Chapter 8 (GRAVE DANGER)

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Anastasia looks up as they enter through large black gates. There are bodyguards lining up in the whole property. Their head remain straight, they never blink but she can clearly feel their eyes boring into her soul.

Giovanni pauses in front of the front doors letting the guard standing there push it open. As soon as the door opens, he tugs her inside again.

Anastasia do not dare to lift her gaze up from the floor as he drags her upstairs.

After a minute of walking, he finally pauses in front of a dark colored door. He gives it two firm knocks and then finally pushes it open.

Anastasia feels something strange in the pit of her stomach when he drags her inside in a office.

"You are up?" She hears a familiar surprised voice.

Looking up faintly, she finds Anastasio. He's staring at her with anger filled eyes. Just then she notices, his stare is actually fixed on her scarred arms.

She unconsciously hide her one arm behind her back.

She jumps in fear when the door slams open. Looking back at its direction, her eyes falls on Stefano who looks equally surprised and angry seeing her awake.

"You are up so fucking soon!" He sounds flabbergasted.

Why are they all shocked to see her up and moving?

"You survived a fucking bullet to your heart. If it didn't miss a inch close to your heart, you would have been dead." He shakes his head.

So close to death.

She flinches in fear again when a sound of phone ringing reaches her ears.

She snaps her head at the source. To her shock, they fall on a pair of those two eyes who look identical as her own.

This makes her heart sink.

The man's stare is freezing cold holding no emotions whatsoever. He looks way more intimidating even than Giovanni, Stefano and Anastasio.

"So what are we supposed to do with her? You know we don't leave witnesses but this one is exception and Giovanni you can let her wrist go." Stefano rolls his eyes annoyed.

Giovanni glares coldly at Stefano who nervously chuckles while rubbing the back of his head.

"I mean umm you don't have to if you don't want to."

Anastasio snickers from behind.

Giovanni slowly releases Anastasia's wrist and let it hang almost limply at her side.

"She can go." They all snap their attention at their oldest brother.

"But Adriano, is it really ok to let her go?" Stefano interrupts him before he could speak further.

"And why doesn't it?" Adriano raises his brow.

"Umm because we all can see something is wrong with her. She saved my life without hesitation and didn't you see the look of pure disappointment on her face when I told her that she was about t--"

Adriano interrupts his younger brother.

"I'm letting her go just because she saved you and Anastasio. Otherwise you know what I like to do with witnesses. It's better that you let this girl go and forget about her."

Anastasia feels Adriano's stare drilling hole in her body while he spoke.

"I know why are you so eager to send her away." Stefano muses under his breath clearly disturbed.

"I will take her back to her home. I know the address." Anastasio says.

"So hurry. Father is on his way back home. He wouldn't like 'someone-like-her' here." Giovanni speaks for the first time since they enter here.

Anastasia glances down to see his fists clenched.

It makes her feel negative. He wants to hurt her---- this rings in her mind and she just quickly turn around and scurries behind Anastasio.

Stefano follows behind them.

"Why does she look so like her? It can't be a coincidence." Giovanni questions Adriano who's already staring at the door where she just walked through.

"We buried her dead body years ago. She was killed that day along with Isabella." Giovanni states impatient. The silence of his older brother at this sensitive topic is unsettling.

"Make arrangements for some grave digging."

Giovanni freezes at his brother's final words. His eyes widens.

"What about father? Are you going to tell him?"

"Not until the results come. Make this search secretive."

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