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Derek: y/n
Y/n: Hmm
Derek lifts your chin up, you blush wiping your tears
Derek smiles and hugs you tight, you hug back and he lays down as you hug him still
Derek: whoa
Y/n: haha
Derek: you okay now?
Y/n: I think so
You look at him for a min
Derek: ohh so now we making eye contact
You laugh and lay your head on his chest and fall asleep
-The next day-
Derek woke up and got outa bed, you woke up when he woke up and y'all brushed yalls teeth and Derek got dressed in this ⬇️

You get changed in this outfit with a black lace bra⬇️

Derek: wo-
Y/n: woah
Y'all both laugh
Y/n: you look amazing
Derek: so do you thankyou
Y/n: thankyou
y/n: derek im scared
derek: why?
y/n: bc what if he does something to me
derek: i wont let anything happen to you
y/n: you promise?
derek: i promise
you smile and hug him, he hugs back and picks you up holding your ass taking you in the living room
Kobe: uh
You jump down off Derek quickly and Derek doesn't let go pulling your shorts up a bit
Derek: sorry
Y/n: it's okay
You blush
Derek sits down and gets on his phone, you sit on him
Derek: whoa hey
Y/n: ima take a nap or so I'm still kinda tired *you lay ur head on his chest and put ur arms around him*
Kobe: so this is what were doing now-
Derek: um
You look at Kobe quick
Y/n: yea what's so wrong with it
Kobe: get off him
Y/n: why??
Kobe: bc I said so
Y/n: why were broken up Kobe you broke up with me yesterday
Kobe: doesn't mean you have to flirt with other guys
Y/n: no one was flirting
Kobe: yea you were Get off him now y/n
Y/n: no kobe! I don't have to listen to you, your not my dad nor my daddy
Kobe: y/n now
Y/n: ughh!
You go in dereks room and shut the door
Kobe: god she got fucking attitude 😂
Derek: I- not cool bro
Kobe: I thought it was cool
Derek gets up quickly and opens his door seeing you on the ground looking up at him
Derek: ba- I mean y/n come here
Derek picks you up and sets you on the bed
Y/n: derek :/
Derek: hm
Y/n: ...
Derek: I'm so sorry
Derek hugs you and kisses your forehead as Kobe walks in
Kobe: bru
Y/n: Kobe Leave me alone
Kobe: k
He walks out the room and sits in the living room, you get up and close the door of the room
Derek gets up and looks at you
Y/n: Derek
Derek: yess
Y/n: did you almost call me babe earlier when you walked in
Derek: maybe
Y/n: ooooouuuu someone's gotta crush
Derek: nooooo nooo
Y/n: ykk you like me
Derek: stop no I don't
Y/n: yes you do
You get up close in his face and look up in his eyes
Derek: no I donttt bruh
Y/n: prove it
Derek: you want me to prove it?
Y/n: yes prove it
Derek puts his hands on your face and slowly tongue kisses you once, your eyes go wide and kiss back
Y/n: mmm W-wait I can't Derek stop
Derek pulls away
Derek: you okay?
Y/n: ...Mhm but that was prove that you like me
Derek: maybe
Y/n: well y-you kissed me I almost Moaned
I say sarcastically
Derek: shut up you didn't
Y/n: bet you would make make me tho
Derek: oh yea
He smirks
Y/n: mhm
Derek: moan then
Y/n: make me
You smirk as he gets close to your lips and y'all both start making out slowly
Kobe walks in
Kobe: yo!
Y/n: I- I- it's not what it looks like
Derek: Kobe get out
Kobe: so this is what "friends" these days do?
Y/n: I promise we-
Kobe: doesn't matter anymore just fuck you! Both of you!
Kobe pushes you really hard and you fall, kobe laughs and goes out the room, you lay on the floor
Y/n: I guess ima lay here
Derek: get up kid
Derek helps you up
y/n: I- I'll be back I gotta do sum
Derek: ight
You get up and go in Kobe's room
Y/n: Kobe I gotta talk to you
Kobe: mhm?
He puts his phone down and gives you the full attention
Y/n: uh
You sit down beside him
Y/n: so like about what happened earlier.
Kobe: it's okay y/n Idc
Y/n: you sure?
Kobe: no I'm not y/n I'm actually really pissed off
Y/n: I- Kobe your the one that broke up with me you will find someone better I promise
Kobe: no I won't y/n I want you back
Y/n: :/
Kobe leans in and kisses you, you kiss back but then realize
Y/n: I- no no I can't
Kobe: yes you can..
he kisses down your neck
Y/n: kobe stop
You stand up quickly
Y/n: I can't Kobe listen I just wanted to say sorry about earlier and I'm sorry we broke up it was all my fault, I just-
Kobe: your dating Derek arn't you
Y/n: ..I- I don't really know honestly i kinda like him but Idk if he likes me back and plus we just broke up I don't want me to date him unless I'm fully over you :/
Kobe: Ight bet thanks for the info
Y/n: wait what
Kobe: byee
He pushes you out the door and closes it
You go back in dereks room and jump on the bed and lay down
Derek: everything okay?
Y/n: actually yes
Derek: good
*puts arm around you*
Kobe walks in and knocks on the door
Kobe: y/n I need to talk to you
Y/n: okay wassup
Kobe: no like In private
Y/n: why?
Kobe: please
Y/n: fine I'll be back
You go out the room
Kobe: I miss you
Y/n: ofc you do
You start to walk back in Dereks room but Kobe stops you
Kobe: wait bruh
Y/n: what!
Kobe: take me back please
Y/n: Kobe look I love you a lot like a lot a lot but you've done way to much to me and I don't want that to happen to me again I'm sorry
Kobe: what if I promise not to hurt you anymore
Y/n: doubt you will keep that promise
Kobe: I promise please
Y/n: Kobe I'm done
Kobe: no bro please
Y/n: Kobe I have nothing else to say to you
Kobe: please y/n
He leans in and makes out with you slowly and you give in and start also
Y/n: I-..
Kobe: you okay?
You smile and hug him tight
Derek walks out
Derek: I-
You stop hugging him and get down
Y/n: sorry
Derek: so y'all dating again?
Y/n: I- I-
Kobe: yes
Y/n: Kobe!?
Kobe covers your mouth
You take Kobe's hand off your mouth
Derek: hm
He goes in the kitchen to eat sum
You hug Kobe again
Kobe: babe
Y/n: uh hm?
Kobe: i love you

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