π‘β„Žπ‘Žπ‘π‘‘π‘’π‘Ÿ 7

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Over the past 24 hours a lot has happened. We all found out that there is something called the mind flayer stuck in wills body. He uses wills body as a "spy".

In order to stop him we need to close the gates to the other dimension. Not only will this take down the mind flayer but it will take down his "army", the demo dogs.

As we were on our death bed. Once again. Eleven had came and saved our asses. Once again. And you could imagine the kind of breakdown mike had knowing me and my dad kept eleven hidden from him.

He later realized it was for her own safety.

And this is where we are now. My dad went with eleven to go closes the gate back at the lab and Nancy, Jocey, and Jonathan went to get the mind flayer out of wills body. Which leaves me and Steve stuck with all the kids.

I sit on the couch thinking about what has happened. While the kids and Steve argue about how we are on the bench of a stupid game and how there is nothing we are doing to help.

"Y/n I could use a little help." Steve pleads. I get up and the kids are still creating a plan.

"Guys. Guys. Guys!" I say finally getting there attention. "We are indeed "benched". We are not doing anything other than staying here and letting the starting line up finish the game. You guys have been in too much danger today and let's just say if anyone dies, it's on me and I sure as hell don't want to lose my job or a kid. So y'all all just sit down." I yell.

"Fine." Max's says.
"This is a piece of shit" Dustin reply's angrily.
"We should be helping out there" mike comments.

"Wow didn't know you had that in you." Steve says.

I heard a screeching of tires against the driveway out side. Max runs over to the window. "It's billy. If he knows I'm here he will kill me." Max says.

I walk out of the front door to greet billy as he gets out of his car.

"Hey what are you doing here." I say smiling. I feel Steve approach behind me.

"I'm looking for my step sister. A little birdie told me she would be here." He says. Steve steps and front of me.

"Well she's not here." Steve says

"You know this whole situation is like....giving me the heebie-jeebies." Billy says.

"Oh and how's that." Steve says.

"My 13 year old sister goes missing all day and I find her with you and you lie to me about and you know it's funny because I've been calling you all day asking for fricken help." Billy says. There's a sting in my chest as he says the last part pointing at me.

Steve looks at me confused. "Look we've been kind of busy. Like really busy with literally life threatening things." I say trying to make the conversation better.

"You know were you dropped too much as a child, because I don't know what you don't get about what I just said. She's not here." Steve says completely ignoring what I just said.

"Then who's is that." Billy says as he points his cigarette towards the window. I see the kids peaking out the window and they quickly duck down once they see he's looking at them.

"Shit." I say softly. "Look billy we can explain." I say but billy was already pushing Steve down and walking towards the house.

I manage to help Steve up but billy was already in the house.

We hurry into the house. As we ran in we saw billy holding Lucas up to the wall. "Billy let go of him." I yell. For a slit second billy looks at me. Lucas kicks him the the balls and billy lets go.

"You are so dead Sinclair. So dead." Billy says about
to charge at him again.

"No you are." Steve says grabbing billy and punching him in the face. Billy starts to laugh. "I got you all fired up. Now I can see this king Steve everyone has been talking about." Billy says before throwing another punch. Steve dodges it and punches billy twice into the the counters in the kitchen.

"Guys stop!" I yell. Along with other chants from the kids. Billy grabs a glass plate and smashes on top of Steve's head. Making Steve fly back on the floor.

Billy walks over to Steve and pins him down and continuously punches Steve. "Billy stop!" I yell again. It was clear that he wasn't going to stop.

Blood was oozing out of Steve's nose. I get a quick glance at the syringe and serum that my dad used on will to knock him out. I quickly grab it and start to walk towards billy. I stab billy in the neck and inject it into him. Billy stands up and starts to wobble.

"What the hell is this." He says walking towards me. I start walking backwards.

He falls over and lands on the ground and he starts to laugh.

"You know I thought you were different but apparently not." I say grabbing Steve's bat.

"If you ever mess with these kids or Steve ever again your ass is dead. Do you hear me." I say raising the bat.

He looks at me. "Screw you." He's says. I've had enough of his bull shit. I slam the bat in between his legs. "I said do you hear me." I said louder.

"Yes.. I hear you." He says before drifting of to sleep.

I run over to Steve and he was passed out. His wounds looked pretty bad. I look at the kids and max had Billy's keys.

"Y'all aren't seriously thinking about still going. Did y'all not hear me the first time it too dangerous." I said.

"Sorry y/n we're going with our without you." Max said walking out of the door. "You got to be shitting me" I mutter to myself.

"Someone fucking help me with Steve." I say. We get into the car. Max's gets into the drivers seat.

"Hah there is no way in hell im letting you drive. Not only is your brother going to kill me for drugging him. I don't need him to kill me for recking his car too." I say. "Out." I tell max.

"I just think we'll get there at fast with me driving." Max says. I was tired with fighting with these kids.

"Fine but if we all die I'll kill you." I say getting In the back seat.


Max was right about one thing, she'll get us there a hell of a lot fast. But also almost kill us about 50 times in the process.

I feel Steve's head move in my lap. "Shit." I mutter.

Steve looks at his surroundings and starts to touch his face. "Don't touch it." I say moving his hands away.

"Hey buddy. Shhh. It's ok you put up a good fight and he kicked your ass but you still put up a good fight." Dustin said.

Lucas starts telling max directions on where to go and Steve looks at the drivers seat. "Oh my god, oh my god." He said continuously. "Oh my go slow down, stop the car." He said.

"Everyone shut up I'm trying to focus." Max yelled at everyone and makes a swift hard turn as she almost misses it, almost killing us. Once again.

"Look I'm sorry Steve they practically made me. It was I either leave them to die by themselves or we die with them. I went with the second option." I say to Steve.

"Why didn't you just drive. Maybe we would be alive before getting there." Steve says.

"We would get there faster." I say.

The car swiftly stops as we arrive at our destination. Everyone gets out of the car and starts putting gear on. I put a bandana over my mouth as I watch Steve stumble out of the car and struggle to stand up. I put my googles on.

"Hey where do you think your going."Steve says to mike as he walks towards the entrance of the tunnel.

No on answers him. "Hello are you deaf. We are not going down there this ends right now."

"Steve I get it your upset. But we need you down there. I know you promise nance you would keep us safe. So keep us safe." Dustin says.

"Steve look I get it. I sure as hell don't want them going down there but they might have a point, it could really help . Put this stuff on and let's go." I say shoving a pair of googles and a bandana at his chest.


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