"Weather Alert. A sudden storm is heading towards the southeastern parts of Roria. Meteorologists are currently researching this anomaly and will update you as more is revealed. We currently advise that everyone in the aforementioned area stay at home and-if possible-do not go outside until the storm passes."
Nadia shuts the TV off as soon as the weather report finishes. She looks out the window and indeed, a storm looked like it was heading towards the quaint little town that is her home.
Oddly enough, she felt something was missing ever since her 13th birthday, as if a neighbor of hers was supposed to yell at her to wake up so they could get their first...
What was it called? Nadia didn't know, and no matter where she searched, nothing turned up a clue.
The storm didn't look like it was letting up anytime soon though, so the 13-year-old girl started recounting the recent Battle Theatre challenge that had been shown on TV. She hopes to embark on that journey to discover the world around her, but for now, her mother wants her to help with research on Loomian behavior with the seven that were in the lab already.
"Nadia! Can you come downstairs for a second?" Her mother calls from the kitchen. Nadia tears her eyes away from the window and walks downstairs.
"Hey, mom. What's wrong?" Nadia asks as she descends the staircase.
"Hello, sweetie. Your father called and he has some interesting news to tell you that regards his research. He would tell you now, but he'd rather that you see it yourself." Her mother replies before glancing at the LoomiWatch on her daughter's wrist. "Oh, I see you tried on the LoomiWatch? Here, let me help you set it up." She boots up the watch and let Nadia type in her name. The watch set up a digital ID for her, with a Loomipedia and many other features.
"There you go! Now I have something to do at the lab, you go see your father. Be careful out there!" With that, she runs off towards the laboratory. Nadia, heeding her mother's words, heads to the dig site located off the road, while also trying not to get drenched in the rain.
There, she spots her father and a man named Derrick inside the cave at the dig site. They were standing before a stone tablet.
"Oh, there you are, Champ! How are ya today?" Her father exclaims when he turned around, his perplexed expression replaced with a gleeful one.
"I just saw one of the greatest Battle Theatre Challenges ever! Both trainers were equally strong, but eventually, Ms. Naya beat the challenger! A quick Sharpen-and-Pilfer combo from Kleptyke finished them off!" Nadia suddenly grew excited while describing the battle. Her father chuckles at her enthusiasm.
"I'm sure it must've been as amazing as you say it was, like the other 87 battles you've watched." He laughed. "I have something to show you too. "
He gestures to the large stone tablet in front of them. The writing inscribed on it is indecipherable.
"While we were investigating this tablet, something phenomenal happened. To start, there was the storm. Me and Derrick were outside when this happened. Then the rain started pouring and we were forced inside the cave. All of a sudden, the words on that tablet started glowing and rearranged themselves."
"That's unbelievable, Dad." Nadia deadpans, causing Derrick to force out a snort.
"I'm serious. If you look closely, you would be able to see that this text is completely different from the one we previously recorded-" Her father cuts himself off as the ground beneath them began to shake.
The characters on the tablet began to glow one by one, before disappearing from the stone. Once the last character disappeared, the tablet cracked apart, with all the pieces flying off in different directions. The shaking then stops. Derrick looks at where all the pieces flew away, shocked.
"I don't believe this...The tablet just split up and flew away...All that research, gone in an instant..."
"This isn't good." The other man responds, "We weren't able to decipher the new text. However, the pieces of the tablet flew off in different directions. I believe someone-or something-didn't want us to translate it."
He looks out the cave. "That's odd. The rain stopped. I'll go ahead and tell your mother about this." He runs off, with Derrick trailing behind him.
Nadia takes a minute to look around her. There wasn't much in the cave, save for the large dent in the wall where the tablet used to be.
Seeing as there is nothing left to explore, Nadia quickly left the dig site to catch up to her dad at the Loomian Laboratory of Roria.
Inside, she is greeted by Derrick along with both of her parents.
"Hey, Nadia! I'm glad you made it back." Her mother smiles as she hugs her daughter.
"Hey, Champ! Good timing as always. I was just catching your mother up on what happened at the dig site." Her father says to her.
"Hey mom, dad." Nadia greeted the both of them.
"So, what you're saying is that the stone tablet you've been researching for months decides to act up around the same time that odd storm appeared." Her mother summed up her husband's findings, to which the latter nods in confirmation. "That couldn't be a coincidence..."
"The storm stopped after the tablet flew away, too. That couldn't be coincidental either." Nadia adds in. Derrick nods in agreement.
"I believe you're both right, it's all too conspicuous to be a coincidence. After all, right after the text rearranged themselves, the tablet broke up and the pieces were scattered in the wind. I didn't have time to entirely decipher the text before the pieces flew away."
Nadia's mother looks at him. "You told me the original text was deciphered just a few weeks ago. What did it say again?"
Her father took a deep breath and repeated the text: "It roughly translated to 'The creature's secret lies dormant within, until the day of awakening, it comes again.'"
"Ooh, ominous," Nadia whispered.
"Although, if I could somehow find the pieces and put them back together, I could decipher its new message. It might bear a clue to my investigations."
Nadia's mother asked, "Do you know where they could've gone?"
"No, I do not, they flew off in every direction. Who knows where they went..." The man laments.
"Wait a sec," Derrick interjected, "didn't you say that the tablet emanated a subtle, but unique energy signature?"
Nadia's father nodded. "Yeah, it interferes with our equipment when we were digging nearby. That was what led us to it in the first place."
"What if you fine-tuned that technology to detect the missing pieces? It could work as a radar using the energy waves emanating off of the stone to find them." Derrick suggested. His colleague's eyes lit up as he contemplated the idea.
"...Yes, that could very well work. If I had access to a satellite array, then I could emit a signal strong and wide enough to search the whole of Roria for those pieces. But where do I find a satellite array..."
He seemed to ponder for a moment before looking at his wife. The latter startles.
"You want to use my equipment?" She asks. Her husband nods in confirmation.
"Would you allow it?"
"Yes, of course, I'd want to see if this links to a Loomian I've yet to document."
"Excellent, thank you!"
"I do wonder though..." Nadia's mother trails off and contemplates, before starting again. "How'll you be able to operate the machine and search for said missing pieces out there at the same time?"
"That's...a very good question." On instinct (or out of trust of his colleague, or something else), her dad looks at Derrick. The man in question puts his hands up in defense.
"Whoa, don't look at me. My research days are coming to a close, I'm getting too old to go on adventures searching for spooky rocks..." Derrick sputters.
To his surprise, his colleague started laughing again. "No worries, Derrick, I didn't mean you...I actually had someone else in mind."
He looks at Nadia, then at his wife. "Sweetheart, how about letting Nadia search for those stones in my place? It'll help her have a feel for the region while also aiding me in my research."
"You know, that's an excellent idea!" She responds happily. "I've been thinking of entrusting a Loomian to Nadia for a while now, seeing as how they're so close to her. I want her to experience what I had when I was young!"
"Ah, yes, the life of a Loomian Trainer." Her dad turns to Nadia again. "How about it? Will you help me? Your mother will give you a Loomian of your own to help."
Nadia's response was immediate. "Yes! I wanna go see the outside world! Along with searching for those stones, does that mean I get to fight in Battle Theatres too?" She asks, excitement glowing in her eyes.
"Yes, of course. Pinpointing an exact location of each stone will take a while, so while we do our part, you get to battle your way through Battle Theatres."
Nadia practically exploded from the excitement of venturing out of the little town, as she wanted nothing more than that since she met the seven Loomians that resided in the lab.
"That's just about the biggest grin I've ever seen," Her mother chuckles at Nadia's enthusiasm. "I'm not surprised in the slightest. Follow me, we'll give you one of the Loomians here and have a quick battle."
"I'll start setting up here, then." Her father called after the two.
Nadia follows her mother to the place where the Loomians played. Her mother clapped her hands to get their attention. "Attention, everyone! You all remember Nadia, don't you? Come here." She watched as Embit, Dripple, Weevolt, Snocub, Vanbat, and Eaglit came bounding over to the two.
"Fevine, wake up, Nadia's here." The little green creature who was perched upon a rock woke from his slumber and slowly walked towards everyone else.
"Okay, Nadia, choose a Loomian you'd like."
Nadia stared at all seven Loomians, finding her decision a little hard. She had played with every one of them since childhood, and each held a special place in her heart.
After pondering for a while, she decides on one Loomian.
"I choose..."
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