Despite my objections, Gun, Goo, DG and Crystal joined the clean up.
"That's the last bag." Sebastian dusted off his hands as he came back in from the outdoor trashcan.
"Just in time! They're here!" Cody chirped jumping off the counter and tucking his laptop in his bag.
After a quick stumble, he made his way to his boyfriend's side.
"Here? Who's here?" DG asked.
"The replacements!"
"Replacements?" Gun asked confused.
"Yup! You didn't think we'd make you suffer our friends' consequences, did you?" Cody chirped.
"I hope it's not to intrusive." I said glancing aside.
"N-no, it's fine. I just don't want you guys spending money when I could pay myself."
"Oh it's fine, we know some people so we got a discount!" Cody threw an arm around Sebastian's shoulder and pressed their cheeks together.
There was a knock and it was opened by someone. I don't know who, I was to deep in guilty thoughts.
"Hey D, come on, let's get water for the movers." Cody took my hand and I blinked.
"Yeah, we don't know the layout of this place. Gun should stay here to direct them." Sebastian nodded and I nodded back.
I led the boys into the kitchen and we grabbed a few cups.
"He doesn't have disposable ones?"
"Nope. I dont know why but he just doesn't."
We filled the cups and I sighed.
"Thanks for getting The Clean Up Crew involved, Coco." I sighed and Cody smiled.
"No problem! You can do anything when you're a Guardian!" He whispered and winked.
"Don't feel bad YN, it wasn't your fault. Kurtis and Jordan just don't get along, we can't change that. Besides, it's our fault for not keeping a close enough eye on them." Sebastian said.
"Yeah, blame us! We let them go on accident so therefore, it's our fault."
"But if I had know Kurtis was in the basement, I could have stopped it before it happened."
"YN, those two are ticking time bombs. It's their fault, okay? Not yours."
"I should have known Jordan would do this. I should have gone down to check."
"Stop blaming yourself for the inevitable."
"Yeah, there's nothing we can do to keep those to at bay. There's only so much we can do to keep them apart. Especially since they're both top Guardians."
The Guardians...a group of the top 13 people in New Group.
There are seven people who each watch over a different continent, then there are the five agents that stay with me for the most part. I of course, am also part of The Guardians.
Hardly anyone knows of our existence. Most of the lower ranks haven't ever heard of us or just think we're stories made up to mess with them.
I don't know why they would think that but it's none of my concern.
"I was hoping that sending the five away for some time would lesson the tension between everyone." I sighed and put the waters on a tray.
"Yeah, I never understood that. I understand sending Kurtis to work in Germany and the surrounding countries as well as keeping Jordan in Korea to run his business, but why did you send US away?" Cody asked picking up his own tray.
"The tension between you and Julie. You guys started getting into to many disagreements. Having some time to yourselves was necessary."
"You know we're not supposed to be to far from you though. That was a risky move." Seb took my tray.
It's true. The five are here to guard me, whether that's from other people or to make sure I don't flip out on others.
"It was a calculated risk." I assured.
We walked out to the front room and set the trays down. I glanced at Gun and saw he was staring at me.
I looked away again.
He must hate me for ruining his house.
Not only did I ruin his house, but I also ruined my chances with him...
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