtown area. Why?" Daffy asked as Bugs looked over him in worry.

Even though he barely knew him, he'd rather keep him safe than let some car or thief attack him out of the blue. 

"Here let me drive you, then. That's way too dangerous for you to be walking that far. You could get hurt or mugged walking on foot like that." Bugs offered.

"Bugs, you don't need to do that for me, It's not a big deal." Daffy said, modestly.

"Please, I insist. Come on, my car is just right over there." Bugs said.

"O... okay, thanks." Daffy agreed as the two walked over to his car and got inside.

While Bugs turns on the ignition, he sets up a GPS device in front of the dashboard and turns the power on it.

"Alright do you know the address to your house? I can put it on my GPS and track down the route for ya." Bugs asked.

"I actually live in an apartment. But yeah, I'll type it in for you." Daffy replied as plugs in the street address and apartment number for his place.

Which gave away the shortest route of it located to be about 30 minutes away from here.


Thank goodness, I offered him a ride.

It would take hours for him to get home, especially since it's going to get dark soon.

Bugs thought as starts to drive them off to towards downtown.

While they're on the road, Bugs then decided to ask him about what was making him upset, earlier.

"By the way, just a curious thought. And I don't want to be nosy or anything, but what happened with you and your friend over the phone back there? You don't have to answer if you don't want to. I can be a bit intrusive sometimes." Bugs said, nervously hoping that he's not judging him for asking a simple question, but thankfully he never did.

"It's alright, that was just a buddy of mine telling me that I couldn't get into any of the gigs from most of the theaters to play pieces of my solo music that I've been working on recently." Daffy explained which made Bugs's curiosity grow even more.

"Woah! You can play? That's amazing. What kind of instrument is it?" Bugs asked in fascination.

He's always loved jazz music growing up, but to be honest, any music is good music to his ears.

As long it's not high pitched or wrong tuning, of course.

"A grand piano. My grandmother gave it to me as a gift when I was a small child and I've kept with me ever since." Daffy explained with a warm smile that made Bugs feel soft inside.

The thought of his determination with his dream becoming a reality, also made him feel inspired with his own dream in mind.

"Well, if that's all you wanted to do, then why aren't you out there right now, playing? I'm sure that if you kept going with your music, people would notice you and even give you a another chance for a showing. Heck, you might even get a contract deal and then you won't have to worry about working over at your crummy job again." Bugs asked, curiously.

"I've tried, but a lot of people don't seem to like my music, and I can't say I blame them. The piano is very hard to play and I almost had to give up several times." Daffy said with a small frown that made Bugs's heart sink.

He can't just quit now.

Not when he has more time and opportunities waiting out there for him.

I can help him.

I want to help him.

So that he can succeed and follow his dreams.

Bugs thought sweetly as he turned to Daffy with a half smile.

"Well, maybe some day, if you want, I can come by your place and we can practice together on the piano. I can even give you a few pointers to improve your music too, if you like. What do you think?" Bugs offered.

"You... really do that for me?" Daffy asked, surprised.

"Of course, now that we're friends, we can always help each other out, right?" Bugs asked as Daffy's heart suddenly started to pound at the word 'friend'.

His face growing red in a glow.


But I hardly know you.


Daffy thought as he looks over, his smile curing up more brighter than a sun.

He wants to give their friendship a chance and decides to trust him on his word.

Which was something he hadn't been able to do in a long time.

"Sure I'd like that." Daffy replied with a sweet grin on his face as the two continued driving on over until Bugs slows down his car to a stop when he sees a pile of junk in front of the apartment complex.

"What the... who's stuff is that?" Bugs asked, confused as he drove up closer to the apartment and sees that the pile was made of clothing along with a smashed piggy bank and some other junk all mashed in together.

When Daffy leaned in close to see who's it was, he suddenly recognizes it and dropped his jaw in a gap.

It was of all his!

Ruined and jumbled up in a messy bunch like garbage!

"Hey! Why is my stuff all here?! Hang on a second Bugs, I'll be right back." Daffy said as he immediately got out of the car and runs over to the landlord's place, which was on the first floor and knock on his door for some answers.

Oh no.

Bugs thought as he watched Daffy yelled at his landlord, who was furious that his stuff was all out thrown aside like trash.

He has seen this type of scenario before.

When the renter doesn't pay on time, the landlord can quickly cease the property with a lock and have people throw out your belongings in a matter of seconds.

Which means that Daffy was late paying his dues and has officially been evicted out of his own home.

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