Chapter 28

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"Thank you for your purchase!"

Nadia takes the tickets, bowing her head in thanks and the two exit the Battle Theatre. Once they step out the doors, Nadia feels her LoomiWatch vibrate. Looking at it, she notices it's a call from Lucy. Looking around, Nadia and Musa find a quiet place to stand and Nadia accepts the call.

"Hey, Lucy. What's up?" Nadia greets. Musa gives a small wave.

"Hey, Nadia, Musa! I wanted to let you know I found my aunt Luna!" Lucy exclaims. 

"Oh! That's good! Where are you guys now?" Musa chimes in.

"We're hanging out at Atlanthian Park now, in the Living District. When you find the time, head on over here!" Lucy says. 

Nadia gives a nod. "We'll head right over."

"Great! We'll be expecting you." Lucy is about to hang up, before she remembers one more thing. "Oh! By the way, did you buy those tickets?"

"Got 'em right here." Nadia waves the tickets.

"Be careful with those, I don't want to drop them in the water by accident." Musa warns, so Nadia puts away the tickets in her watch.

"Okay, awesome! How about you guys grab everyone to go to the museum before you head over to the park? That way, we can all go to the museum together." Lucy suggested. Nadia and Musa look at each other, agreeing with the idea. 

"Okay, gotcha. We'll round up everyone at the museum entrance then head on over to get you." Musa relays. Lucy nods in agreement.

"Okay, I'll see you in a bit!" She waves goodbye and stops the call. Nadia looks over at Musa again. 

"Who should we go find first?" Nadia asks. Musa thinks about the list of people for a minute, snapping her fingers once she decided on one.

"How about we check in with Mabel and Jake? I'm curious as to how their clothes shopping is going." She suggests.

"Hm...yeah, I guess I'm curious too. Let's go see them."

The two nearly got lost in the city looking for Variable Design, mostly because Nadia's watch was getting glitchy. Musa tried to use hers and had a little more luck navigating through the city. Eventually, they made it in front of the store, which was bustling with activity. Going in, Nadia and Musa quickly scanned the store before finding Mabel standing nearby the dressing rooms. 

Musa quickly walks up to them. "Hey, you two! How're the outfits--"

She gets cut off when Mabel began to speak. "Come on, Jake. There's gotta be something you like! We've looked at everything in the store already. This place has just about every type of outfit for anybody." Jake only looks around sheepishly.

"I know, it's just...I guess I'm just pickier than I thought I was..." He answers slowly.

Mabel sighs. "What am I supposed to do with this pile of clothing, then?" She gestures to the heap of outfits barely balanced in her arms. Jake merely shrugs.

Musa tries to get their attention again by clearing her throat. "Ahem. Hey, Mabel, Jake, how're the outfits going?" This gets their attention as Mabel turns around in relief.

"Oh, thank goodness. Nadia and Musa, you guys have to help. You think you can find something new for Jake to wear? We've tried so many clothes on, but he's being indecisive right now." Mabel complains, setting down the pile at a nearby table and separating each article.

Jake lights up, seemingly agreeing with Mabel. "Yeah! I bet Nadia knows a lot about fashion, doesn't she?"

Everyone stares at Nadia. Nadia stares back with a deadpan, "No."

There is a beat of silence before Mabel shouts in surprise. "You don't?!" She exclaims, before remembering she's in a public space and clears her throat. "Wait, you don't?" She asks a little quieter this time. 

"I don't. I just throw on whatever clothes catch my eye." Nadia replies. Mabel groans.

"Does Musa know?" 

Nadia shrugs. "Maybe? I consider her more fashionable than me, anyway."

"...Sure, yeah." Mabel was about to ask Musa when she suddenly turns to Jake. "And you! Are you saying I don't know anything about fashion?!" She shouts, seemingly forgetting she's in a store again. Jake, instead of telling her to lower her volume, puts his hands up in surrender.

"No, no! That's not what I meant, it's simply that I think it'd be better to have multiple opinions." He defends himself. Mabel stares at him, shakes her head, and drops it.

"Alright, fine. But I'm not taking another walk around the store, Jake. We've done that at least five times already. Anyway, Musa, can you help us out, please? I don't want to stay here too long, we have to gather at the museum soon." Mabel claps her hands together in front of her, praying in hopes that Musa can help. 

Musa smiles. "Sure, I can help. It's not much my area of expertise either, but I'll do my best." Mabel's eyes light up in relief again.


"Thanks for your help then, Musa!" Jake just says happily. "I'll just grab a few of the outfits I found and be right back." He disappears behind one of the dressing rooms, allowing a few moments for Mabel to collect her sanity.

"Finally, he's picking an outfit himself..." She sighs deeply while the three of them wait outside the dressing room.

After a while, Nadia and Musa decide to catch up with Mabel on what happened at the Battle Theatre to pass time. Except, when Mabel was all caught up with everything, Jake was still in the changing room. Mabel then decided to bang her fist on the door once.

"Jake! Are you done yet?!"

Jake's calmer voice comes out from behind the door. "Sorry, I'll be out in a sec. I'm almost done, it's just these pants are a bit snug."

"Take your time!" Nadia calls out. She doesn't get a response though, just a bit of shuffling.

In the meantime, Mabel steps away from the door and sighs. "Well, I suppose anything will be better than that cape he was wearing before."

"I wonder why he was wearing a shawl like that, though. It doesn't go well with the rest of his outfit." Musa ponders. After a while, Jake emerges from the dressing room.

"I'm ready with the first outfit," Jake announces, getting their attention. When Nadia sees him, she notices the similarities between his old outfit and his current one. He's sporting a white T-shirt with an orange and yellow stripe going across the top and the ends of the sleeves. He's also wearing a black and red vest over it, with a black bandanna around his neck to complete the look. He's got black pants and red boots on as well. Nadia hastily snaps a picture.


Nadia doesn't budge with the picture. "Just for blackmail--I mean, for judgement later." She corrects herself. Jake blinks slowly.

"...Sure. Uh, what do you guys think about this?" He turns around slowly like he's one of those mannequins that spin to show a 360 view of an outfit. Mabel scrutinizes his outfit carefully. 

"Um...well, it reminds me a lot of what you were wearing before." She notes. Musa nods in agreement.

"Yeah, it's kind of the same vibe, but a lot more comfortable." Jake explains. Mabel nods.

"It's not bad." She appraises. "Although, we shouldn't choose early. You still have like, four more outfits, right?" 

Jake nods. "Great, let's see what else we have." Mabel tells him.

"Gotcha, just gimme a minute!" Jake then disappears behind the door again.

Mabel sighs in relief this time. "Good, looks like this won't take long like I had expected." She leans on a wall across from Nadia and Musa. "Anyway, I've been meaning to ask. How did the tickets go? Did you run into trouble, or was the line too long? Did you learn anything new when you went there?"

"Not really, just someone who wanted to fight me." Nadia states nonchalantly. Mabel's eyebrows fly up in surprise.

"Fight?! Are you okay, Nadia?" She exclaims. Nadia nods.

"Yeah, we kicked his ass, no worries." Nadia assures. Musa narrows her eyes at Nadia judgmentally. She's about to get a word in when Jake pops out of the dressing room again.

"Hey, guys, I got another outfit."

This time, Nadia lets out a cackle before snapping another picture at record speeds. Musa just looks mortified, and Mabel is downright confused. 

"...Are you sure you want this one?" Mabel asks cautiously. 

Jake, this time, is wearing white sunglasses over his eyes, the ones that are striped across the frames. He has on a black jacket and a white T-shirt, similar to the previous outfit, but this time the stripes are replaced with a large S****** logo. He has on a similar pair of pants, but switched out the boots for white C******* sneakers instead. 

"Dunno, I'm just wearing them to see what you guys think," Jake replies. "How about it?"

Mabel scratches her head. "I looks kind of expensive. And those glasses? What--"

"It's a part of the 'Swag Bundle'...or something. The sign said it's discounted if you buy it as a bundle." Jake explains.

"You're totally dripped," Nadia muses. "Better get a mop, 'cause you're flooding right now."

Jake looks confused. "What kind of language is that?"

"I think you should worry more about how people will react if they see you in these clothes, Jake. I'm pretty sure they're discounted because it's out of style." Mabel deadpans.

"Yeah, maybe not this one." Musa agrees. Jake takes a look at himself in the dressing room's mirror again and nods in agreement. 

"You know what? You're right, this doesn't look right. I'll change into something else."

When Jake disappears behind the door again, Mabel finally lets out a groan in frustration.

"I didn't know picking outfits for guys is so hard..." She complains. Nadia had sat down on one of the cushions nearby and began petting Felver as a distraction.

"That outfit was...something." She quips, hand not leaving Felver's fur as she looks up at Mabel.

Musa looks at Nadia. "You were the one who said he was dripped," She raises her eyebrow, to which Nadia simply shrugs.

"I mean, it's not the worst outfit...just, those glasses were not it." Mabel agreed. "Seriously, I wish he'd picked the outfit I suggested for him...he'd look so dreamy in it." 

This time Mabel lets out a sigh in wistfulness. Now it's Nadia's turn to raise an eyebrow at Mabel. Even Felver was so done with Mabel's apparent crush that he also raised an eyebrow.

"What kind of outfit did you pick for Jake, anyway?" Musa decides to ignore Mabel's comment in favor of a more important question. Mabel was about to answer when Jake emerges from the dressing room again.

There was a beat of silence. Nadia's eye twitches.


Jake strikes a pose. "Howdy!"

Mabel goes still at the sight of Jake in a whole cowboy outfit. Jake didn't stop at the cowboy shirt and pants, no no no, he somehow found a cowboy hat as well as a brown jacket to complete the look. Mabel suddenly begins laughing as soon as she processed what Jake was wearing.

"Jake..!! You're...wearing that?! HAHA!" She manages to say between bouts of laughter. Jake pouts a little at her reaction.

"Hey, come on, Mabel! It's comfy!" Jake looks at Musa and Nadia. "What about you guys, what do you think?"

"No." Both of them deadpan back. Jake manages to pout even more. 

"Really? Aw..but I always wanted to be a cowboy growing up. Hm...maybe I need a mustache to really pull it off." He ponders when Nadia speaks up.

"That's not the problem!" 

"Oh, whatever. You guys are no fun, man." Jake crosses his arms and lets out a huff jokingly. "Alright, fine, I'll change again."

When Jake ducks behind the door again, Mabel finally sighs sadly. "I think I went a little far...I didn't realize he was serious about the cowboy outfit. I hope I didn't hurt his feelings..." Her face looked sullen in that moment when Nadia decided to call to her.

"I'm sure he'd say something if you did, Mabel. He's not the type to run and cry from something like that." She says on a whim, a little unsure how she herself knew that. Mabel looks at her with uncertainty.

"If you say so..." It seemed she doubts Nadia's words, but decides to buy them for now. In that moment, Jake announces that he was ready again. Mabel, Musa, and Nadia look back at the dressing room expecting another normal outfit, but instead were surprised with not Jake, but a life-sized cursed biped with only a Jack-o'-Lantern shaped mouth on its face. Musa's stunned to silence.

"...Well?" Jake's voice echoes from within the costume. Nadia stares. 

"I-" Mabel tries to speak, but her shock only lets out a squeak.

"...Jake. What in Loomian's name is that." It's said more like a statement than a question, but Nadia feels her disbelief is more emphasized this way.

The costume shuffles, as if trying to find its way back. "You know what, that's fair. This thing's itchy and sweaty anyways. I've got one more outfit, be right back."

Jake goes behind the door one last time. Mabel finally gets over her initial shock. "I'm starting to feel that Jake has never shopped for clothes alone in his life." She deadpans.

"I'm sure it's just one oddity. Hopefully the last outfit is normal, right?" Musa supplies. Mabel and Nadia nod.

"It looked like a furry costume..." Nadia replies in exasperation.

Mabel brings a hand to her head, as if rubbing her temple. "If only he'd wear what I picked out for him. Well, he refused, so he's gonna be stuck with something he chose himself." 

"I'm really hoping it's not cursed."

Jake finally comes out with a relatively normal outfit, but it strikes a bit of familiarity in Nadia. He's wearing an open hoodie with a gray T-shirt underneath, with dark navy blue pants and blue shoes accompanying it.

"Here's the last outfit, what do you think? I feel like this one is not bad." He asks them. 

"Yeah, surprisingly pretty good." Mabel remarks. Jake turns to look at her.

"What do you mean 'surprisingly'?" He raises an eyebrow, but Mabel waves him off.

"Well anyway, which outfit do you like the most? We have to go to the museum soon, y'know." Mabel changes the subject. Jake sighs but goes along with it.

"I don't really know, I can't choose. What do you guys think?" Jake asks them.

Mabel crosses her arms and looks at Nadia and Musa. "You wouldn't take my opinion, so you might as well just ask those two."

"Great idea." 

"Yeah, of course-Wait." Upon realizing what Jake said, Mabel whips her head back at him, mildly offended. "I was joking, Jake!!"

"So, what do you two think?" Jake ignores her completely, leaving her to protest.

"The last one." Nadia immediately responds. Jake and Musa look at her.

"That was quick." Musa remarks. Jake nods and looks at Musa.

"How about you?" 

Musa takes a look at the pictures Nadia had taken of each outfit. "...I like the last one too," She decides finally, "You look the most civilian in that one."

Mabel looks off. "You guys too, huh. Well, whatever, we've decided right? Let's check out and meet up with everyone for the tour." Jake agrees.

"Okay, let me just put the other clothes back and we can go." He walks back in to grab the bundle of loose clothing and the costume, placing them near the rack they use to recollect tried clothes.

After they checked out, Jake immediately started wearing his new clothes. The group then bids farewell to Nadia. Musa decides to go along with them too, since she was just supposed to accompany the girl for the Battle Theatre tickets.

Once they were out of sight, Nadia thumbs through her map to see where Colosso-Chops is located. Once she had her location, she begins walking towards the Housing District.

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