Chapter 4

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Jade POV:

So after we arrived at Jesy's, we heard several screams coming from her house. Pez fainted but gained conciousness quickly. We walked towards her house. I could feel Pez tensing up, so I grabbed her hand and gave it a reassuring squeeze. Arriving at her door, we heard a blood curdling scream followed by a crash. We panicked and threw ourselves against the door. We looked for Jesy in the whole house. She was nowhere to be found.

„Wait I can hear screams upstairs. She is in the bathroom."

We quickly ran upstairs and entered the bathroom. I was shocked when I saw a crushed mirror and a crying, shaking and screaming Jesy on the floor. We carefully tip toed over to her. While Perrie carefully cleaned the floor from the broken mirror pieces and Leigh Anne put bandages around her hands, I pulled Jesy onto my lap, so her head was on my thighs. I ran my fingers through her hair. She winced. I think she is in pain. I looked at Leigh and Perrie concerned. I kept stroking Jesy's hair until the screaming stopped. I whispered „It's okay, we're here now." several times. Finally she calmed down. Meanwhile, the glass was put away and her hands were treated. After the crying stopped too, she put her head from my lap and looked at us.

„I'm so sorry."

Tears were welling up in her eyes again.

„Shhh babe it's okay. We are here now."

I stroked her hair again. Perrie and Leigh took a hand each and rubbed circles on the back of the hands. She calmed down again.

‚I wish we could help you Jesy. I don't know how.'

Noticing that I've been staring, Perrie waved her hand infront of my face. I shook my head and smiled. We helped Jesy up and she pulled us in a warm, loving group hug. She thanked us a million times. She doesn't have to thank us. That's what friends are supposed to do.

„Shall we watch Netflix babes?"

Jesy nodded and we went into the living room. She put on the telly and searched for good shows to watch. We decided to watch Stranger things. In the middle of the show, Jesy's phone went on. She got a message. She unlocked it and put it away again. She looked at us with a pale face.

„Harry. He said that he wants me back."

„Babes you've done the right thing. If he loved you, he wouldn't have cheated on you. Forget about him. We're here for you."

She nodded and focused on the film again. When it was over, Perrie askes if we could order pizza. We all agreed but Jesy didn't look like she really wanted. We ordered and shortly after it arrived. My stomach rumbled and I took a slice. Perrie and Leigh did the same. Only Jesy stared at the pizza.

„You are not hungry babe?"

She got up and went into the bathroom. We looked at each other not knowing what to do. I wanted to go after her, but Perrie grabbed my arm.

„Let her go Jade. She needs some time."

After a few minutes she was back. We smiled at her, which she returned. I watched how she took a slice with shaky hands. She hesitated.

„You don't have to eat babe. It's okay."

She nodded but took a small bite of the pizza. She looked disgusted in herself. But she kept eating it until she finished it. But then she turned pale, threw her hands to her mouth and sprinted upwards. This time I ran after her. I heard, that she threw up. I knocked at the door.

„Jess baba. What are you doing?"

She opened the door.

„I can't eat properly. Food makes me feel sick."

„Babes. It's gonna be okay you don't have to eat."

She nodded, hugged me and we went downstairs again. The other two smiled at me and Jesy. We sat down, ate the rest of pizza and had a sleepover. Jesy couldn't really eat but we accepted that. All we could do for her, was comforting her.

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