9 - The Lost Kingdom

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The intimidatingly large Worden ship, nearly twice the size of Namjoon's. You didn't want to know how many Worden soldiers were climbing aboard Namjoon's ship, let alone how many were hiding in the Worden ship.

Thousands of thoughts crossed your mind at once, Did Jimin tell them? If so, why? What happened to Yoongi? Did war already start between Sayaria and Worden? Is Dririth on Sayaria's side or so they stand with Worden? Is your family alright? What did the dream mean?

Another cannon fired, the sound boomed on the open sea. The boat jerked to the side once again from the impact. Despite the quaking boat, Hoseok was able to keep you both steady as he held on to the mast in the center of the ship while keeping you close.

"What's happening!?" You shouted to him, trying to get your voice to be heard over the sound of the canons and crewmembers yelling as they scrambled around the ship.

"Worden's attacking our ship." He answered.


"Most likely for you, because of your arranged marriage."

You stayed quiet, everything bad that has happened has been because of you.

"How did they find us!?" You questioned.

"I have no clue," He replied.

Then it hit you, you wrote Jimin a letter telling him your location. If Worden had invaded Sayaria they would've intercepted the letter. You were screaming at yourself internally at how idiotic it was of you to do that, realizing that you should have listened to Yoongi.

"Come on, stay close to me." He continued, unusually calm about the situation. Jungkook and Namjoon had the crew getting prepared to fight off the invaders on the deck while Hoseok headed towards his cabin and you followed closely behind. When you arrived he grabbed a holster with a sword already inside it and put it on. You looked at him with confusion as he rushed around the room.

"What are you doing?"

"Y/N, I need you to listen to me very closely," Hoseok started as he looked at you, you nodded, "No matter what happens, you have to go to Vraitis,"

"But I don't know where it is---"

"Yoongi will,"


"Come on,"

He grabbed your wrist and pulled you out of the cabin. Once you exited the room you heard yelling and cries of pain, and blood, covering the deck. Not only that but bodies were scattering the deck already, some of them were Worden soldiers, others were the crewmembers.

You trembled with fear as Hoseok led you towards the railing. A Worden soldier came rushing towards you with his sword drawn. Hoseok let go of you and pulled his sword out from his holster. Shortly you were both surrounded and Hoseok had gotten multiple wounds from trying to protect you.

"Y/N," He said breathing heavily from exhaustion.

"Yeah?" You asked, nervously.

"Hold your breath,"

"Wait, wh---" Before you could finish Hoseok pushed you over the railing into the ocean.

As soon as you hit the water your lungs started filling up with water as you were unprepared while you sank into the deep blue. You struggled to try to get to the surface, not knowing how to swim. You looked around through the sea for any sign of Yoongi but he was nowhere in sight.

Nearby you heard a muffled splash as someone else fell into the water. You turned to try and make out who it was, they were bleeding from a wound in their abdomen. Then your eyes widened as you realized it was Jungkook, and you remembered this exact moment happening in your dream. You tried to make your way to him but you couldn't.

As you slowly sank into the water losing hope every second someone else dove into the water, your vision was blurred so you could barely make anything out before you closed your eyes, letting yourself drown.

A few moments later you were brought to the surface. You coughed, as you were finally able to breathe. Namjoon had saved you and he brought you closer to the ship.

"W-wait!" You coughed, catching your breath, "J-Jungkook!"

"I know, there's nothing I can do." He replied catching his breath.


He didn't reply and instead reached for a large piece of wood that came from the ship after the canons hit and used it to keep you both afloat.

"Yoongi!" You shouted as loud as you could while still coughing up water.

"Who the hell is Yoongi?" Namjoon questioned confused.

"YOONGI!" You yelled even louder, ignoring Namjoon, "Please, I need your help!"

"Are you hallucinating or something!?" Namjoon asked.

"Yoongi!?" You called one last time before Yoongi popped out of the water behind you and hit Namjoon on the head with his tail, knocking him unconscious.

"I'm here, I'm here." He said with annoyance.

"Yoongi! What was that for!?" You shouted, turning to him to see that he had an unconscious Jungkook with him.

"Look, Leggy, it would be too much of a pain to explain it to him while we're being attacked so we'll explain when we get someplace safe."


"Now where's that other guy," Yoongi replied.

"Hoseok?" You asked., Yoongi nodded, "He's still on the ship."

"Alright," Yoongi swam over to the driftwood you and Namjoon were floating on and rested Jungkook on it, "Y/N, I'm gonna turn you into a siren okay, and don't pass out this time."

"Wait, how---" Yoongi cut you off and kissed you quickly, using his powers to turn you into a siren. You didn't pass out this time, most likely because your body had already been through the transformation once before. You felt your legs morph into a tail with fins it was uncomfortable to be transformed from a human to a siren but you managed.

"Okay, now we wait for the other guy,"

"But Jungkook's injured!" You exclaimed.

"Well there's nothing we can do to help him out in the middle of the ocean is there, Leggy. We're gonna have to wait until we get on land." He replied. You frowned in response but you still knew that he was right.

Then, Hoseok dove into the water from the ship and swam towards the driftwood where the three of you were, before he could say anything, Yoongi knocked him unconscious as well.

"What the hell Yoongi!?" You shouted.

"What? I already told you that it would be hard to explain,"

"He already knew you, idiot!"

"He did? Oh well, I guess," He said nonchalantly as he shrugged as he grabbed Hoseok and Namjoon, "You take the other one."

"His name is Jungkook,"

"What is he your boyfriend now or something?" He questioned sarcastically.

"What!? No way! Not in a million years." You replied.

"Relax, it was a joke. Now, where do you want to go."

"Hoseok said to go to the Kingdom of Vraitis."

"Alright, stay close," Yoongi said as he started swimming. You quickly got Jungkook and situated him on your back. He was fairly heavy but being in the water made it easier to carry him. Yoongi started swimming off, presumably in the direction of Vraitis.

"Wait, what about the rest of the crew? We can't just leave them for dead!" You said as you could still hear the crew fighting the Worden soldiers aboard the ship.

"We can only carry so many people with us, Leggy," Yoongi replied as he stopped and turned back to you.


"Look, I get it, you want to help them, but sometimes it's best to just be selfish and save yourself."

"But they have families---"

"If they had families why did they become part of a pirate crew."

"Well, I---"

"They're obviously willing to put their lives on the line for their captain, we should just leave before the Worden soldiers figure out where you're headed."

You stayed silent for a moment, frowning, not wanting to just leave behind people and let them die for you, but you realized even if you were able to save them from the Worden soldiers, they would just be stranded out in the middle of the ocean.

"Fine..." Yoongi nodded and started leading the way. You followed him, taking one last glance at the ship before turning back. The shouting and cries of pain becoming more distant as you swam away.


After about an hour of swimming, there was still no sign of Vraitis and your back was becoming sore from carrying Jungkook for so long.

"Yoongi, how much longer until we get there? My back hurts so bad," You whined.

"You can just leave him if you want, he's probably already dead by now,"

"What!? No! He's not dead!"

"It's called sarcasm, we'll be there soon."

"How long is soon?"



"Shut up,"



You scoffed in response.


"Yoongi," You whined after another hour of swimming.

"What now?" He asked annoyed.

"I'm tired."

"Suck it up,"


"Y/N, I swear, keep your mouth shut, we'll be there soon, your incessant whining is making this feel like it's lasting forever."

"Rude." You mumbled.










"Are we there yet?"



"Yoo---" You cut yourself off as a large island came into view. There was a castle on a mountain top, similar to your castle at Sayaria. There was a large forest not far from the castle as well. You noticed small creatures fluttering around the island as if they were fairies scattering pixie dust over the island.

"We're here," Yoongi stated.

"Woah," You breathed.

Once you arrived at the shore of the island you laid Jungkook, Hoseok, and Namjoon on the sand then you climbed onto the sand afterward. As soon as your tail was unsubmerged from the water it morphed back into legs. You looked at Jungkook and quickly checked his pulse, it was barely there, but he was still alive.

"Is he dead?" Yoongi questioned.

"No... but I don't know how much longer he will be alive if we don't figure out how to treat his wounds..." You replied as you looked around to see if there was anyone nearby that you could ask for help from.

"Cover your ears," Yoongi told you.

"What?" You turned to Yoongi, confused.

"Just do it." He said, you hesitated for a moment then did as you were told. He started singing this hypnotic melody, it was muffled to you as your ears were covered but you were tempted to take your hands away from your ears just to listen. After he stopped singing he nodded his head towards Jungkook, "Check his wound."

You did as you were told and unbuttoned Jungkook's blood-stained shirt to check the wound in his abdomen. Your eyes widened when you realized there was no wound anymore, there wasn't even a scar. You quickly turned to Yoongi, more confused than before.

"It's called The Siren's Song. It's almost like a healing spell."

"I thought The Siren's Song was meant to be like a hypnosis and draws in a victim?"

"It is hypnotic, and if your ears aren't protected, it can be quite addictive. But its main purpose is for healing, which is why people are so drawn to it. Because not only does it heal physical wounds it heals emotional wounds as well."

"Wow," You replied.

"Now we just have to wait for them to regain consciousness." He stated and you nodded in reply.

"Hey, Yoongi?" You asked.


"I had this weird dream last night..."

"Yeah? What was the dream about?"

"I'm not quite sure... it was almost as if it was a warning or something."

"A warning?"

"Well, in the dream I saw all of these weird visions, it was like they were frozen in time... And one of them was of Jungkook, he was sinking in the ocean with a wound in his abdomen..."

"Like the one he actually had?"


"Strange... what else did you see?"

"I saw my family... except my mother..." You trailed off, recalling the warning your mother gave you as you looked down at your lap.

"You think she's..?" You nodded in response.

"I'm so sorry, Y/N..." Yoongi reached out to you and gently rested his hand on your shoulder.

"It's alright... I guess I kind of expected it to happen... It just hasn't really hit me yet..."

He nodded, not wanting to say anything that might make things worse.

"Hey! Who goes there!" You heard a high-pitched voice shouting close by. You stood up quickly and looked around but didn't see anyone.

"Did you hear that?" You turned to Yoongi and he nodded as he glanced around.

"Hey! I'm over here dummies!" You heard the high-pitched voice squeak from your right and turned. You saw an extremely small creature with tiny wings flying in front of your face. She had tan skin and dark black hair, her eyes were unnaturally bright green and her clothes looked like they were blades of grass wrapped around her.

"What the..." You began.

"She's a pixie," You heard Hoseok's voice and quickly turned to look at him to see he had regained his consciousness and was getting up as he dusted the sand off of him.

"Woah," You said turning back to the pixie curiously.

"Your highness!" The pixie exclaimed as she noticed Hoseok's presence and bowed, "Do you know these people?"

"Your highness?" You questioned.

"Yes, they're with me, Ella," Hoseok responded, ignoring your confusion.

"I have to deal with a princess and a prince now? Please just kill me now."

"Hey!" You snapped at Yoongi.

"Would you like me to bring you back to the castle?" The pixie asked.

"That would be wonderful, thank you, Ella."

"Do you want me to bring the siren too?"

"No, he can stay."

"Uhm, excuse me, not so fast Your Highness," Yoongi interjected.

"Is there a problem?" Hoseok asked turning to Yoongi.

"Where ever Leggy goes, I go. Last time I let her go on land with you idiots she almost got kidnapped by some wizard."

"You don't even have legs, you'll dry up on land," Hoseok replied in annoyance.

"Then get me a mobile fish tank."

"Y/N, do you want him to come with us?" Hoseok turned back to you.

"Er--" You glanced at Yoongi and saw him nodding vigorously, "Yes."

"Fine. When we get to the castle I can see if one of the elders can give you legs so the mobile fish tank won't be necessary."

"Good job, Princey."

"Hoseok," You began, "Namjoon and Jungkook aren't awake yet, how are we going to get them to the castle?"

"Ella can just teleport us," Hoseok replied.


"Wow these outsiders really are stupid," Ella said.

"Hey!" You yelled once again.

"Be nice, Ella. Now, would you teleport us to the castle?"

"Of course, Your Highness," Ella replied as she bowed. Then opened a small pouch that was tied around her waist with a string. The inside of the pouch glowed a golden yellow as she grabbed a sand-like substance and started sprinkling it over the five of you. A few moments later Ella murmured something that you didn't understand and you were all transported to the castle's entrance.

"Wow." You said in awe as you looked at the beautiful, rose gold castle in front of you.

"Say wow or woah one more time Leggy and I swear I will hit you," Yoongi said.

"Stop being such a grouch," You responded as you looked down at Yoongi who was sitting on the ground since he didn't have any legs, "How long can you even last without being in the water?"

"Like twenty minutes," He replied.

Then Jungkook, Namjoon, and Yoongi started floating as two stretchers and a large fish tank were magically rolled over to you. Yoongi was put into the fish tank while Jungkook and Namjoon were laid on the stretchers.

"Prince Hoseok!" You heard a woman's beautiful and melodic voice and looked to see who it was. She was a beautiful woman with long, brown hair and golden skin with purple eyes she also had pointy elf-like ears that stuck out through her hair.

"Vivian, it's good to see you," Hoseok said happily as he went over to her and hugged the woman.

"The pixies told me that you had arrived so I made sure that we had everything prepared to accommodate you and your friends." The woman replied as she hugged him back.

"Thank you, are mother and father busy?" Hoseok asked as he let go of her.

"They're in a meeting with the elders at the moment," She replied.

"I see, Vivian, allow me to introduce you to everyone," Hoseok motioned towards Jungkook and Namjoon first, "Those are my friends, Namjoon the pirate captain and Jungkook, his first mate."

"Would you like for me to send for the healers for them?" The woman said, noticing that they were still unconscious.

"Yes, that would be great," Hoseok replied, the woman then motioned for some pixies and they started taking Jungkook and Namjoon away.

"And who's the siren?" She questioned looking at Yoongi.


"I can introduce myself, thanks Princey. The name's Yoongi, also don't mess with Leggy otherwise I'll put your head on a pike."

"Leggy?" She questioned, ignoring Yoongi's blatant threat.

"That's what he calls Y/N," Hoseok replied nodding towards you. You curtsied as the woman looked towards you.

"I'm Princess Y/N of Sayaria." You said courteously.

"There's no need to curtsy, Princess." The woman said kindly.

"This is Vivian, she's an elf and was my caretaker, she practically raised me," Hoseok said.

"It's nice to meet you, Vivian," You smiled at her and she smiled back.

"Can't say the same," Yoongi said.

"Yoongi! Manners!" You snapped.

"Me? Manners? Leggy, I've lived in the ocean for the past nineteen years, manners are the least of my worries."

"Still, the least you could do is be nice," He shrugged in response.

"Oh, it doesn't bother me, Princess. Now, you all must be exhausted from your journey. Allow me to show you to your rooms. Prince Hoseok, go get ready, your parents would probably like to speak with you now that you've returned," Vivian said and Hoseok nodded then turned to you.

"I'll be back soon, just listen to Vivian alright?" He said and you nodded before he headed off.

"Hey, Elfie, I was promised a pair of legs, when will that be arranged?" Yoongi said.

"I will speak with the elders after their meeting and see what they can do." She replied sweetly.

"Cool," He nodded.

"Althea," Vivian called and a pixie flew over to her.

"Yes, m'lady?" The pixie replied.

"Would you take the siren to one of the guest rooms?" Vivian asked, the pixie nodded in response and started wheeling Yoongi away.

"Hey! I stay with Leggy!" He shouted at the pixie.

"I'll be fine, relax Yoongi!" You called to him. He stared at you for a moment before frowning.


"Now, would you follow me, Princess?" Vivian asked and you nodded.

Vivian started leading you into the castle. The linoleum tiles were cold underneath your still bare feet and reminded you of when you used to run around your own castle with your brother when you were younger.

"Vivian?" You asked her as she led you through the castle?

"Yes, Princess?" She replied, glancing back at you for a moment.

"Do you know about the whole thing where I'm supposedly the only one who can save Vraitis from Worden?"

"Yes, nearly everyone knows,"


"Of course, everyone who lives here hasn't left in centuries."

"Wait, how old are you?"

"Me? I'm turning two hundred and twenty-eight this year," She said nonchalantly then continued, "Some of the people of Vraitis are around one thousand years old."

Your jaw dropped, you didn't realize that different species' lifespans were so long.

"Wow, uh, one more question,"


"What are all

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