Chapter 1

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Jesy POV:

„I can't keep doing this Harry!" I said, anger lacing my voice „You cheated on me for the second time! Last time you promised to never do it again. I gave you a second chance, hoping you would take it serious." Now I was really angry. „Jesy please it isn't what it looked like." „No it didn't. I caught you and that slut right in the act. So don't tell me it isn't what it looked like." I felt tears welling up in my eyes. But they were tears of anger. I went into our bedroom, took out Harry's suitcase and stomped back into the living room. I threw the case at him „Pack your things and get out of my life! Go to your slut! I hope she is way better than me!" „Jesy no please. One more chance." „No Harry. You broke my trust and heart. It's over."  Now the emotions came over me. I started crying. Harry reached for my hand but I slapped it away. Hurt was now evident on his face. He picked up the suitcase and went into our bedroom to pack his things. I dropped on the couch and unlocked my phone. I decided to chat with the girls.

From Jesminda: Hey y'all
From Jeed: What's wrong Jess? I can tell something is wrong.
From Jesminda: How can you tell that?
From Jeed: Tell me what's wrong Jesy!

I didn't answer. Five minutes later Harry looked at me. He had his suitcase and looked at me with tearful eyes. „Leave!" I got up and pushed him towards the door. I opened it and pushed him out. I closed the door, leaned my body against it and sunk to the bottom. I started crying my eyes out. I don't know how long I' ve been crying but the doorbell rang. „Go away Harry!" „Jesy it's us." I recognised Jade's soft voice. I dried my tears, put on a fake smile and opened the door. There Perrie, Jade and Leigh-Anne looked at me worried. „We heard you crying so put down that fake smile." I let them in. We sat on the sofa and the girls looked at me with worry. „We saw Harry leaving. What's wrong?" I told them the whole story. At the end my voice cracked and I started crying. The girls pulled me in a warm and loving group hug. Boy I don't deserve them. They are so caring, lovely and kindhearted. I calmed down and they looked at me. „Now listen babe. That boy can suck my arse. He doesn't deserve such a kind soul like you." Perrie said trying to cheer me up. I tried to smile but miserably failed. It was like I forgot how to smile. I can't describe it. „Wanna go for a walk Jesy?" „Yea why not though. But first I would like to get changed and refresh a bit." „Fine babe take your time."  I nodded and went upstairs. ‚I don't deserve these three. They are too kind.' I quickly took some clothes out of my closet. It looked so empty without his clothes. A lonely tear rolled down my cheek. I quickly wiped it away and took a pair of Highwaisted jeans and a hoodie. Entering the bathroom I saw that mirror. That huge mirror hanging on the wall. I undressed and looked at myself. There was a voice I never heard before. ‚Look at you. No wonder he cheated on you. That girl is a way skinnier and prettier than you are. He wouldn't have done that if you weren't that fat and ugly. Come on. Lose some weight.' I shook my head and focused again. I stepped into the shower and tried to understand what just happened. This happened never to me before. ‚Maybe I was hallucinating. But I should hurry now. The girls are waiting.' I quickly finished showering, dressed myself and got my hair into a bun. I didn't apply makeup, because I didn't feel like it. Then I noticed the scale. „I didn't use that thing in ages. Let's see what it says." I stepped onto it. 65kg.

(A/N: This is not a hate story against Jesy and her body. It's just how everything started.)

I kicked onto it and put it back next to the tub. I applied some perfume and went down to meet the girls. „You look refreshed. Can we go?" I nodded, took the housekeys and we went outside. It was really cold and rainy today. Suiting my mood to be honest. But to my luck the girls didn't talk or ask anything about Harry. We talked about everything that came to our minds. Even cruel things we did as toddlers. I even had to laugh when Jade told us, when she was two, she tripped over nothing and fell to the floor. Then she told us that she had a lollipop in her hand, so to protect it from getting dirty, she hold her hand up. When she got up, she asked the lolly if he was okay. I couldn't help but laugh. When I bursted into laughter, the girls looked at me. I could see their eyes shining. I think they were happy to see me laughing. After an hour of walking we stopped at a café. Jade ordered her favorite tea, Perrie ordered a little cup of Ben&Jerry's chocolate and Leigh Anne ordered a coffee. I didn't want to eat or drink anything. I didn't have any appetite. But the voice spoke to me again. The same voice I heard earlier. ‚Remember fatty. Do you wanna stay fat, eat. If you want to become pretty, eat nothing. Because pretty girls don't eat.' „Sure you don't want to have anything Jess?" Jade asked me worried. „No I'm fine. I'm not hungry." She nodded slowly. While we walked back, the girls kept their eyes on me. Finally we were home. I put on my comfy clothes and dropped onto the sofa. I was exhausted. „Jess you alright?" Leigh Anne asked, worry lacing her voice. „I'm fine I'm just tired." „Shall we leave?" I nodded and they understood. They hugged me and I thanked them for being there. Jade made clear that I can always call or text them and they'll come over. I was very pleased having such great friends. After they left I put on the TV. I cuddled into my blanket and started crying. Why me?

New book tehe. But have you all heard about the rumors that Jaded broke up💔😩😩 I hope it's a big fat lie😩😩😩

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