↬ L.P Drunk Confessions

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^^ He looks kinda drunk in this picture so I'm using it 😭💀

This story has the effects of alcohol and in this story, Louis and Will are 18 and 19. The characters live in the UK where the legal drinking age is 18. So no underage drinking in this story.

L.P Drunk Confessions

(Dylan's POV)

I looked at my clock, it read 2:28 am. I should probably be studying right now, but instead, I'm watching Medici again. It's my favorite show and has my two best friends in it. Louis Partridge and William Franklyn Miller. I met them at a modeling shoot a few years ago, and we've been best friends ever since. I was lying on my stomach in bed with Medici on my laptop in front of me. I was at a scene of Louis. I paused it to admire him. God has beautiful eyes and hair. Oh, how I love his hair. I love to run my fingers through it. I love to put it in all kinds of different styles. He's just so perfect. I have a big crush on Louis. It's more than a crush, though, I'm in love with him. Everyone tells me it's obvious. Everyone knows about my crush except Louis. He's so oblivious. I was about to unpause the show when my phone started to ring. I was a little confused, why would someone be calling me at 2:45 in the morning? I reached over to my phone and saw Will's name. I held the phone up to my ear.

A/n W = Will, D = Dylan

D- Do you realize it's almost 3 in the morning?

W- Yeah, I know. I just-

I furrowed my eyebrows as he talked. His words sound kinda slurred.

D- Wait, hold up. Are you drunk?

W- Whhaa? Nooo

D- Will?

W- Ok ok maybe a little, Louis is wayyy worse tho.

Oh, no, he's giggling too

D- Oh god, explain. NOW.

W- Well, Louis and I wanted to go have a few drinks since I just turned 18 last week. So we took the train to the bar. We weren't going to have a lot of drinks, just two or three. I stuck to that and only had two then stopped, but Louis kept going, I think he had around 5 or 6, I tried to stop him but-

D- Wait, 5 or 6!?!

W- Yes, that's what I said. Anyway now he's really drunk and is spewing nonsense.

D- Why can't you just take the train home?

W- Did you not hear the 'he's spewing nonsense. Just can you please come to pick us up?

D- Ugh fine. Send me your location

W- You're the best. Please hurry though. Louis keeps trying to escape, and I'm not sober enough to hold him much longer.

D- I'll be right there

W- Bye

D- Bye

End of call

I sighed and hung up the phone. I got out of bed. I changed into a pair of Louis sweatpants and one of Will's hoodies. Both of which I had stolen a few months back. I grabbed my keys and decided to post on my story before leaving.

I drove for around ten minutes to the place where Will had sent me. When I got there, I saw Will holding Louis' wrist as Louis tried to get away. I parked in front of them and helped Will get Louis into the backseat.

"Thanks again," Will slurred.

"Yeah, no problem," I replied. "Both of you guys have picked me up when I've been drunk before." I dropped Will off first at his apartment, before deciding to go to my apartment rather than to Louis because mine was closer. I sent a quick text to Will, so he wouldn't be worried if he went to check on Louis in the morning. Louis was muttering in the backseat. We pulled up outside my apartment. I got out of the car and woke Louis up. I helped him out of the car, and he leaned against me. We walked into the building and to the elevators. We got to my floor and walked down the hallway, Louis leaning heavily on me. I unlocked my apartment and we went inside. I relocked the door and laid Louis down on the bed in the guest room. "Ok, come on Lou, let's get your shoes off," I removed Louis shoes and placed them on the floor.

"Thank you, pretty lady," Louis slurred. I blushed and went to grab him some water. I came back and helped Louis take a sip.

"Why did you get so drunk tonight? I asked Louis, who was laying back down.

"I w-was upset," Louis admitted, "I'm in love with someone," My heart fell. "B-but she in love with someone else,"

"Oh, well, I'm sorry about that," I said, holding back tears. He loves someone else.

"Y-yeah," Louis hiccuped, "She always calls and texts this guy named Jake. Sometimes she even goes to lunch with him. She's always so happy after she gets back," Hm, my agent's name is Jake. But that's a common name, it can't mean anything.

"What's she like?" I asked, I wanted to know, but I also didn't.

"She's perfect. She's so nice, and she's the sweetest person ever. Whenever I need anything, she's always there. I would do anything for her. Anything," Louis got a dreamy look on his face as he talked. Wow, he really loves her. "Oh, and she's go-gorgeous. She's the prettiest girl everrr. God, I could just look at her allll day," A tear dripped down my cheek, but I quickly brushed it off.

"She sounds amazing," I whispered softly, more tears fell from my eyes. "Well, uh, goodnight Louis,"

"Goodnight darling," Louis slurred, half asleep. I begin to walk to my bedroom quietly. "I love you," I froze. He's probably just dreaming of this incredible girl. "I love you, Dylan Jones," I turned back to look at him. That's my name. Does he love me? No. He couldn't possibly love me back. Could he? He's famous and I'm a nobody. I quickly went to bed but stayed up thinking.

The next morning, I got out of bed and went to check on Louis. I went and shook him gently. I noticed his shirt was off, he must have taken it off last night. His beautiful eyes fluttered open. "Good morning," He said. He tried to sit up but ground and laid back down. "My head hurts,"

"Yeah that's what happens when you have 6 drinks," I said, standing in front of him.

"Wow, 6?"

"Mhm, you said some things last night," I said, glancing at him. He froze.

"Like, uh, what?" He said, nervously.

"Well, you said you got drunk because you were upset. And that you're in love with someone," His eyes went wide.

"Um, I, uh, did?" He gulped.

"Mhm," I took a deep breath. "Louis," He slipped out from under the covers and sat on the edge of the bed, me in front of him. He took the pillow he was using and pulled it on his lap, hugging it. We locked eyes."You said that you loved me," He looked down at his lap and his leg bounced. I placed my hand on his knee, stopping it. "Louis," I breathed. I held his face and made him look at me. "Did you mean that? Do you really love me?"

"I, uh," He leaned slightly into my hand on his cheek.

"Lou..." I moved a little closer. "You can tell me,"

"I don't wanna ruin anything," He said. "Plus. There's no way you would love me back," He whispered, messing with the pillow. Even though he whispered it, I heard it perfectly. My heart fluttered and I pressed myself against him and kissed him hard. He fell backwards on the bed. It took him a second, but he kissed back. My hands gripped his as I straddled him. The pillow on his lap now between us.

"I love you, Louis," I whispered to him.

"I love you too, Dylan," I laid my head down on his chest and we both fell asleep.


Hii, this story has been a draft for a while. I finally finished it. I hope you enjoyed it!

- Tay ♡

Word Count: 1402 words.

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