roka ceremony of our khidkitod shivika

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Shivaay woke up with chided mood as he could not be able to meet annika. He thought why dont he try to call her may be today he can talk to her. He called her. His heart was craving to hear her voice for once. Call received but the person talk to him chills ran down to his spine.
"who's there? "her dad's voice came.
"ummm, uncle. I am shi..shivaay. "he stutter.
"so, what did i do? "he replied Little rudely.making shivaay understand that he is still not for his daughter according to harsh.but still he wants to talk to her for once. So, gathered his courage and ask.
"uncle, if you dont mind. Can i ask you something?"
"can i talk to annika for once? "he asked with much difficulty.
"look, she is busy. So, go and do your work. Dont disturb her. "saying this he cutted the call.
Shivaay was in very bad mood just then someone knock his door. Knowing that his mother is so adamant to take him with her any stupid function he without replying the knock went to freshen up and get ready without any heart.
Shiv's pov-
Here my heart is sinking thinking about annika but look at my family they are so happy about mr. Rana 's roka ceremony. Yeah, while getting ready i asked to bade papa that who is so important that i had to miss my meeting with annika. And rudra answered mr. Rana. Seriously, from when our rival mr. Rana become our friend that my family is becoming mad for his so called roka. I am sure something is fishy. But what can i do?just thinking about her. Guess what if she sees me in this outfit i am sure she could not be able to control her hormones.

Well, today omru made me ready which is weird but i like this gesture.Car honk made me came out from my lala land. Then realization hit me hard how will she see me when i am not going to meet her.
"bhaiya, come we have reached. Rudra's chirpy voice broke my trance.
I went in with others but to my utter surprise there was few our guests only. But shock would be understimate for me when i saw harsh uncle approaching us. Before i ask something harsh uncle and bade papa shared a warm hug. Everyone looking so happy and i am standing in a corner like a fool who has no clue about what's going on. But sudden hug broke my thoughts. Ohh god harsh uncle is hugging me. Am i dreaming?
"how was the surprise ,shivaay beta? "he asks with breaking hug.
I looks on. What surprise?
"oh my mata,samdhi ji. Phle ise kuch understands to hone do. "said my laughing mom.
Omru hugged me tight suddenly and then shouted it's my roka .
This sentence made slip earth from my foot.then after harsh uncle told me that they want to surprise me. No, wonder he loves me too. As the way he took promise from me to keep his daughter happiest girl on the earth.
Now i am sitting in the couch. Infact special couch which is beautifully decorated for us. I cant believe today is my and annika's roka. My eyes waiting for her. I am sure today she will drool over me. (smirks)
Just then omru sat beside me. I know they are here for teasing me in good amount.
Om-how is the decorations?

Me-wonderful. Thanks bro.
Ru-how is your outfit? Gauri bhabhi and me chose for you.
Me-its perfect. I said still finding her.
Om-well shivaay, dont you think annika will look more beautiful than you.
Me-how can i say this?first let her come.
Ru-desparate haa.
Me-shut up rudy.
Ru-o, i feel like cry both are now paraya dhan. He cried fake.
But my eyes were set on the heavenly beautiful girl.

My girl. Who is coming down with gauri and breath hitched seeing her. Her beautiful eyes, blush.her loose hair one sided bun

,long earrings.

Oh my god is she blushing?this fearless girl is blushing. I was wrong that she will drool over me. Instead i am drooling over her. Just then our eyes met. We shared a deep eyelock.
"bhaiya, she is only yours. After marriage you can drool her shamelessly. But here please think about our reputation. "rudra whispered in my ear. I glared at him.
We both now sat with each other. The roka ceremony started. It was best moment till my life. Everyone praising our pair. But my eyes only fixed on her.

All rituals were completed.i was finding way to spent sometime alone with her. I think she is too.
"how am i looking mr. Oberoi? "she whispered in my ear.
"desirable, beautiful and hot. "i winked. I can see her blush. She looks other side as guests approach us. When guests left us. "i wanna meet you alone. "i said.
"me too. "she said with a pout.
Oh god today she is looking so irresistible. I should control my desires.
"meet me after our roka and dont you dare to change your dress. You look hot today. "i winked.
"where? "
"i'll text you. "
"you mr., you are also looking  hot today. "
"oh someone is desparate today. "
"very",she said boldly. I smiled widely.
"me too. "
After celebration we all left for our house. I text her to meet me at terrace of venue. I dont know how she managed to come there but her text beeped in my cell. ”I have reached come fast. "
I act like i have an important confrence call so, they go i will come by my car  after finishing the confrence.they agreed. I directly head to terrace grinning wide.
End of shiv's pov.

Recap. 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

Guys next update Wednesday

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