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°•°1st person - (Y/N)°•°

A pounding headache is the first thing I notice when I wake up. I look around, groggy and in pain, seeing my dimly lit surroundings. I scoot out of my sleeping bag and look over at the entrance to the room. It's quiet, besides a few crickets chirping. Nausea hits and I groan, wanting to fall asleep, but I know my body won't let me.

Good job, (Y/N). You shouldn't have drank so much.

I slowly walk to the stage, grabbing a bottle of water. I jump when I hear a voice behind me, "can't sleep?"

I turn to see Richtofen, for once without his hat on. "I... No, I can't."

He hums in response and strolls over to me. My voice is just above a whisper, "what are you doing up?"

He shrugs, "can't sleep either."

Why'd I even bother asking? He's an insomniac, I should've guessed it.

"What do you want anyway?" I cross my arms and face him completely.

"I wanted to bother you," he responded bluntly.

I sigh, too tired to put up with this, and I crack open a water bottle to drink. He just stands there and watches me. Looking at him, I put up my hands in a "what?" motion. He looks off to the side and doesn't answer me. The silence is irritating.

I drop my water bottle and walk to him, grabbing him by the collar of his shirt. He looks at me, and I realize how close we are by the fact that our noses are almost touching. I feel myself fluster, and he smirks when he realizes it. I didn't even realize he could see my blushing with how dark it is.

He observes my face and I do my best to keep eye contact. He's not letting me be intimidating, and it's annoying.

After several moments, I get too embarrassed to keep looking at him and I avert my eyes, letting go of his jacket. I could swear I hear him chuckling under his breath.

Before I can back up, he grabs my shirt collar and slams me into the wall, knocking the breath out of me. He's closer to me now than I was him.
"Problem?" He asks nonchalantly. I probably look mortified. Embarrassed. Flustered. I feel my heart racing. I don't know what he's up to, but I don't know if I like it.

I shake my head in response to him and he lets me go, walking off. Before he reaches the stage stairs, I stop him by grabbing his sleeve tight. He looks at me with an eyebrow raised. I don't know why, but something doesn't feel right. He stares at me, waiting for me to say something, but nothing comes out when I try to speak. I keep my mouth shut. Why don't I want to strangle him? That's usually what I feel. Do I even have a good reason to hate him? When I think about it, no, I don't. Do I just hate him because my brother does? Or do I just hate him for no reason?

I don't even know.

°•°1st person - Richtofen°•°

I stand in silence, waiting for (Y/N) to say something. It looked like she wanted to say something, but she didn't say it. She refused to look at me in the face. Why? I stand as still as I can, almost as if I'm trying to not interrupt whatever train of thought she has.

Meanwhile, I finally pay attention to every feature. Her skin, her nose, her eyes, her lips... Especially her lips. I stop myself from thinking about that and I look back up at her eyes. I don't know why she hates me so much. Her eyes are another world to me, and if I'm not careful, I will get lost. As she processes whatever she is trying to say, I feel my heartbeat quicken. I'm supposed to hate her as much as she hates me. She hates me, and I resent her for it. That's what I keep saying to myself.

°•°3rd person°•°

The two stare at each other. They keep staring until (Y/N) decides she doesn't want to say anything. She can't say anything. Why? She feels guilty. She wronged him, and for what? She has no reason to hate him. Well, maybe other than the fact he got them into this situation in the first place, but that's besides the point. (Y/N) lets Richtofen go, but he doesn't move. She turns and starts walking away. "Goodnight, Edward," she said softly. Richtofen was caught off-guard by her using of his first name. Interesting specimen... He thought to himself.

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