(Just a heads up, I thought Mira was Mari so if you see that, sorry! Also, in future chapters, I made a character named Cody. I first named him Chris so if you see Chris now you know!)
I walked into the class and glanced around. Everyone went quiet and stared at me.
"Class, this is YN Kim, try not to make her feel uncomfortable." The principal said before leaving.
Immediately, they began asking me questions. Where I live, am I rich, blah blah blah.
"Hey, leave her alone." We all turned to look at a group of kids. Everyone returned to their seats and I blinked.
"Hey, sit next to me!" A girl with brown hair smiled. "O-okay. Thanks." I smiled back shyly. "My names Mira. This is Zack, Daniel, Jay, and Zoe." She smiled.
"It's nice to meet you all." I smiled.
"I like you hair." Mira smiled.
"Oh, thanks. I got it dyed for today." I smiled and died inside. Whenever I get nervous, I say too much.
"What brings you here? What city do you come from?" Zoe asked.
"Uh, I-Um, hehe." I said nervously. I could feel my face get hot and I wanted to hide.
"So you like fashion?" Daniel asked.
"Oh, yeah. Although I'm not really sure what job I'm going into though." I shrugged shyly.
We talked until it was lunch time. Shit...where am I going to sit?!
"YN, aren't you coming? Sit next to me!" Zoe smiled and Mira beaconed for me to follow. Oh thank God! I got up and hurried after them. Both girls linked arms with me and led me to the cafeteria.
"Are you buying or do you have lunch already?" Zoe asked.
"Oh, I have my sandwich right here." I said and pulled my peanut butter sandwich out of my hoodie pocket. They all stared at me in shock and I blinked. What's wrong with my sandwich? I guess it is a little squished...oh God. Jay stood up and left in silence. Great first impression YN!
T^T X( <— *crying faces*
A tray was set down in front of me and I blinked as Jay sat down with his own tray.
"What's this?" I asked confused.
"What, for me?!"
Jay nodded.
"I can't accept this! I'm okay with a sandwich!"
"A welcome gift? Well, thank you Jay, really." I smiled. He nodded and I began to eat. This is much better than that plain old sandwich! We talked and a festival was brought up. Selling the boys as slaves and such. Apparently Daniel is pretty new himself, but already made so many friends!
After school I decided to walk home. What a great fist day! Ugh, but now I need to find a job.
Hiring Part Time
9 PM - 7 AM
Hmm...school starts at 8:30 so I'd have like, less than an hour to sleep, but I have to be there at 8:00. I began to bite the skin around my nails nervously and shook my head. I need the money. Desperately. How am I supposed to keep my grades up with only an hour of sleep? Oh please, I can probably do it. After ten minutes of walking and feeling envious of everyone who could take a car or bus, even though ten minutes is okay, I made it home. I opened the door and locked it once inside. I looked around and took a deep breath. It's not much but it's home. I have two blankets that I have, one to sleep on, one to cover myself. I have a little cracked sink that leaks, a washer machine that I can only use once a week to keep it from breaking and a small bathroom that you almost have to squeeze into. I'm not complaining though. It does it's job so I'm grateful.
I quickly got to work on my homework and hummed. Once I finished, I worked out for a bit and then ate a cup of ramen. What should I do?! I need money desperately to pay off so many things. If only that bastard-NO! Just stop. Cursing him won't do anything.
I sat down with some paper and hummed with concentration. Let's make a schedule to see what it would be like if I got the job.
8:00 AM-4:00 PM—school
4:00 PM-4:10 PM—walk home
4:10 PM-5:00 PM–homework, workout, eat, shower
5:00 PM-7:30 PM—sleep
7:30 PM-7:40 PM—get ready
7:40 PM-8:45 PM—walk to work
8:00 PM-7:00 AM—work
7:00 AM-7:05 AM—walk home
7:05 AM-7:30 AM—get ready for school
7:30 AM-7:50 AM—walk to school
This will only work if everything goes as planed. I wish I had more time to work out. Hmm...usually schools don't give that much homework so I can just do it in between breaks and at work. When things are slow and I'm done with homework, I could work out too. I move my shower to the morning. But I don't want to shower twice. That's a lot of time and water I'm wasting. We'll have to wait and see I guess.
I showered and put on a nice shirt and some jeans. Let's walk back to that store. I watched the buses and sighed. I would take one if I didn't have to save every penny I have. About 5 minutes later I took a deep breath and stepped into the convenient store. There was a short sort of heavy guy behind the counter.
"Welcome!" He said and I glanced at his name tag. Daniel. Huh, what are the odds.
"Um, hi." I smiled and he smiled back. Come on, you got this. Worst scenario, he says they're not hiring anymore. That's pretty bad! Shhh!
"Um, I had a question." I smiled nervously.
"How can I help you?" He asked.
"Uh, so, I saw the sign outside saying you're hiring. Is that still on?" I asked and I felt ready to pass out.
"Oh, yeah we are! You'd be working with me though." He said and I smiled.
"That's not a problem for me."
"I'll go get the forms. I'll be right back." He said and ran off.
This is extremely nerve wracking. One, I'm applying for a job, but now I'm also all alone in a store. I could grab a bunch of things and run. But I'm not like that, thank God. I read the labels on stuff until he returned.
"I'm sorry, it took a little to find them." He panted.
"Oh, that's fine." I smiled.
He smiled back and slid the papers over to me. "Just fill these out and return them when you can."
"Can I fill them out and give them to you right now?" I asked and he nodded. He passed me a pen and I leaned against the counter. A few of them made me nervous but I did my best to answer them as honestly as possible. There was a ding and we looked at the door. Some man walked in and bought some chips before leaving.
I handed in my papers and the two of us began to talk. I glanced at the clock and gasped.
"What's wrong?" Daniel asked.
"I lost track of time, I should get going. I'll see you tomorrow!" I said and he waved. Thankfully, I made it home safely and sighed. Time for sleep...
In the morning, I ate half a banana and got ready before walking to school. I hardly slept a wink. What's new? I entered the school and began to walk to class while finishing the other half of the banana.
"Damn, you see that girl eating the banana?"
"Yeah. I wish that was my dick."
The guys burst into laughter and I pretended not to hear.
"Wow, she's hot. Who is she?"
"She transferee here yesterday. She's in the fashion department."
"She's HELLA thicc. Should I ask her out? Do you think she's a slut?"
"With that body, she has to be!"
"Only one way to find out!"
Walk faster, walk faster, walk the fuck faster! Uhhhhhh! I quickly entered my class and sat down next to Mira.
"Hi YN!" She smiled.
"Hey, how are you?" I asked pretending I was okay.
We began to talk when an arm slither on my shoulders, resting on my right breast. Both Mira and I gasped and I looked to see who it was.
"Hey there baby. Jut call me your new boyfriend cause that's what I am now." He smirked. What the fuck? Was that supposed to be smooth?
"Uh, I'm really sorry but I think you have the wrong person." I laughed nervously and tried to find a way to get his arm off me.
"No baby, you're just my type."
"Hey, leave her alone." Zack snapped and he stood up along with Jay and Daniel.
"Fuck off, this has nothing to do with you." The pervert snapped before looking at me.
"I'm okay, thanks though." I frowned at the weirdo.
"I can change your mind in two seconds." He grinned and groped me. My eyes widened and before I could react, he flew across the room.
"Didn't your mom ever tell you to respect women?" A new man asked, another guy standing behind him.
"You broke my jaw!" The pervert shouted.
"No I didn't, now leave this girl alone or I will. You're a bad guy and I will defeat you."
He ran away and I looked at the new comers.
"Thank you." I smiled trying to calm my heart beat.
"Here." The guy handed me a chocolate milk box and I blinked before taking it.
"Thank you." I smiled.
"I found it in the streets."
"Vasco, Jace! What are you doing here?" Danial asked.
"I was just walking by when I heard the ruckus." The one called Vasco stated.
The chocolate milk was taken from my hand and replaced with a cold one. I looked and saw Jay walk away and throw the slightly warm one away. I blinked and felt awful knowing he spent money on me again.....But I have it now so I might as well drink it, right?
I popped in the straw and watched the boys talk.
Burn Knuckle. I've never met them face to face. I've watched from a distance and know about them, but they've never seen or talked to me. Vasco is kinda cute, not gonna lie. Jace has big ears. Jace turned to look at me and I blinked before smiling. He gave a tight smile before him and Vasco left.
"YN, you came at the perfect time! Next week is the auction!" Mira said trying to get my mind off the incident. Back to this topic again? Fine by me!
-a week later-
"If she wins...run like hell..." Hwan Kim warned Daniel. Huh?! Daniel looked at me as if begging me for help. I can't do anything, I got like, 25 cents! Instead I gave him two thumbs up.
I bit my skin around my nails nervously as she offered 1,000. Who on earth could beat her?!
"2,000 dollars." We all whipped around and gasped at the girl with her hand up. Is she insane?! Wait, she's the nice girl from the convenient store! She's rich? Who's that guy next to her? Brother? Boyfriend? Wait, why would she be buying Daniel for a date, right in front of her boyfriend? Would he not care? Is he loaded too? Most likely. Who are they?! The guy didn't seem to interested in anything. I looked him up and down and thought long and hard. He's definitely protective over her. He's confident, cocky...trained bodyguard? He reminds me so much of-NO! We're NOT thinking of that dumbass! Mr.Sunglasses turned and looked at me. Oops! I looked down and then glanced at Daniel.
"2,500!" Everyone looked back at Lala but I glanced at Mr.Sunglasses. You remind me too much of him, that ass. He looked at me again and turned my attention to the walking ATM.
"5,000." I choked and coughed. What the hell?! 5,000 dollars?! I-huh? But...what? I looked at Daniel and he looked just as shocked.
"That's it for the auction! Thank you so much, we hope you'll stick around for the performance later!"
I glanced at Jay who was trying to convince the girls to let him bid 10,000 dollars.
"Danny, Nooo!"
I blinked and glanced around confused. You girls can't really be crying because you couldn't buy him. Sigh. I looked back at Daniel and saw him mouthing to me, asking if I could accompany him. I nodded and made my way through the crowd. This will give me a chance to find out more about them.
Well this is awkward. Why are we just standing here and staring at each other. Sunglasses was staring at poor Daniel who looked ready to piss himself. Also, what's up with that bee looking ass outfit? And nice convenience store lady is in high school?
Hm, his body language tells me he's not her boyfriend. He doesn't give off the brother vibe either. So he's like, her protective friend?
"Ah...uh," I glanced at Daniel and saw the way he was looking at her. She is pretty so I can't blame him. I glanced at the sunglasses and saw him frown. Whoa there buddy...
"That other girl almost won but..."
"Hey you." She cut in making Daniel and I blink in surprise. "What's wrong with her? You think you're so hot? I think you're deluded..you think I bought you because I like you?!"
Daniel and I were left speechless. Where the hell did that come from?! She didn't even let him finish his sentence!
"Why the hell does he want me to keep an eye on them?" I heard her mutter and I looked at her confused. What did she just say? I couldn't have heard her right. Why would anyone be spying on us?
"Do not look down on others just because you're handsome." She snapped.
I looked at her completely confused and blinked.
"Let's go." She said and her bodyguard, or whatever he is, opened the car door.
"What the hell is her problem?" I asked and Mr.Bee looked at me. Mental note, don't mess with him. He's more dangerous then he looks. Hell probably fight anyone who tries to come near her.
"Just a sec!" Daniel shouted and reached out.
"Daniel, don't!" I shouted but it was to late. Mr. Bee grabbed his wrist and I swallowed nervously.
"That's enough. Who do you think you're going to touch?" He asked. Lord Jesus help me...
"H-hey, I'm sorry for my friend here...um, we'll just go now..." Sunglasses glared at me and I gulped.
"Let go!" Daniel shouted and pulled away. The bee and the bitch both looked shocked.
"This punk.."
"Daniel we should go now..." I said and my eyes widened as the angry bee was in the process of kicking Daniel. He was about to block it but the weirdo changed the angle in the blink of an eye. A Brazilian kick?!
I screamed and ran to Daniel's side.
"What the hell is wrong with you?!" I shouted at the man who ignored me.
"Good eye. You're a fun guy. Hmm..personally I'd like to let you go but...I have to listen to the person who's paying me.."
I blinked and looked up confused. Paying him? So I was right...he's her bodyguard.
"Your eyes are good. Or have I shown down? Don't think so.." He muttered and I looked at him in confusion.
"You have talent." He hummed and I looked at the bitch. Call him off!
"Just...just a sec! Gun, he said to just keep watch! You don't need to-"
"You received that instruction. I was said to make sure that no one touches you. And if someone tries to do so, I have to crush him." He said. I stopped trying to make sure Daniel was okay to look at Gun. What is going on?!
"Hey Sunglasses."
We all turned around to see Vasco walking towards us.
"Vasco, no!" I hissed but he ignored me. Of course he had to...
"What do you think you're doing? I saw everything..you punk."
"Vasco, whatever you're planning...don't..." I whispered but he ignored me once again.
"Whew-who are you? His friend?" Gun asked.
"Yeah. His friend." Vasco snapped. I glanced at Daniel who looked shocked. I guess he is the first one to call him a friend.
"...So," Vasco put down his chocolate milk down. Vasco, no... "Don't mess with him. Or you mess with me." He warned.
Just as he finished his threat, Gun punched him in the face. I screamed and jumped up in surprise, wanting to help but knowing I couldn't. "WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU?!" I shouted. "I'm calling the cops on you!"
Of course, I was ignored...am I invisible or something?
"Mess with you? Don't mind if I do."
"..Your glasses." Vasco whispered causing us all to go silent in shock. "Take them off."
"..Hah. I'm surprised again. Didn't that hurt? This school is really fun."
He took his sunglasses off...why do I feel like it's about to go downhill?
"Okay." Vasco said, taking his stand. "Here it comes."
Idiot, your nose! It's bleeding!
Gosh freaking damn it.
"Wait!" We all looked at the girl I once thought was nice. She grabbed his arm.
"He didn't lay a finger on me! Shall I tell him you've been fighting again?" I could tell she was worried. "Shall I ask him to send you back to your original place? If you go back, Goo will really like that!"
I choked on my own spit. Go back?! Go back where?! And with who?! Goo?! What?! I, but, if, but, no, so, huh?! No one really paid attention to me because we currently had a more dangerous situation on our hands.
"...You." Daniel seemed surprised to be spoken to. "I lost my reason. Since I haven't fought for ages...you can put your arms down now..I gotta tone it down now. I have to take the GED test." Daniel and I jumped in surprise. This asshole is a teenager?!
"Don't worry about the bid money. It's not my money and that's going to be donated anyways." She shrugged, crossing her arms under her breast. The money is the last thing we're worried about! And why is she pushing them up like a slut?! Does she think that's going to make everything okay?!
"Next time you see me, say hi." What the hell?! Neither of us want to see her again!
"Oh..and..sorry that he kicked you."
"Are you kidding me?! You think a simple sorry is going to make everything okay?! Seriously?"
She glanced me up and down curiously. "Do I know you?" She asked.
Excuse me? What the fuck did this bitch say? I rang up her shit countless times and she pretends not to know me because I'm below her?! Hypothetical! She says not to judge by looks but class is okay?! Agggghhh!
"No you don't, but that doesn't change the fact that you fucking pet just kicked and punched my friends for no reason other then he's a psychopath!" I shouted angrily.
"I feel like I've seen you somewhere." She hummed in concentration.
"Are you really going to act dumb now?!" I fumed.
"Oh, the conversation store!" She said and snapped her fingers. Ugh! This bitch!
"Yeah, I am." I practically snarled.
"I didn't recognize you." She said and I continued to glare.
"Okay, you recognized me, now fuck off bitch." I snarled. She narrowed her guys as if thinking. She nodded and left. I glared as they drove away and I looked at the boys.
"You two okay?" I asked.
Vasco collapsed and Daniel and I rushed to his side.
"You alright?"
"I can't defeat him. I need to become stronger. If we fight again, I can beat you." He told Daniel.
He's okay.
"Let's get back to the festival." I said and we helped Vasco to his feet. This was an interesting day.
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