Chapter 5

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" about we all get acquainted?" Musa suggested.

"I think we'll need Angel for that too." Nadia replied.

The two of them had to drag the currently mute boy out of the cave and met up with Angel.

"Hey! It took a really long time in there, what happened?"

"You didn't see Naya coming through here?" Nadia asked.

"I did, but you guys took too long!" Angel pouted.

"Yeah ok...let's get out of here."

The group filed out of the cave and out onto the grassy part of the route. Angel then turns to them.

"Okay, so. Who's this kid?" She asks as she strolls over to where the boy was standing and pulled his cheeks, to which he protests.

"I dunno, we just met him when he entered the cave with Ms. Naya." Nadia explained.

"And if you would just let go of me, I can tell you-" The boy protested, and Angel let go. It took a minute for him to regain his composure.

"Finally," He sighed. "Anyway. My name's Zinx."

"Well, my name is Nadia, that's my cousin Angel who just tried to kill you." Nadia introduced, and Angel pulled a face.

"I'm Musa, nice to meet you." Musa says.

"Yeah, okay, you guys too." Zinx muttered, then whispered to himself, "How do I socialize with three people?"

"I dunno. Just wing it."

"So, you guys want to stay somewhere in Silvent City? It's nighttime again." Nadia pointed at the sky, which was turning a darker shade of indigo.

"Has it really been that long?" Musa wondered aloud.

"Yeah it has!"

"By the way, all of Silvent City's hotels have their rooms booked up, we can't get any rooms." Zinx added.

"Oh, well damn."

"What do we do then?" Angel asked.

Nadia pondered a minute. "How about we go to Route 4 real quick? We should be able to now that we did what we had to do here."

"Most of Route 4 is cavern, while the rest is grassland," Musa says. "There's also a little town called Kanoko Village there."

"You guys wanna camp in the cavern?" Nadia asked.

"Why not the village?" Zinx asks.

"Why the village?" Nadia responds, "It's pretty far from the starting point."

"Better to camp out. The village isn't exactly large to accommodate four guests." Musa inquired.

"Eh, whatever you say." Zinx replied.

The four of them prepare to travel back to the city to obtain some camping supplies and ingredients for a cookout.

When they got to Route 4, however, the entrance to the cave was blocked by the same dark energy as Nadia had encountered in Gale Forest where she encountered Duskit. Next to the barrier was the three delinquents from the Loomian School, talking in hushed whispers.

It seemed the three of them hadn't noticed the group yet, so they quietly snuck over to the entrance and Musa used Stunning Flash first.

The watch shone a bright light that nearly blinded everyone near them, and the barrier quickly melted away.

Unfortunately, Mabel's gang were caught up in the light too.

"Hey, are you trying to blind us with that?!" Mabel yelled.

"Yeah, what's the big idea?" Lucy exclaims. "Watch where you point that thing!"

Lucas remains silent.

Nadia swears she could see Angel annoyed by their complaints.

Suddenly Lucy recognizes Nadia and Angel.

"Hey Mabel, it's the kid we met outside the school." Lucy whispered. "She's with Angel."

"Oh. Right you are, Lucy." Mabel replies.

"Hey!" Mabel's yelling caught the group's attention and she strolls over to them. "You! Girl with the beanie! What's your name anyway?"

"You could've just asked nicely, but here we are," Nadia deadpanned. "Name's Nadia."

"Well, Nadia, you thought you could just follow us and catch us off guard, did you?" Mabel retorts.

"Bro, I had no intention of any sort-"

"Um...I think Nadia was just helping..."

"That wasn't me-"

"Shut up, Lucas." Mabel cuts them off.

"But look! The path's open now." He points out.

"I said shut up. Nobody asked you." Mabel glared at Lucas. The boy stopped talking and slinked to the back.

"Well, anyway, we didn't ask for help, now did we?" Mabel then continued.

"Yeah, we didn't!" Lucy answered.

"We didn't ask you-"

"I think we should teach Nadia a lesson, don't we?" Mabel asks Lucy. Lucy nods.

"Heck yeah we do-"

"Oh would you just SHUT UP-" Angel yells and hits Mabel with a baseball bat.

"What the-"

Mabel falls to the ground on impact. Musa and Nadia were yelling at Angel to keep her anger in check, Lucy and Lucas were checking if Mabel was okay, while Zinx somehow produced popcorn and was eating it.

"Well, this just got interesting, right, Vambat?" He asked his Loomian partner, who just sat on his shoulder.

"Oh you are going to GET IT! You could've killed her, you know that?!" Lucy yelled at Angel. "It's a good thing she was merely unconscious!"

"Yeah, I have to agree on that one. Angel, you can't just wave a baseball bat around with the intention of hitting people." Nadia scolded. Angel shrugged.

"Well, take one good look at her and tell me you don't want to do the same thing." She retorts. Nadia stares at her.

"Angel, you're nine-"

"Whatever! You're getting a Loomian battle no matter what, woman!" Lucy shouts, and takes out a Capture Disc.

"I have a NAME-"

But the battle's already begun and Lucy sent out her first Loomian, a Phancub.

"Now, let's fight."

"Ugh...fine. Fevine?" Fevine jumped out of his hiding place and landed in front of Nadia.

The fight against Lucy was easy, considering she mainly relied on attack more so than defense, and rarely used support moves. Lucas was the same, after Lucy forced him to battle as well.

When the battle was over, Mabel had awoken. Apparently the impact wasn't hard enough to render her unconscious for a long time. When she asked what happened, Lucy had explained all the details. Mabel became so upset that Lucy had to apologize on their behalf and help Lucas drag her away from the four trainers.

"Well, that was something," Musa muttered, staring at their disappearing silhouettes in the distance.

"That was entertaining." Zinx replied, still munching on popcorn.

"That was awesome." Angel agreed, putting the baseball bat away at last. Eaglit sighed in exasperation.

Just then, Nadia's LoomiWatch beeped. It was a call from her father.

"Hey Champ, it's Dad again," He started when Nadia accepted the call. Then he noticed the three other people crowded around her. "Why, hello there Angel! Long time no see!" He greets Angel first. "So who are these other two, Nadia?"

"They're acquaintances I met around the Silvent City area," Nadia introduces Musa and Zinx to her dad.

"Well hello there! Nice to meet you, I'm Nadia's father." He introduces himself, earning a couple of "hellos" and a random noise from Angel.

"Anyway, I got something for ya, Champ. I was able to pinpoint a more exact location for the tablet piece. It's on the far end of Route 5. I need you to go there and examine the place to be able to find exactly where the tablet piece is."

"Got it, dad."

"If you could hurry, though. I know it's nighttime and all, but if what happened in Gale Forest accounts for each tablet piece, well..." Her father scratches his head. "I'll leave you to it, then. Good luck!"

He hangs up. Nadia looks at her companions.

"We'll have to call off the camp for now apparently."

"Oof." Zinx deadpanned.

"Wait a minute! What's this about a tablet piece?!" Angel exclaimed.

"Oh, you never mentioned a tablet piece," Musa realized.

"Right, I almost forgot about that." Nadia chuckled nervously, then deadpanned, "I'm on a mission."

"Stop sounding like you're in a action movie." Zinx countered.

"HHHHH. Anyway, remember a storm brewing like two days ago?" She asked. She gets a chorus of "yes" and a "maybe".

"During that weirdass storm I was talking to my dad, and his research just broke apart and flew off in multiple directions!" Nadia waves her hands around for dramatic effect. "Kinda hard to believe when you first hear about it."

"You're right, that is unbelievable. But then again, that storm was kinda unpredicted." Musa replied.

"So I'm traveling around Roria to retrieve said tablet pieces before they corrupt anything."

"Corrupt?" Angel asks faintly.

"So we gotta go. Unless you're going to go straight to Heiwa."

"Nah, we're coming along, I need to see this." Musa exclaims. "Right, Zinx?"

"Hold up, I never said-"

"Okay then! Follow me!" Nadia yells and immediately takes off to the other end of Route 4.


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