The Clash

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On a fine morning, Asma, a journalism student, was excited to delve into a project on forced marriages, a persisting issue in the modern world. Despite financial stability, women endure emotional abuse and coercion into marriage. Asma, driven by a sense of duty as a woman, aimed to shed light on this problem, emphasizing its impact on mental health. Ready for her research, she confidently examined herself in the mirror before heading to the hospital. Arriving at the medical college and hospital, a bustling hub of thousands of students and patients, Asma navigated her way to the psychiatry ward. Her destination was to meet Professor Promotho Acharya, recommended by her supervisor for the research.

A few students were chatting in the lobby. One of them, Abhishek, was consoling another student named Partho, saying, "Don't react like this, please. They are our seniors, and we can't do anything against them. Let's endure it for a few more years, and then everything will be fine."

Partho, clenching his fists, responded, "How can I just let it go every time? They insult me as if I'm some street dog. I want revenge."

Another student named Joy intervened, saying, "Sometimes you just need to wait for the right time, dude. Let's go, let's eat something. Food heals everything."

As they conversed, they noticed Asma approaching from the opposite direction. Upon seeing her, Partho gave a villainous smile and remarked, "For now, I'll pour my anger on this girl."

Joy tried to dissuade him, saying, "Why mess with an innocent person? You should punish those who are responsible."

Partho looked at Joy and replied, "Just this time, a light punishment. I will feel better after that."

Some other students joined Partho. Joy couldn't do much against them, so he stood there, hoping he could somehow save Asma from their actions.

As she approached the ward, a group of medical students surrounded her. One of the students,whose name was Partho looked at Asma strangely, smirked, and asked, "Mid-session fresher?" Asma, feeling a bit confused, replied, "No." Abhishek chimed in, saying, "She's lying. She's trying to play smart to avoid the fresher's special treatment." Asma, growing more perplexed, retorted, "Why would I lie to you? Why do you think I'm a freshman, and why are you all surrounding me like this? Move, I need to go."

A girl among the students remarked to another, "I remember a similar incident last year. She lied about not being a freshman and evaded special treatment, but she was eventually caught. Too clever for her own good." Another student asked, "What happened then?" She replied, "She was in trouble. Played tricks on seniors who could have helped her," and laughed victoriously.

The students continued smirking at Asma. Finally grasping the situation, Asma said, "Special treatment! I understand now. Your filthy ragging. If I deny being a freshman, what will happen?" A student responded, "If we find out it's a lie, you'll be punished for lying." While they conversed, a female student pulled Asma's hair from behind, infuriating her. Asma snapped, "Don't touch me like that," and forcefully grabbed her hand, leading to chaos. The students began screaming, "Oh, she's beating Tara! Help, help!" Hearing the commotion, doctors, security, and patients rushed to the scene. The students, now surrounded by a crowd, pointed at Asma, accusing her of beating Tara.

A doctor inquired, "What happened? Who's beating whom?" The students quickly explained, "She's beating Tara. She tried to forcefully enter the psychiatry department, and we told her to wait. She started screaming, 'Do you know who I am? I'll get you all expelled...'" Asma, frustrated, said, "They're lying," and suggested checking the CCTV footage. Pointing at Tara, Asma added, "She initiated an unnecessary conversation about special treatment, then pulled my hair without any reason." The doctor agreed, "Let's check the CCTV first." However, the security informed him, "The CCTV is broken, sir." A junior doctor proposed, "I think we should go to the office with all of them." He instructed the crowd to disperse, assuring them that the incident would be handled with utmost sincerity. Those doctors, accompanied by security, took Asma along with those medical students into a room. There, the senior doctor asked the students, "Was she trying to forcefully enter the psychiatry ward?" Partho replied, "Yes, sir. And when we tried to stop her, she created a fuss." Then, turning towards Asma, he asked her, "Is that allegation true? Are you a patient?"
Asma responded, "No, the allegation is not true, and I have not come here as a patient..."

As she was speaking, the female student who pulled Asma's hair fainted, shocking everyone present. The students carried her and laid her down on a bed. The senior doctor checked her vitals and inquired about what had happened. One of the students explained, "Sir, she gets anxiety attacks. Her hair was pulled, and her hand was roughly handled, causing her stress and leading to fainting. And all this happened because of her," he said, pointing at Asma. The junior doctor intervened, "You can't blame someone without proving anything. This is a grave allegation. Let the seniors know the whole incident, and then the culprit can be determined. But first, we should treat Tara."

The senior doctor administered an injection, assuring that she would recover within an hour. Then he turned to Asma and remarked, "You see, the CCTV is broken, and there is no evidence of your innocence..." Asma retorted, "Neither do they have any proof of their innocence." The senior doctor was momentarily startled and said, "Yes, and I think we should end this discussion here. There will be no fruitful outcome if all of you keep fighting like this." Asma asserted, "This is a clear case of harassment. I wonder if they bully their fellow pupils like this, how they behave with the patients." The junior doctor responded, "If there were any proof, we could have looked into the matter." Asma concluded, "For that, you need to repair the CCTV first so that in the future, innocent people can receive justice."

Partho attempted to defend themselves by stating, "Proof? Well, not all six students are lying. Certainly not. You are lying." Despite Joy's attempt to intervene and stop the rude behavior, the situation escalated further. Asma, who had refrained from using her professional position until then, decided to act. With a smirk, she declared, "Well, I didn't intend to leverage my position, but if my integrity is being questioned, then I suppose I must." She then proceeded to display a video on her phone, addressing the senior doctor, and asserted, "Never again underestimate a journalist." The senior doctor watched the footage, revealing that all the incidents involving Asma and the medical students had been recorded. Asma was indeed a journalist who ingeniously utilized a camera concealed within her shirt button, linked to her phone.

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