When the video ended, Nadia glanced at the large Loomian now confirmed to be Mutagon. She then looks at her friends.
"...Well? Do you think we should leave it alone or attempt to battle it?" Nadia asked.
"If something that destructive was here dormant for practically ten years, I think it's safe to say that it will be too strong for our Loomians to handle." Zinx pointed out. "I don't know how the outcome would be if it was a four-on-one, though."
"Well, we can at least try!" Angel exclaimed. "We can, I dunno, throw our strongest Loomians at it and hope it goes down!"
"I think it's possible to catch too," Musa suggested. "So before it escapes, we can throw a disc at it and hope it works."
"Ya think? What if we run out of discs?"
"We knock it out. Easy."
"Not easy, Angel. I can practically feel its strong energy from here."
Angel pressed the button anyway. The casing around Mutagon disappeared, and the Loomian slowly came back to life. It gained a dark purple hue and its eyes and joints glowed bright yellow. It locked eyes with the four of them, as if contemplating, or analyzing. And then its eyes glowed, lifting up Felver, Eaglit, Rabburn, and Vambat, and chucked them into the wall.
"Oh crap! It really is strong!" Angel yelled, running over to the Loomians that were now on the ground, doubled over in pain.
"What'd I tell ya?!" Zinx yelled back, producing a Loomian disc. "Duskit!"
The Gale Forest Guardian appeared, facing against a Loomian that seemed to be 5 levels stronger than it is. Angel looked back, producing a disc as well.
"Wait, since when do you have Ikazune?!" Nadia jogged over to where Angel was. "Actually, whatever. Felver, can you stand?"
Felver nodded, brushing himself off. He propped himself in front of Eaglit and Vambat, producing sharp leaves that floated around him.
Angel and Zinx both had their starters battle too. Mutagon targeted them first, but they managed to dodge an incoming Chop attack.
And then Mutagon sent a Telekinetic Sweep at Felver, knocking him out. Eaglit's eyes then glowed, glowing briars grew where her gaze was, right under Mutagon's feet. The glow in her eyes then spread to the rest of her body, growing larger and picking herself up to stand on two legs. Small wings sprouted on her back and the light dispersed to reveal that Eaglit had evolved into Torprey.
"Torprey! Use Luster Loot again!" Angel yelled, seemingly unperturbed by her starter Loomian evolving.
Torprey's eyes glowed again. The briars appeared under Mutagon's feet again and sapped more of its health. Vambat then used Dive Bomb behind it, flanking the Loomian as Ikazune used Blaze Chomp and Nadia sent out Kleptyke.
Mutagon sent a Frost Punch at Ikazune, which didn't do too much damage but it still showed, with the Heiwa Guardian stumbling at one of its forelegs being frozen. Rabburn then used a Rapid Fire-Hop Kick combo, burning Mutagon on its head.
However, Mutagon then used Brawn Boost, which bounced off Kleptyke's attack. It then used Telekinetic Sweep on Ikazune, which almost knocked it out.
"Vambat, use Dive Bomb again!"
Vambat dove forward, latching onto the Loomian. He sank his teeth into the Loomian's skin and healed himself. Light similar to what happened to Torprey surrounded Vambat as well, making him taller and more noticeable. His scarf mask disappeared too.
"Dimpire, Blood Drain! Duskit, Spectral Burst!" Zinx also seemed unfazed by the sudden evolution, but he was relieved there wasn't any problems with the process.
"Looks like Vambat really was a late bloomer!" Musa exclaimed. "Now Rabburn, use Fire Slam!"
The attacks bombarded Mutagon as much as Mutagon sent equally as powerful attacks back, every now and then using a Brawn Boost to power up the Telekinetic Sweep that was surely to come after. Once it made a mistake of sending a Telekinetic Sweep at Kleptyke, which depleted its energy and leaving not much effect on Kleptyke.
Eventually, Nadia managed to fish out a Hyper Disc and threw it at the rapidly weakening Mutagon. The disc sucked up the Loomian and dropped onto the ground, making a clang against the metal as it shuffled around some, before going completely still.
"You...just caught it."
Nadia stared at the still LoomiDisc. "That...that was quick."
"We actually spent a couple hours spouting moves and resting turns, you know." Zinx replied, glancing at his watch. "It's...12 PM."
Nadia looked at the time herself, surprised they really had taken a lot of time. "We should head back, heal ourselves up, and go for lunch before getting to Route 8."
Everyone nodded, walking out of the vault and towards the elevator, Nadia pocketing the newly caught Mutagon, Angel hugging Torprey to death for evolving, and Dimpire still finding a way to perch himself on Zinx's shoulder, poking Zinx's cheek with his wing.
Somewhere in Roria, Vanta sits in the passenger of his truck, watching the landscape change out the window. Suddenly, he feels dread creep up his back, as if someone had unlocked a past he wanted nothing of.
"I feel like a noose just tightened around me..." He muttered, grabbing the attention of one of his guards driving the vehicle.
"What's wrong, sir?" He asked, about to stop the truck when Vanta stopped him.
"Nothing is of concern. Keep driving." He ordered. The guard nodded, trailing his eyes on the road again.
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