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Landice, Death threat, Nathaniel, Secrets...

The scene yesterday kept on playing in mind that I wasn't able to get enough sleep last night.

"..and then, we talked and talked. Ah! I'm so kilig!...hey, Stella, are you listening?"

My train of thoughts was haltered by a pat in my shoulder.


"Come on Lily, when did you even caught Stella listening to all your nonsense" Jane blurted out as she take a piece of the cake I was eating.

We were in the school's cafeteria to grab some snack when Lily dragged us to a bench and forced us to listen to the daily life of the girl named Lily and her crush.

"You had told us that story over and over", can't you give us more interesting stories" I dryly replied.

"Stell you're so mean", Lily pouted as I rolled my eyes. It's always the same story over and over again. I don't know why I lacked interest or was it because of not being able to sleep properly last night. 

"Are you alright, Stell?" Jane, as always, the keen observer in the group read through me.

"I'm fine, I just did not get enough sleep last night" I replied.

"Ohh, what's keeping our dear Sophia late at night" Lily cornering me.

"That's unheard of" Jane added. Yeah, right. I always get to bed early, no excuses. But, with what is happening with Landice my mind would not let me rest.

They were inching closer and closer to me. My poor ol' personal space

"I think you're the one with a juicy story"

"Stell spill the tea"

"Would you mind" I abruptly stood up and hit someone with my back.

"Hey! Watch it!", said a voice from a guy.

I felt cold liquid spilling in my uniform. Deym. My uniform is spoiled. Okay that's enough pestering for one day. First with the girls and now my uniform!

"Are you okay Miss?"

"Who is okay when your clothes are wet!" I lost my temper. I grabbed the glass of water and poured all its content at the guy in my back.

It was too late when I realized who was the person I bumped into.

"What the- Stell?"

"That's what you- Nathan?"

Both our eyes widened in surprise.

"I'm so sorry!" I hurriedly scram for a handkerchief in my bag.

"Stell, do you know each other?" Jane pipped in as a frenzy to get a handkerchief.

"Yes, we know each other, right Stell?", Nathan suddenly placed his arm around my shoulder.

Both my friends and I were shocked by his sudden move, I was frozen from where I was standing. My face turning bright red.

"Kyahhhhh" and there goes the squeal of my supportive friends.

"Ugh, would you mind" Finally, regaining my momentum. I looked into Nathan straight in the eyes.

"Please remove your arm from my shoulder before these girls would get the wrong idea"

"Okay, okay, sorry Stell" as he fished the handkerchief from my hand and wiped the spilled juice in my back.

"Kyahhhh!" the girl's squeal got even louder. Lily was fanning herself and Jane looked so amused.

"Agh! Stop touching me!" that's it I had enough, my hand landed swiftly in Nathan's face.

"Ouch!", Nathan was rubbing his cheek and then wiped the water I spilled earlier in his hair.

The girls were stunned.

"We have to go Nathan, good bye!" I grabbed and dragged my girls to the washroom before they could recover from the shock.

"Okay, before things get complicated..." I ended up telling them my encounter with Nathan in the hallway minus the death threat part about Landice.

"You see I just met him yesterday, there's nothing between us"

"If you say so Stell" Lily looked defeated. For a friend who wants me to get a little drama in my life. I'm sorry Lily, I don't have time for other boys. I need to find a way to save Landice.

"I'll get you some spare clothes" Jane offered as she hurriedly left the washroom.

After a few minutes, she came back, I changed clothes and we started to walk back to our classroom since, break time is finally over.

While walking in the hallway, my eyes caught a glimpsed of an ID in the floor, I picked it up and to my surprise, it was Landice's!.

Look's like lady luck finally found me, huh. I better give this to Landice later that way I have a reason to see him.

"Hurry up Stell! We're getting late!" Jane complained as she noticed me falling behind.

"Coming!" I kept the ID in my pocket. See you later my beloved Landice. 

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