50 Khushi′s love story

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Part 50 Khushi′s Love story

Jamal had breakfast with Raizadas. Ratna was the one who served them breakfast. She asked Khushi to eat with Arnav and Jamal.

*Bring your sister to RM once sir...* Arnav said to Jamal.

Jamal nodded yes.

*I may get to know many more things from her I suppose* He said looking at Khushi who looked at him, stopping eating.

Arnav smiled at her and she looked at her plate pouting which broadened his smile.

Jamal took their leave. Arnav and Ratna sent him off. Khushi rushed to their room. She knew Arnav will tease her by joining his hands with Ratna. Arnav looked here and there for Khushi.

*Mom, where is Khushi?*

*She was here only...*

*Let me check...*

Arnav headed to their room.

Arnav came inside the room. Khushi pretended like she was searching for something in the cupboard. Arnav headed to her. When he came close to her, Khushi tried to leave the place. Arnav blocked her way.

*Don't move...* he ordered.

Khushi stood biting her nail, leaning on the cupboard. She slowly looked at him from the corner of her eyes and saw Arnav standing before her, folding his hands.

*So... you are in love with me for four years...*

She nodded NO. Arnav lifted his eyebrows wondering. Is she lying?

*Four years, seven months, twenty-three days...* she said in a feeble tone.

*Oh... accurate details...?*

She bit her nail again, looking down.

*That means you have not forgotten the day you have fallen in love with me...right?* he asked her sarcastically yet proudly.

She nodded yes.

*It was valentine's day... I saw you for the first time* she said.

*Oh... love at first sight...?*

She nodded yes.

*Look at me...*

Khushi raised her head and looked at Arnav who was smiling at her teasingly.

*What was your age at that time?*

Khushi closed her eyes, biting her jaws.

*You were in love when your parents were thinking that you are studying...mmm?* he pulled her leg.

*What was my mistake? It was not a planned one...* she defended with a cute pout.

*Oh... are people falling in love, with a plan?* he questioned.

*How do I know?* she said frowning.

*Yeah... you know only to fall in love with me...right?* He took a step towards her smilingly.

Pushing him, she rushed out.

*Don't forget you have to come back to our room only...* Arnav shouted.

She stopped at the doorstep and smiled at him. She again rushed out.

More than Arnav, Ratna was curious to know about her love story. She was waiting for Khushi. Seeing her coming downstairs, she clutched Khushi's hand and made her sit on the couch.

*Khushi, tell me your love story...* she asked eagerly.

Khushi was about to tell her something, but a voice stopped her.

*You should tell me first...* Arnav said.

Ratna stood from the couch.

*Why? You solved the difference between her just yesterday only... But I and Khushi were close from the beginning. Even before your marriage... So, it's me who has all the right to hear anything from her first... you go...* she said.

*I'm her husband...*

*I'm her mother-in-law...*

*Amma please...* Khushi stopped her.

*What does that mean, Khushi? Won't you tell me your story first? * Ratna asked sadly.

*See, she wants to tell me first...* Arnav laughed.

*Arnav, please...*

*See, she asked you the same...* Ratna laughed.

Arnav glared at Khushi.

*Ok...tell us. I hope Chotte has no problem *

*Ok...* He shrugged his shoulders off.

*Tell me when did you see him for the first time...* Ratna asked. Curiosity splashed in her tone.

*It was valentine's day. *


*The previous day, I and my friend Preeto watched a movie*

*What movie? *

*Dil To Pagal Hai*

*Oh... continue...*

*In that movie, Madhuriji's friend says Madhuriji will meet her Life partner before Valentine's Day gets over...*

*Yes... I had seen the movie* Ratna said. Arnav also nodded yes.

*My friend Preeto also said the same to me...*

*What did she say?*

*She said, I will find my life partner on valentine's day...*

*But you meet many people every day... then how do you understand it is Chotte?*

*I too asked her the same. She said you will feel something in your heart when you see him...* she said bowing down.

Arnav was only looking at her from time to time changing expression whereas Ratna was the one who was questioning her.

*That means, you felt something in your heart when you saw Chotte... right?* she asked looking at Arnav.

*I didn't see anyone except Arnav that day.*


*At first, I thought it won't work on me...*

*Then? *

*He came to our house with Uncle in the late evening. He didn't come inside the house but sat in the car...*

*Then? * Ratna's interest rose.

Arnav also remembered the day. As Arvind's car punctured, he asked Arnav to take him to Shashi's house.

*Amma asked Nanne to give him juice. I followed him to see Arvind's uncle's son.*


*Preeto's words echoed in my mind when I saw him...*

*That's it...*

*I have heard a lot about him from my Babuji already. And the image in front of me made me...* she stopped without completing.

*Made you...?*

*Amma, I think it's enough...*

*How it's enough? You just started...*

Khushi leaned into Ratna's ears and whispered.

*Amma, Arnavji may recall his past again...* she whispered.

Ratna nodded yes.

*I won't feel bad about my past* Arnav said with a slight smirk.

Khushi and Ratna spared a glance, getting amazed as Arnav understood her mind. Ratna gestured to her to continue.

*I fell in love with him and started collecting all the details about him... especially, his likes and dislikes... I intentionally went to the school in AR route to see him every day*

Arnav raised his eyebrows unbelievably.

*Had you seen him every day?* Ratna asked unbelievably.

*I saw him often... and got late for school often...*

Arnav never gave heed to the girls around him.

*And I was broken down when his marriage got fixed* her voice became feeble when she said that.

Arnav gulped down whereas Ratna was silent.

*And I was more broken down when he got the sentence...*

Ratna caressed her hair, understanding her condition. A small girl cried for her son for many days.

*Are you really in love with him for four years?* Ratna asked her unbelievably.

Khushi nodded NO and Arnav rolled his eyes, getting her next stance.

*Four years... seven months... twenty-three days...*

Ratna looked at Arnav with raised eyebrows. Arnav smiled at her.

*And, you look after him when he was in jail through the inspector...* Ratna asked.

Khushi nodded yes.

*What would you have done if you had not married Chotte? Or, he would have never agreed to get married?*

*I don't know what would I have become...* she said looking down.

Arnav just wanted to hug her tightly and say, *WE GOT MARRIED SWEETHEART...*

*I was not sure whether he will marry me. So, I told my parents that I want to study. So that they won't think of getting me married*

*What if Shashi Bhai would have found a groom and had forced you to get married to him?*

*I would have written a letter about my love and would have had poison...*

*Whaaaat! Have you gone

mad?* Arnav exclaimed.

*What could I do if you don't want to get married?*

*For that, would anyone think of having poison?*

*Of course... because I don't want to marry someone other than you...*

Both of them stopped arguing and looked at Ratna who was smiling at them.

*I just can't believe, it all happened in my Chotte's life... without our knowledge...*

*No one knows about it... not even my friend Preeto...*

*Didn't you tell her that you have met your Valentine?*

She nodded NO.

*Why? *

*I don't know why... I just wanted to keep it in my heart secretly... I loved the feel...*

*Thank God... you got married to Chotte...*

Khushi nodded yes smilingly. She stopped smiling when she saw Arnav staring at her deeply.

Arnav went to their room, giving a sharp look to Khushi. But she was hesitating to go to their room. After the revelation of her love, she was hesitant to face Arnav. But... how long could she be in the living room?

Ratna smiled inwardly, seeing her working in the kitchen voluntarily. She started washing dishes.

*Khushi, you leave that...*

*That's ok, Amma...*

*Arrey, it's not necessary. Go to your room*

*I will help you to prepare lunch*

*Ok, we will start preparing lunch at 11 o clock. You can take a rest until then*

Khushi nodded ok and headed to their room, without any choice. However, she has to face her husband.

She didn't see Arnav in the room as he was in the washroom. She got in slowly. That's when she heard the washroom door opening sound.

To be continued...

The next part is available on INKITT

Lovable Murderer

Khushi stopped at the same place as Arnav came out of the washroom. He stuck for a few seconds, seeing her, as the hesitation was visible on her face. He advanced her. Khushi bit her nail and turned, facing her back to him. Arnav came to her and flicked his fingers in front of her face, making her flinch. Khushi looked at him jerking.

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