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The silence that ensued the room was all compassing. As if it reached to the hearts of the occupants of the room, its chilly touch made them shiver, as if it clawed at their lungs, making it hard to breath.... The misty hood of deadly silence blocked their brain, affecting their senses.....

It was long after the horse disappeared into thin air with its silvery mist, that there was a sound of a faint cry and a dull thud.

As if waking up from a bad dream, Hermione looked around the room and surprisingly found that the faint cry actually came out from her throat. And the dull thud was the sound of Pansy Perkinson sitting on the floor as her woobly feet couldn't carry her weight anymore. Looking at Harry she could determine for how long he had been staring at the wall without blinking at all. And Taylor was supporting himself to the wall with one hand and his other hand was on his head as his mouth was open with an disbelieving expression.

Hermione was the first one to say something.

Looking particularly at no one, she asked, "Was it really what I think I heard?"

"Huh?" was the reply from a still bewildered Harry.

Other two didn't even try to say anything.

"I.... I have to see her now. I have to meet my daughter now!" said Hermione.

She didn't know from where these words came. She didn't know how this sudden surge of emotions overwhelmed her for the well-being of a daughter she didn't remember. It was as if somewhere deep down in her subconscious mind, the love and concern of a mother was still there, maybe latent, but still present despite all the altered memories, doubts and confusions. And just when the thought of harm to her child engulfed her soul, the mother inside her woke up in full glory.

She was no longer the confused and struggling wife, doubting her husband's innocence. Her eyes were blazing, her palms balled into fists, her posture upright - she was the ideal representation of a protective mother who was ready to fight anything and everything that might pose a danger to her child's safety.

Taylor and Pansy discussed something between themselves, after which Pansy said, "I want to come, too."

Hermione looked at her and said, "It's alright. You don't have to-"

"Yes, I have to. I absolutely have to! If I had any idea of what you have been going through this past weeks, I would have come much earlier, to stay beside you, to comfort you, help you. Hermione, as you do not remember any of our encounters, I would just tell you one thing - Draco saved my life and you gave me a new one. Whatever I have or whoever I have become today, is because of you. The very least I can do is to accompany you when you are going through such a difficult journey in your life."

The way she spoke these words and the sad expression in her eyes while she spoke, made Hermione realise that Pansy Perkinson had seen the harsh side of reality more than she deserved to see. It was also clear that the woman had a deep gratitude towards Hermione and Draco. It wouldn't be fair to her, if she were not given the chance to help them in their time of need.

"Please forgive me", said Hermione, "I had no idea....."

"So, can I come?" asked the other woman.

"Undoubtedly!" smiled Hermione.

Pansy also smiled. She said, "Then, the two of you go. We came here by side along Apparition. So, I have to also drop home Mark in the same way. After that I will come directly to the 12 Grimmould Place."

So, his name was Mark Taylor - thought Hermione.

Mark said in his naturally kind way of speaking, "Hermione, I would have come too. But I have to return home to see if the out little daughter has already scared her nanny away!"

"You have a daughter!" blurted out Hermione.

This blunt statement caused a roll of laughter from the other three people, which Hermione joined too after a few moments.

When the laughter stopped, Harry said, "Oh, yes they have and you would love to know that her name is Sarah Hermione Taylor!"

When Hermione stumbled out of the fireplace of 12 Grimmould Place, the house was uncannily silent. The hall was dark and deserted.

As she was dusting off the shoots from her hair, Harry also appeared through the Floo network. He too seemed to take in the tensed silence that seemed to prevail the household.

"I think we can find them at the nursery", said Harry.

Hermione silently nodded and followed him through the dimly lit corridor.

Harry guessed right. When the reached the nursery, they found Ginny and little Miss Malfoy there.

Jean was absorbed in a children's painting book while Ginny was standing silently beside the window, looking outside thoughtfully.

As she heard the footsteps, she turned quickly at to the door and rushed towards her husband and friend. With one hand she grabbed Harry's hand for support and with the other she hugged Hermione. Her whole body was trembling.

Noticing the commotion, Jean looked up and seeing her mother at the door, she rushed towards her.

"Mommy, Mommy!"

Hermione was overwhelmed with the surge of emotions that surfaced within her. Without losing a moment, she embraced the little girl tightly to the point of almost chocking both of them.

The poor girl was dreadfully confused seeing the sudden outburst of affection from her mother. For the last few weeks, Jean and Hugo could clearly understand that something was going on with their parents, especially their mother. It was clear as daylight that behind all the smiles and affectionate words, their parents were hiding something serious. Their mother wasn't behaving normal at all, neither to them nor to their father. She seemed very distant, always lost in her own thoughts. Their father was trying his best to show that he was not affected by any of these, but failing measurably in the process. To make things worse, one fine evening they were whisked off by uncle Harry to the 12 Grimmould Place in such an urgency, something really bad was going to happen to their family.

Since then, the siblings, forgetting their past childish animosities, united together to uphold the spirit of the family. Even at this early stage of their life, they unknowingly acted upon the fact that at the time of danger, family and friends should be together.

So when the little girl was finally hugged by her mother after many weeks, she lost just a few moments in confusion, but the next moment she hugged her mother back and hid her face in the world's safest place - her mother's bosom.

While the said reunion was going on, Harry whispered to Ginny, "Where are the other children."

Ginny whispered back, "I thought it would be safe to send them to Mumma. We'll be able to speak to Jean without getting worried about the other children."

Harry nodded in understanding.

At that moment there was a knock on the front gate. Wand ready in hand, Harry opened the door to see Pansy Perkinson standing there. After initial verification of indentity from both sides, Harry let her in and led to the nursery where the conversation with Jean had already started.

They could hear Ginny speaking, "Darling, tell Mommy what you have told me earlier today."

"About what, Aunt Gin?"

"You were telling me about Mr Crow whom you talk to when you go to the park, weren't you?"

"Mr Crow? Who is that?" Hermione looked at Ginny in surprise.

"Well, it seems that Mr Crow is actually, literally a crow."

"An actual crow!" Hermione exclaimed.

Ginny nodded, "Yupp, any actual crow who talks."

Hermione looked at Jean with a mixture of sheer astonishment and concern.

"I.... Am I in trouble?" asked the little girl.

Harry and Pansy looked at each other.

Harry said, "I think, we should probably stand here outside and listen to what she has to say. Otherwise she may get uneasy seeing all these grown ups questioning her and may not talk freely."

Pansy nodded in agreement.

They heard Hermione speaking, "Not at all, honey. It is just that, there are not many crows out there who can speak to human beings. So, we are curious."

There was silence for a few moments.

Then Jean spoke, "I told him things that I shouldn't have."


"I... I told him that I was unhappy because Mommy and Daddy were unhappy too."

There was pin drop silence in the room.

Then Hermione said in a small voice, "Jean, darling, why didn't you tell us that you were unhappy?"

"You looked very tired, both of you.... You looked worried all the time. I didn't want to worry you more", said the five year old with a maturity of an adult.

Hermione looked into her daughter's eyes and said, "Darling, I won't deny that your father and I..... we were going through some difficulties. But no matter what, you and Hugo are our world. You must know that, whatever may happen, we are always ready to listen to you and make sure that you are happy."

The child nodded in understanding.

"So, tell us about the crow. When did you meet it?"

"Ummm.... I don't remember. It was months ago."

"Months ago!"

"Ah-ha. We were playing at the park. Maddy was busy with Hugo and James. I was playing alone under a tree. I suddenly heard someone calling my name. But.... But the voice was.... it was different. I couldn't see anyone. Then it again called and I saw this crow sitting on a low branch of the tree."

"What did it say?"

"He said that I was a very smart witch, just like my Mommy."

"By the way, Jean, how did you know it was a he?"

"I.... umm.... It sounded like a he and then he said his name was Mr  Crow", Jean said sheepishly.

"Okay. Then what happened?"

"We became friends", shrugged the girl as if being friends with a talking crow was something that happens everyday to everyone.

The adults looked at each other uneasily.

Then Ginny asked, "Why would you like to be friends with a crow?"

"I like talking to him."

"And why didn't you tell anyone about this new friend of yours?"

"He said that he doesn't talk to everyone. If I say about him to my other friends, they may irr-irri-"

"Irritate him?"

"Yes, irritate him."

Hermione didn't know if her children had ever been about talking to strangers. But seeing how caring a father Draco was and how paranoid a person she herself was, she was quite sure that at some point of time they must have told the children about this issue.

Still, to be more sure, she asked, "Jean, haven't you been told anything about talking to strangers?"

"Yes, I know I am not supposed to talk to strangers. But he was not a stranger. He knew me."


"He knew my name, my birthday, where do I live, who are my friends, how much I like to read. He also knew you and Daddy, Grandma, uncle Harry, aunt Ginny."

Hermione felt as if the temperature of the room dropped a few degrees.

"So, he knows all of us?", she mumbled.

Jean nodded and then said slowly, "He also knew that I don't have any friends to whom I would like to talk."

"But... But why, honey? You have friends. Hugo, James, Lilly, Al - all of you spend so much time together, don't you?" Said Ginny.

"Hugo and James always talk about quidditch. Lilly and Al play with me, but when I talk about the new things I have read, they are not that interested."

Hermione and Ginny looked at each other. Both of them were too much familiar with these feelings in their childhood. It was this exact sentiment that led one of them to be almost killed by a Troll and another to open an ancient chamber to let out a Basilisk. They knew it too well that it would take much time to explain to this little girl about the perils of her desperate need to be understood and life, in its own way, would teach her valuable lessons over the time.

But at this moment more pressing things were on the table and they needed to deal with them first.

So, instead of passing any judgements, as the girl expected, her mother said, "It is okay to feel lonely sometimes. We all do. Now, tell us more about your friend."

"We talked about many interesting things in the wizarding world and Muggle world. I also used to tell him how happy I was, how I loved my Mommy, Daddy and how Mommy, Daddy loved each other.... Then..."


"Then you got sick. Everything started to seem sad at our home. You and Daddy weren't happy.... I told him these.... Then one day he gave me a small box...."


"Umm... No, it was not the boxes I have. It was round and small. It fit in my palm."

"How did it look like?"

"It was golden. There was a scull at the centre and there were lines around it."

The adults shivered as the description exactly matched to the dark object found at the Malfoy Manor. No doubt, it was the artifect containing the remainings of Lord Voldemort.

When Hermione spoke again, she couldn't recognise her own voice. She said, "What did he tell you to do with it?"

"He said that it was a magical object. It would solve all the problems between Mommy and Daddy. He said to keep it under my mattress."

"But how did you manage to put it inside your mattress?"

"Well, I used the scissors and magic glue of my playing kit", was the simple answer of the child.

None of the adults spoke for a few moments. It was evident that whoever the crow was, he was most probably an animagus and a dark wizard with a very twisted state of mind, otherwisw he wouldn't have used a small child as a pawn in his dangerous game. For months, he had been gathering information about the Malfoy household from Jean and there was an inkling feeling inside all of them that this Mr Crow was somehow very much related to the memory modification of Hermione.

At that exact moment, disrupting the shocked silence of the house, an unknown Patronus appeared and said in an urgent tone,

"Mr. Potter, Sir, please come at once to the Auror office. Mr Malfoy has been attacked during the interrogation."

A/N: Hello, darlings, happy Sunday to you all!

Here is the new chapter. Pretty shocking, huh! Probably that is why in our childhood days, our parents insisted upon not talking to strangers, didn't they?

If you like the chapter, do not forget to let me know in the comments section. It means a lot to me.

See you on next Sunday.


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