Chapter 28-Big Brown Eyes

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Justin's P.O.V

I've been sitting on the floor with my head resting on my knees as I cried my eyes out. I felt a hand on my shoulder and so, I lifted my head up slowly.

"Baby, you have to go rest and eat something. You've been here for almost two weeks now" mom said in concern.

"I won't leave until she wakes up" I mumbled weakly.

I probably looked like a total mess right now. But, I didn't care, all that matters is for her to wake up. I need to see her eyes again, I need to hear her voice and adorable giggle again. I need her to stay with me and not leave me.

I need her so damn much.

It has been two weeks ever since she went into a coma. A fucking coma. I haven't been myself during those two weeks, I didn't feel like eating and didn't want to sleep, what if I sleep and then she wakes up? She can't wake up and not be the first one she sees. Everyone was here, Mom, dad, Jazzy, Jaxon, Erin, Anna, Diego, Kayla, Marco, Dylan, Chaz and Ryan. Dylan has been released after two days from when he waked up and stayed here with us waiting for Jessie to finally wake up.

I never really met Anna, Diego, Marco or Kayla before. Jessie would tell me about them and I knew they meant the world to her from how she talked about them. And although they weren't her real family, but she considered them her family.

I could see that she also meant family for them, Marco and Kayla have been coming straight here after school and they wouldn't leave until 10:00 pm as they had school the next day. They considered her their sister and they were pretty much devastated that she was in such a condition.

Diego on the other hand, always had a blank expression on his face and didn't really talk to anyone or sleep. He also looked like a mess, but then again we all looked like a mess. Anna wouldn't stop crying her eyes out every single day and mom would always do her best to try and comfort her. Erin came the first few days with Jazzy and Jaxon, but then stayed at the hotel with them. It's not good for kids to stay in a hospital for that long.

Jazzy and Jaxon kept asking me why wouldn't Jessie wake up, I couldn't help but feel more devastated, what am I supposed to tell them? Dylan was probably as devastated as me, she was his best friend after all. He would talk to himself and pray for god to help her, I would hear him say how she's the only thing that he has, I don't think that he has any other friends and that he's probably an only child. I don't know about his family, Jessie never told me about them, but it was kinda wierd how he never talked about them either.

"She's all I have, please don't take her too" I heard Dylan say weakly as he continued crying silently.

I haven't been to concerts,interviews or photo shots lately. And as much as I know that Scooter is sad about Jessie and wishes for her to wake up, I also know that he's disappointed that I haven't been to any concerts lately. And I bet that my beliebers were disappointed too, I know that they've been looking forward to my concerts and I sadly disappointed them. But, what else can I possibly do?

Scooter has been canceling any concerts, interviews or photo shots I had these past two weeks. But,I knew that I would have to go back on my tour soon. Even if she still didn't wake up. Beliebers have been praying for Jessie to wake up on twitter, instagram, facebook and the social media in general. They even made videos on YouTube praying for her to wake up soon. And of course there was haters who hated on her even when she was in such a condition.

They weren't real beliebers though, they kept saying that she has changed me and that she's taking me away from them. I wanted to let every single belieber to know that I would never leave them or let them go. They are my family, but I didn't have the strength within me to even go on twitter and tell them that I was still here.

I just felt so lifeless...

"Justin..." I looked up weakly at my mom who had a worried look on her face, I frowned in confusion.

She kept glancing around nervously before she finally told me what she wanted to tell me...

"There's a concert tonight and Scooter really needs you to go..." she said nervously as if afraid that I would burst at any given second, which I wouldn't because I didn't even have the strength to.

"If you don't go, then he might have to...cancel your tour" she whispered the last part, but I heard her loud and clear.

I just looked down as a tear rolled down my cheek, I stood up slowly before heading slowly out of the hospital. I could feel all of their eyes on me and I could also feel the sympathy in their eyes. I walked out of the hospital and ignored the paparazzi who were snapping pictures of me, blinding me with their flashes and bombarding me with questions. It took everything within me not to break down right then and there, when they asked me about Jessie.

I couldn't hold back the few tears that managed to escape my eyes, I was suddenly guided into a black van that was waiting for me. I hopped inside of the van and looked out to find Kenny pushing the pap back. He hopped in the passenger's seat and turned his head giving me a small smile. I didn't smile back, I didn't have the strength to. The van was soon speeding down the road, I didn't really know where we were heading to and I didn't really care.

The van came to a stop in front of an arena and there was alot of fans outside screaming. Kenny opened my door and the second I got out of the van, I heard my fans chanting my name. Kenny walked in front of me as I walked behind him, I gave my fans a weak smile. I was about to walk into the arena after Kenny when a crying girl caught my eyes, I made my way towards her and put my hands on her shoulders.

I hate seeing any belieber crying or sad.

"What's wrong, sweetie? " I asked her softly, she was probably thirteen years old.

"You look sad, I hate seeing you sad,Justin. I pray every single day for Jessie to wake up. I know how much you love her and it hurts so much to know that you put a fake smile on your face to make us happy, when you're not" she said between her sobs.

I blinked back the tears, refusing to cry in front of my beliebers and make them even more sad. I embraced the girl in a hug trying to comfort her.

"I'm fine, don't worry. You know what would make me happy?" I asked pulling away and wiped away her tears.

"What?" I mumbled.

"If I see your smile. The best thing ever is when I see my beautiful beliebers smiling,I hate it so much when I see any of you guys sad or crying" I said with a small smile, that was definitely not fake. Fans who were around cooed at us and started saying 'we love you, Justin'.

"I love you guys too, but I really need to go now to get ready for the concert" I said when Kenny gestured for me to hurry up.

"What's your name,sweetie?" I asked the girl.

"Scarlet" she said shyly.

"Okay, see you later, Scarlet" I said before turning around and quickly made my way into the arena.

I was now sitting on a chair in front of the mirror in my dressing room. I had already changed in another outfit, it was all black, just how I felt from the inside. I was lost, empty and broken, I felt as if I was lost in this black place and couldn't escape from it no matter what I did.

My eyes were emotionless, I didn't feel anything. I walked out of the room when Scooter told me that I have to go on stage now. I walked past the crew with my head down, I didn't have to look at any of them to know that they were looking at me with sympathy.

It was an acoustic concert today and that was okay with me since I didn't really feel like dancing or moving in that matter. I put a fake smile on my face before walking on stage. Have you ever felt like you were the only one in this world? Like you can't hear or see anyone, but that one person?

That's how I was feeling right now. I couldn't hear the screams of the fans, I couldn't see anyone around. I was lost in this strange world, all I could see was Jessie standing there looking beautiful as ever. She looked like an angel standing there smiling at me.

She can't leave me...

I sat down on a chair in front of the white piano that was onstage. I looked up at my fans with a yet again a fake smile.

"I want to apologise to all my fans for canceling some concerts. I'm really sorry, guys, and I never meant to stay away. I want you all to know that I'm always gonna be there for you and that I'll never leave you guys. I want to also thank everyone for praying for Jessie. I'm gonna stop ranting now and sing a song that I've wrote lately for a very special person in my life. I guess you guys already know who I'm talking about" I said chuckling with no emotions whatsoever.

' Ohh...Ohhh....uh...
Lately I've been thinkin',
Thinkin' bout what we had,
I know it was hard,
It was all that we knew, yeah'

'Have you been drinkin'
To take all the pain away?
I wish that I could give you what you deserve...'

She definitely doesn't deserve to be in a coma lying lifelessly on a bed. I could safely say that she's the love of my life and that I'll never love anyone else but her. She's my everything and she'll always be my everything.

Come on, Jessie, I know you're stronger than this. Please wake up and don't leave me.

' Cause nothing can ever,
Ever replace you.
Nothing can make me feel like you do, yeah.
You know there's no one
I can relate to.
And know we won't find a love that's so tr-

I was cut off singing when I heard my phone go off. I quickly shoved my hand in my pocket and pulled my phone out. I kind of forgot to leave my phone in the dressing room or at least put it on mute. I frowned when I saw an unknown number.

I decided to answer it, I clicked 'answer' before lifting the phone up to my ear.

"Hello?" I said in confusion as the fans started screaming really loudly.

"Justin, it's Jessie-" I heard Kayla's voice, but she was cut off by sobs escaping her mouth.

My whole body froze, my heart stopped beating and I felt everything around me going round and round. The phone slipped from my fingers and fell to the floor, I felt as if everything around me was in slow motion.

I stood up and ran backstage quickly, I ignored Scooter's and the crew's calls and ran out of the arena. I ignored all the paparazzi and fans outside and pushed past the pap running as fast as my legs could carry me towards a cab.

I managed to somehow tell him to take me to the hospital that Jessie was in. I pulled all the money that I had in my pockets and threw it on the passenger's seat before hopping out of the cab and running into the hospital.

I couldn't wait for the elevator and so, I ran up the stairs to the third floor. I didn't care that I couldn't catch my breath, I didn't care that everything was a blur around me. I ran into the hallway to find mom holding Anna as they cried.

I ran towards Kayla and she was sobbing hysterically on the floor. Dylan looked shocked that he didn't even blink once, he just stared at the wall infront of him.

"What's wrong? " I asked Ryan feeling my heart completely stop.

"The second you left the hospital she just..." Chaz managed to choke out.

He just looked at me with sad eyes shaking his head slightly and that's when I lost it.

"No, she's okay. She promised that I'll never lose her" I yelled pulling at the end of my hair.

"Justin, sweeti-" mom said about to hug me, but I backed away from her which resulted in her sobbing.

"She's awake, she's fine, she didn't leave me" I yelled, I then saw a doctor come out of her room with a sad look on his face.

I couldn't take it anymore and that's when I pushed past everyone and ran into her room. I halted in my tracks when I saw her pale face, the heart monitor wasn't making any noise and it was in a straight line.

"Jessie" I yelled and was about to run towards her, but I was stopped when someone hugged me from behind holding me back.

I knew that it was dad, I tried to get out of his grip but I was to tired and didn't have the strength to do anything.

"Jessie" I yelled again as a nurse was about to cover her face with the white covers.

"You promised I would never lose you" I yelled and fell to my knees sobbing hysterically.

I had my face in my palms when I suddenly heard this very small noise. My head snapped upwards and saw her hand move ever so slightly. I looked at the monitor and the line moved alittle.

"No" I yelled as the nurse covered her face.

"No, she's not gone" I yelled standing up and running towards her bed.

I pulled the covers off her face and held her cold hand. I stared at her beautiful face waiting to see her big brown eyes that I fell helplessly in love with. I leaned down and brushed my lips against hers.

"Stay" I whispered before pressing my lips again hers. It wasn't a kiss, I just kept my lips lingering on hers for a couple of seconds.

And suddenly I heard beeping noise, my head snapped up to find that the line was not straight any longer and that it was actually moving. I looked back down at her to find her blinking slightly.

And finally she opened her eyes revealing those big brown eyes. I couldn't help but let a huge grin creep to my face. Tears streamed down my cheeks as I caressed her cheeks softly. These were what you could call, happy tears.

I was pulled out of the room and the doctor said that he needs to do some check ups first and to make sure that her heart doesn't stop beating again. I just waited outside with my mom hugging me for comfort, I didn't hug back I just stood there staring at her door and waiting to see her big brown eyes again.

Jessie's P.O.V

I don't know why I was even giggling, I guess that I was just so happy. I was on the beach, it was sunny and there was this light breeze that would hit my face gently and play through my long brown hair.

I was running on the shore feeling free with bare feet and a white laced short dress. I kept giggling as I looked behind me to find him chasing me. He was the most beautiful person I've ever seen. We were the only people in this place that I don't really know, all I know is that it was a really beautiful place that took my breath away.

I was suddenly lifted off the soft sand, he wrapped his tanned muscler arms around my waist and spun around. I couldn't stop giggling, I felt happy and safe in his arms. He suddenly put me back down, I turned around looking into his caramel eyes that you could easily get lost into.
He gave me a heart melting smile before he started fading away. I tried holding him, but he has already disappeared. The sun suddenly disappeared and the gentle breeze turned into a strong storm. There was no longer any light and it was pitch black now.

The storm kept pushing me hard backwards, I kept looking around for him, but I couldn't see anything in this darkness.

Why did he leave me? Where did he go?

I felt all the strength I had in my body fade away and my vision started to blurry. I couldn't fight the storm anymore and that's when I gave up and let it push me to the ground.

I felt lifeless and empty without him...

Why did he leave me?

I just layed there lifeless on the ground, my eyes started to slowly close and soon I was surrounded with darkness.


I heard his angelic voice yell, I tried opening my eyes, but I couldn't. They were just glued together.


I heard him yell once again, you could tell that he was hurt and broken from his voice. And that just killed me.

"You promised I would never lose you"

I felt something inside me pushing me to open my eyes. I kept trying to open my eyes, but the darkness was so strong. After alot of fighting, I managed to move my hand slightly.

Save me...


I heard him whisper before I felt something soft press against my lips and lingered there. Something shot throughout my whole body and I felt this power run through every vein. I blinked a couple of times to be blinded with light.

I managed to finally adjust to the light and to completely open my eyes. And that's when I saw his face again. So flawless. Tears were streaming down his cheeks as he caressed my cheeks softly. I was really confused, why was he crying?

And how did I come to this white room? Weren't we just at the beach running and having so much fun?

He was suddenly pushed out of the room. I tried sitting up to go get him, I can't lose him again. He can't leave me again, where was he going? A woman pushed me back gently with a warm smile on her face.

Why did they make him leave?

"I'm glad you're awake, Miss Jones. This is really a miracle, your heart stopped and then started beating again. You died for a few seconds and then came back to life" a man wearing a white coat said, I just frowned at him in confusion.

"I'm just gonna ask you a couple of questions and do some check ups and then you'll be free to leave" he said.

"Do you know why you're here? " he asked and I just shook my head.

"Alright, do you know who you are?" He asked.

I shook my head once again.

"Do you remember how old you are?" He asked with worry in his eyes, I shook my head again looking down at my lap while fiddling with my fingers.

"Alright, I'm gonna bring some people in and I want you to tell me if you remember any of them" he said before nodding towards the woman.

She nodded before walking towards the door opening it. She said something that I couldn't quite hear clearly. She then walked back into the room with people behind her.

"Do you remember any of those people?" The man asked.

I looked at all of them until my eyes fell on him. I smiled before pointing at him.

"Do you remember what his name is?" The man in the white coat asked.

"He's the one who saved me from the darkness" I said tilting my head to the side with a huge grin on my face.

"You don't remember his name?" The man asked again.

I shook my head slowly and hurt flashed through his caramel eyes. A tear rolled down his cheek before he stormed out of the room being followed by two guys his age.

"Why did he leave? He can't leave me again" I started to panic and I suddenly heard this loud beeping coming from beside me.

"Jessie, baby, calm down" a woman with brown hair said coming towards me and kissing my forehead.

"Umm...sorry, but who are you?" I asked nervously.

"You don't remember me?" She said as a sob escaped her mouth.

"I'm sorry, I really am" I whispered biting my bottom lip.

I don't know why, but a tear slipped from my eye as she embraced me in a hug.

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