Chapter 5

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Kaveh slowly blinked his eyes as he became more and more awake, he looked over and saw Alhaitham watching over him. All Kaveh could say was some whispered words from all his yelling from last night, he honestly didn't care if he'd woken neighbors up or not. "Alhaitham?" he had whispered, "I'm here now Kaveh" Alhaitham told him. "Where were you last night?" Kaveh had asked, it seemed his throat was getting more better very quickly so he spoke louder. "I cant tell you." Alhaitham responded, Kaveh becoming more frustrated he asked Alhaitham and sounded more demanding. The same answer came out of that mouth of Alhaitham's. Fists clenching and eyes glaring, Kaveh bit down on his lip to try calm down. It wasn't helping. "Where the FUCK did you go Alhaitham?!" Kaveh screamed. "Kaveh, stop yelling, I already told you I can't tell you!" Alhaitham yelled back, he knew he was no better than Kaveh in this argument right now. "Fucking hell Alhaitham! Do you really not trust me enough?! I went berserk trying to find you yet you cant tell me where you went after worrying me AND leaving me without saying anything?!"" Kaveh said on the brink of tears. "I.." "I dont want to hear it." Kaveh cut off Alhaitham then had stormed out of the house.

Kaveh POV

Moraless and hungry Kaveh decided to go to Dehya's, once he had arrived Dehya greeted him and let him stay at her place. "So, why'd you come here out of the blue Kaveh?" Dehya asked. Kaveh was silent for a moment but then spoke up. "I got in an argument with ALhaitham." Kaveh grumbled, "Ohh, that makes sense, how long do ya plan to stay?" Dehya asked. Kaveh sighed "Dehya.. I honestly dont feel like seeing him for a week or more, he really is quite a idiot sometimes and it infuriates me." Kaveh admitted. "Alright then you can stay as long as you want Kaveh" Dehya says. Kaveh kept quiet, only now did he realise his hands were covered in bandages and weren't sullied in blood. "Alhaitham.." Kaveh thought though he didn't dare picture him in his mind. "Thanks Dehya."

Alhaitham POV

Alhaitham didn't know what to do once Kaveh had angrily got out of the house and had slammed the door yet the phrase "Surely he'll come back" repeated in his mind. Afterall, Kaveh's things were still in his house, all of it from his pillows to his blueprints. After staring at the spot Kaveh was just sitting on for a couple more minutes Alhaitham decided to busy himself with making breakfast for him and Kaveh, incase if Kaveh came back. In the end after waiting for Kaveh to come back the breakfast had gone cod and uneaten for Kaveh's plate. No Kaveh, home would just be a house for Alhaitham to live in if Kaveh's presence wasn't in it with Alhaitham.

Kaveh POV

The sun had risen and Kaveh had realised that all his things are still at Alhaitham's house. Kaveh thought: "Should I get my stuff? But I dont even have my keys and it'd be awkward to meet him again just to get it. I also wouldn't want to knock or break in.. I guess I'll just postpone all my projects." Kaveh sighed and realised his phone was going off like crazy, Kaveh caved in and check the notifications. "Alhaitham sent you a text" he read, the other notifications repeated that message over and over again. Kaveh didn't dare to open them so he left his phone on silent, even if he wanted to block Alhaitham he couldn't bear to do it.

Alhaitham POV

"Why isn't he answering damn it?!" Alhaitham thought with a frustrated tone. "Maybe I should call him." Thought Alhaitham, it went straight to voicemail. All the voicemail recorded was the background of people screaming and the blaring sirens from the police cars and ambulances. Alhaitham had been in a car crash and he bled out. Rushed to an ER Alhaitham slowly gained conscience, he had felt his heart beating slower and his vision blurred. Though after regaining conscience he lost it again, this led to the nurses panicking even more. One of the nurses quickly stuck an IV in Alhaitham while another called in a doctor, in came Dr.Nilou with the crazed nurse. "Alhaitham.. what did you get yourself into" she thought to herself. "Dr.Nilou the patient has a weak heartbeat and is loosing blood rapidly" says one of the nurses. "Got it, thanks" Nilou says with a serious look. Nilou quickly shocked Alhaitham's chest to strengthen his pulse one shock was all Nilou needed. Once of the nurses had carefully stuck a needle in Alhaitham's blood stream, with the needle it connected to a blood bag. "Only once more thing to do" Nilou thought, she precisely stitched and bandaged the broken wounds on ALhaitham and called it a day leaving the room for the nurses to watch over Alhaitham. Nilou then called Kaveh once she was done changing out of her work clothes.

Kaveh POV

Kaveh had just finished helping Dehya with a bit of her work and was enjoying some evening tea with Dehya and Candace who had joined them both. "Kaveh your phone is buzzing" Candace had pointed out, it seemed Kaveh didn't notice. He then picked up the phone and heard" "Kaveh you have to hurry to xxx hospital, Alhaitham's in the ER" Nilou said. Kaveh was sipping his tea then spat it all out once he heard the sentence Nilou had just told him. to Candace and Dehya it looked like Kaveh had seen a ghost; scared that Alhaitham will become one. "Okay, I'm coming over" Kaveh said in a low tone and then had hung up. Once Kaveh turned to the girls his eyes were brimming with tears "Can one of you drive me to xxx hospital, Alhaitham's in the ER" Kaveh said as his voice was slightly shaking. "Yea, I'll drive you" Dehya said. That car ride was a painfully quiet once, the only form of communication was body language at most. Once Kaveh entered the hospitals lobby he'd saw Nilou standing there patiently waiting then noticed Kaveh. "Kaveh come quickly" Nilou urged him, Kaveh had quickly followed her to Alhaitham's room, it felt cold. Kaveh quickly looked over at the patient's bed, he saw ALhaitham laying there oh-so soundly yet he had so many bandages overing him. The sight that was brought to Kaveh made him grow solemn, he couldnt help the tears rolling down his cheeks as he drew closer to Alhaitham. "How did this happen..?" He asked with such a look of despair. "Alhaitham go into a collision with a drunk driver" NIlou told Kaveh. "What a bastard.." Kaveh said quietly and slowly while wiping his tears. "Who?" Nilou asked, "Both of them" Kaveh said with a weary smile. Nilou then left Kaveh and Alhaitham alone, letting Kaveh figure things out. Once Nilou left Kaveh slumped by Alhaitham's bed. "How did he get into such a bad car accident.. right it was that damned drunk's fault..." Kaveh thought the talked aloud as if having a conversation with Alhaitham. "How could you let him hurt you that bad.. why wasn't I there to help you...what were those texts even about?.." Kaveh then opened their DM's a load of "help"s and "please come" filed his screen. The full impact of the situation finally fully hit Kaveh and sent Kaveh spiraling and screaming while he cried Alhaitham's name.

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