Lords & Ladies of the M'Verse

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Cover by MadMikeMarsbergen 

So these anthology thingymajigs are pretty damn popular and to be fair, we know exactly why that's the case 'cos let's be honest, it's rather cool to see yourself or more specifically, your work, featured alongside that of fellow Wattpadders, some of whom might be your friends and some, I daresay, of whom you've never heard!

Now you may well think OoorahLayethTheSmackDown are simply jumping on the proverbial bandwagon but following the moderate (because yeah, we did kinda' rush that one through and in all honesty, had we planned things a little better it could've been so much bigger and badder) success of New Beginnings and (what we reckon was) the massive success of Epic Tales from Beautiful Minds, we know what we did wrong, what we did right but most importantly, we absolutely know what we need to do to make our next anthology, Lords & Ladies of the M'Verse, THE biggest, THE baddest, THE absolute best Sci-Fi anthology Wattpad has ever seen.

On September 17th, 2017, we will post the first story from this anthology and for the next 99 days, a story will be posted every single day, meaning that come Christmas Day the final story of this epic, 100 story anthology will be posted. Now we don't know about you but whether you celebrate Xmas or not, we can't think of a better present!

You are reading the story above: TeenFic.Net