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Never in his life would Dan think that he would be lying face up in a rose bush outside of another mans house in broad daylight hearing two couples argue in the window above him.

How this happened, wasn't really a long story because it occurred right after he got home from school.


"You were serious?" Dan says as Phil pulls up to his house.

Phil shrugs. "I mean I'm just trying to help you out Dan"

Dan nervously scratches at his neck as he follows Phil out the car and into his house. "So....where's your dad?"

"Still at work so we got the whole place to ourselves."

"Great." Dan mumbles under his breath. He suddenly felt very nervous around Phil.

Phil pushes open his door and they both throw their bags to the floor. "Okay so I'm just showing you this in case you want to do it to like your boyfriend or whatever."

"I don't have a boyfriend." Dan mutters as he paces the room, "I don't think we should do this."

Phil grabs his arm to stop his pacing. "Listen, I don't mean anything by it. I'm straight remember?"

Dan bites his lip. "I-I don't know..."

"That's the spirit!" Phil pulls him over to the bed and they sit down.

"Now what you need to do is kinda like rub their cheeks.."

"My what!"

Phil shushes him by putting a finger to his lips. "You don't get to speak, only learn okay?"

Dan nods and Phil smiles a little and lifts his finger. "Now." He pushes his glasses up. "let's start."

Dan was already told not to say anything, but Phil had already closed his eyes and had leaned down to his neck.

Oh my God, oh my God, oh my God . He kept repeating over and over again in his head as he felt Phil's hand cup the side of his face. This was actually happening. Phil was about to give him a love mark.

Phil exhaled and Dan shivers as he feels his warm breath so close to his neck. "You ready? It's going to take a few seconds." He whispers.

Dan just nods, his mouth open in shock as he feels the lightest and smoothest touch of Phil's lips start to touch his neck.

And then footsteps.

"Phill!" A singsong voice had called. The footsteps sounded like they were jogging up the steps.

Phil reflexively pushes Dan and he falls on the floor. "What the hell?" He says.

"Shh! Shhh! Shut the fuck up you gotta go!" Phil throws his bookbag at him.

"What? How am I supposed to leave?" Dan gets up quickly.

Phil grabs at his hair for a minute before he points at the window. "Jump, there's a bush down there that will break your fall."

"We're in a two story house!"

"Fucking go Dan! She can't see you here with me!" Phil pushes him towards the window.

Dan had rolled up the window easily and just as he put his foot on the ledge the door slams open. He didn't even hesitate, he just tumbled out the window.

Everything slows when you're falling. Wether it's from your bed or from a two story window, it feels like your falling through time even though you're actually falling pretty fast. Dan must have looked up at the sky for a while before he hears the crash of him falling into a bush and the wind getting knocked out of him.

And that's how he ended up staring up at the sky and listening to Phil and Stephanie scream at each other. He didn't think he broke anything surprisingly. But he did feel the thorns of the roses digging in his back.

He had to get up, so he wills himself to roll up in his feet. He grabs his bag and tries to step over the rest of the bush but his bag gets snagged and it tears wide open. He struggles to pick everything up, afraid that Stephanie was going to look out the window. When he does, he runs home.

Leaving his father's locket behind.

oof hoped you liked it!


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