Part 2

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Jeff heard a constant string of beeps as he regained consciousness. The air was crisp and cool. Jeff opened his eyes, but saw nothing. He blinked and blinked again, still nothing. “What is this?” Jeff mumbled to himself. He moved his hands along what felt like a soft blanket covering his legs.

A quiet voice came from the corner of the room. “Oh good, you’re awake.”

Jeff vaguely recognized the voice.


“Yeah it’s me, buddy. I’m going to tell the nurse you are awake.”

“Wait…nurse? Colin where the hell am I?” Jeff said as the panic in his voice grew.

Jeff heard a chair slide across a hard surface and heard footsteps come his way. Colin placed his hand on Jeff’s forearm.

“You’re in the hospital Jeff.”

Jeff’s anxiety grew. “Why can’t I see anything? I…I can’t see!”

“You need to calm down, Jeff. Your heart monitor is going to spike and the nurse will think I’m in here killing you.”

Jeff balled his fingers into a fist and brought them up to his eyes, rubbing frantically, then pulling them away. Still nothing.

“Why can’t I see?!”

Jeff heard Colin let out a heavy sigh, then felt his grip tighten and release on his arm.

“You have a severe concussion and have temporary blindness. When you and Ryan took the tumble, you took the worst of it. His weight essentially slammed you into the ground harder, while he only smashed his head through a light. He’s actually a few rooms down getting his gashes stitched shut. You should have seen it, his face was completely covered in blood.”

“Well you know, I couldn’t have seen it, nor can I because I’m fucking blind!”

Colin awkwardly cleared his throat. “Oh, yeah. Sorry this is going to take some time to get used to.”

“What do you mean take some time? That sounds like it’s going to be LONG time.” Jeff said with his tone growing more impatient.

“The nurse said about 2 weeks. Maybe less if you reduce your movement and just keep your head resting.”

Jeff clenched the soft hospital sheets in his fist. He was overwhelmed with emotions. For the first time in his life, he felt utterly lost. Just physically lost. With no spatial awareness, he felt as if he was just floating in blackness, with the occasional voices which he couldn’t figure out which direction they were coming from.

Jeff heard rapid footsteps from what he thought was the hallway come closer towards his room.

Colin turned his head towards the doorway. “Ryan?”

A nurse suddenly appeared behind Ryan, and tried to talk behind the tall man as he stood still in the doorway.

“I apologize guys.” The nurse said rapidly breathing. “He insisted he come down here. I told him he needed to stay in his room but he wouldn’t listen. If he’s being a bother I’ll call security.”

Ryan walked farther into the room then turned to face the nurse.

“Leave!” He shouted.

The nurse stood there, shocked.

Colin stepped in between the two and walked towards the nurse. “I apologize for him. I’ll take care of him and if he does become a problem I’ll holler.”

The nurse didn’t even respond and walked away in a huff. Colin shut the door behind her.

“What the hell was that about man? Do I need to ask them for horse tranquilizers to make you calm your shit or what?”

“No, I’m sorry. I just needed to see Jeff.” Ryan said as he walked to Jeff’s bedside.

Ryan looked Jeff up and down. “God, I can’t believe I did this to him. It’s my fault he’s like this.”

“I’m awake you know…”

“I know. I just, still can’t believe it. I will say this again and I will say this for as long as we’re like this. I am so sorry, Jeff.”

“Thank you Ryan. How are you doing?”

Ryan wiped some tears from under both of his eyes and sniffed loudly. “I’m fine. It’s funny, it’s just more of a severe case of what happened 10 years ago when I bashed my head into Drew’s desk.”

Jeff chuckled. “I would have killed to be in the audience for that, man.”

Ryan and Colin both smiled.

“Uh. Since I cannot see how injured you are, can I try to use one of my other senses to help me? I’m still very worried about how you are.” Jeff asked.

“What, you want to sniff my face?” Ryan quipped.

Jeff laughed. “No, like feel.”

“Sure, but please be careful. These babies are still fresh.”

Ryan kneeled next to Jeff’s bedside and brought his hand into his own. He brought Jeff’s hand up near some of the wounds on his forehead, and Jeff lightly touched. Ryan hissed momentarily from the stinging, and Jeff’s hand retreated.

“You’re fine. Keep going.”

Ryan helped Jeff’s hands explore the wounds, gently and slowly.

“Oh my god, Ryan. You’re really banged up.”

“Fuck how I’m feeling, I’m more worried about you.”

Colin made his way to the other side of Jeff’s bed. “We both are worried, Jeff.”

Ryan withdrew Jeff’s hand from his face but still held on to it. “And for the next two weeks, we are going to help you through every step of this. We are never going to leave your side, you hear me?”

Jeff’s breath hitched, and he let out a sigh of relief. The promise alone lifted a supposed weight Jeff was feeling off of him. He no longer had to go through this alone. And best of all, he no longer felt lost.

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